the “art of building” (baukunst) of mies van der
... does not signify a supportive structure but “the art of framing construction,” in which linear elements are put together with joints and clad or infilled with lightweight material. Mies, calling the ideal of tectonic architecture “the art of building,” attempted to realize his art of building as an ...
... does not signify a supportive structure but “the art of framing construction,” in which linear elements are put together with joints and clad or infilled with lightweight material. Mies, calling the ideal of tectonic architecture “the art of building,” attempted to realize his art of building as an ...
extending the legacy
... goals that meet the needs of all stakeholders to the greatest extent possible. Third, responsible stewardship is sensible and uses public resources wisely. Every compliance negotiation must be reasonable and bear scrutiny from the standpoint of long-term government investment and commitment. Among m ...
... goals that meet the needs of all stakeholders to the greatest extent possible. Third, responsible stewardship is sensible and uses public resources wisely. Every compliance negotiation must be reasonable and bear scrutiny from the standpoint of long-term government investment and commitment. Among m ...
Zoning Ordinance 00-04 - the Town of DISH, Texas!
... depicting or describing "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas". ADULT THEATER -- "Adult Theater" means a theater, concert hall, auditorium, or similar commercial establishment which regularly features persons who appear in a state of nudity or live performances which are disti ...
... depicting or describing "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas". ADULT THEATER -- "Adult Theater" means a theater, concert hall, auditorium, or similar commercial establishment which regularly features persons who appear in a state of nudity or live performances which are disti ...
Building Regulations 2010 Technical Guidance Document M Access
... situations and without the need for adaptation, modification, assistive devices or specialised solutions, by persons of any age or size or having any particular physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual ability or disability.” Buildings should be designed so that they are easy for people to u ...
... situations and without the need for adaptation, modification, assistive devices or specialised solutions, by persons of any age or size or having any particular physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual ability or disability.” Buildings should be designed so that they are easy for people to u ...
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg Zentrum für
... This dissertation is the result of the input and inspiration of many people that have crossed my path in the past three years. First I would like to thank the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften and the WIN-Kolleg for their interest in my project the past three years. Without their funding and ...
... This dissertation is the result of the input and inspiration of many people that have crossed my path in the past three years. First I would like to thank the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften and the WIN-Kolleg for their interest in my project the past three years. Without their funding and ...
Music performance lab Architecture as a sensory conductor 1 ©
... FIG 5.9_three dimensional model indicating spatial relationship to circulation network render by Servaas de Kock FIG 5.10_Projected truss sketch exploring roof orientating responding to perpendicular grid logic drawing by Servaas de Kock FIG 5.11_Roof development sketch logic drawing by Servaas de K ...
... FIG 5.9_three dimensional model indicating spatial relationship to circulation network render by Servaas de Kock FIG 5.10_Projected truss sketch exploring roof orientating responding to perpendicular grid logic drawing by Servaas de Kock FIG 5.11_Roof development sketch logic drawing by Servaas de K ...
... 2.4 'Approved' means approved by the Lucknow Industrial Development Authority. 2.5 'Area' means the Lucknow Industrial Development Area. 2.6 'Authorised Officer' means an officer authorized by the Chief Executive Officer. 2.7 ' Atrium'- A sky lighted central area, often containing plants, in some mo ...
... 2.4 'Approved' means approved by the Lucknow Industrial Development Authority. 2.5 'Area' means the Lucknow Industrial Development Area. 2.6 'Authorised Officer' means an officer authorized by the Chief Executive Officer. 2.7 ' Atrium'- A sky lighted central area, often containing plants, in some mo ...
Tall Building Design Guidelines
... since the early twentieth century. In 1905, the steel frame of the Traders Bank Building at Yonge and King rose to 14-storeys to become the tallest building in the British Empire. Over the course of the following century, the form of tall buildings in Toronto continuously evolved, responding to chan ...
... since the early twentieth century. In 1905, the steel frame of the Traders Bank Building at Yonge and King rose to 14-storeys to become the tallest building in the British Empire. Over the course of the following century, the form of tall buildings in Toronto continuously evolved, responding to chan ...
Building Byelaws - Chapters 1-5
... notification no. 22,27 HI/18-11-28741/91 dated August 12/18, 19992 and no. 4471/77-42000-284 DHA-2-91 dated 9 Novmber 2000, in supersession of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority with the previous approval of the State Government hereby make the following regulations for the purpose o ...
... notification no. 22,27 HI/18-11-28741/91 dated August 12/18, 19992 and no. 4471/77-42000-284 DHA-2-91 dated 9 Novmber 2000, in supersession of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority with the previous approval of the State Government hereby make the following regulations for the purpose o ...
link to PDF - Nobel Center
... We are facing a major and exciting challenge! The Nobel Prize has been awarded for more than 110 years. Among the Nobel Laureates are fixed stars like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Ernest Hemingway and Martin Luther King, but also several hundred other amazing individuals, all of whom have “conferre ...
... We are facing a major and exciting challenge! The Nobel Prize has been awarded for more than 110 years. Among the Nobel Laureates are fixed stars like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Ernest Hemingway and Martin Luther King, but also several hundred other amazing individuals, all of whom have “conferre ...
... There are a number of factors that may be taken into account to identify or assume that asbestos is present in a workplace. These include: When was the building constructed? ...
... There are a number of factors that may be taken into account to identify or assume that asbestos is present in a workplace. These include: When was the building constructed? ...
Critical Look to the Developments in Architectural
... 3. How the architectural structures effect the architectural space? Hopefully the outcome of this research will be helpful for the designers in their design process. In other word designing the structure is the key to make any desire project. Especially those who seek to create new forms and archite ...
... 3. How the architectural structures effect the architectural space? Hopefully the outcome of this research will be helpful for the designers in their design process. In other word designing the structure is the key to make any desire project. Especially those who seek to create new forms and archite ...
Premises Standards - Disability Connections
... - the design or construction of the building (building developer), or - any of the matters in the Access Code, which provides the technical requirements for satisfying the Standards, that apply to the building other than matters relating to the design or construction of the building (building manage ...
... - the design or construction of the building (building developer), or - any of the matters in the Access Code, which provides the technical requirements for satisfying the Standards, that apply to the building other than matters relating to the design or construction of the building (building manage ...
The Florida State University Facility Program for Earth Ocean and
... Antarctic both above and below sea-level. It is supported by an operational grant from the NSF, Office of Polar Programs. The Facility houses over 20,000 meters of deep-sea core sediment and over 5,000 kg. of dredge, trawl, and grab samples. It is the largest such Southern Ocean collection in the wo ...
... Antarctic both above and below sea-level. It is supported by an operational grant from the NSF, Office of Polar Programs. The Facility houses over 20,000 meters of deep-sea core sediment and over 5,000 kg. of dredge, trawl, and grab samples. It is the largest such Southern Ocean collection in the wo ...
Renovating Existing Buildings
... To renovate the old or build something new? This question confronts many building owners. New construction in a vacant space obviously offers the advantage of building the right real estate to meet demands. Yet does this make sense in densely developed areas? In fact, an existing building offers sub ...
... To renovate the old or build something new? This question confronts many building owners. New construction in a vacant space obviously offers the advantage of building the right real estate to meet demands. Yet does this make sense in densely developed areas? In fact, an existing building offers sub ...
Tall Buildings and Elevators
... This paper addresses the evolution of tall buildings in their relation with structural systems and vertical communication systems. The main proposition is to take the historical development of structural solutions and elevator solutions to understand how both these aspects have shaped tall buildings ...
... This paper addresses the evolution of tall buildings in their relation with structural systems and vertical communication systems. The main proposition is to take the historical development of structural solutions and elevator solutions to understand how both these aspects have shaped tall buildings ...
Applying Energy Efficiency Provisions to New Building Work
... consideration of non–regulatory alternatives such as non–mandatory documents. This Handbook is one of a series produced by the ABCB. This series of Handbooks is being developed in response to comments and concerns expressed by government, industry and the community that relate to the built environme ...
... consideration of non–regulatory alternatives such as non–mandatory documents. This Handbook is one of a series produced by the ABCB. This series of Handbooks is being developed in response to comments and concerns expressed by government, industry and the community that relate to the built environme ...
Applying Energy Efficiency Provisions to New Building Work
... consideration of non–regulatory alternatives such as non–mandatory documents. This Handbook is one of a series produced by the ABCB. This series of Handbooks is being developed in response to comments and concerns expressed by government, industry and the community that relate to the built environme ...
... consideration of non–regulatory alternatives such as non–mandatory documents. This Handbook is one of a series produced by the ABCB. This series of Handbooks is being developed in response to comments and concerns expressed by government, industry and the community that relate to the built environme ...
article vi - Town of Granite Falls
... story building, 12 feet; for a split level residence, 8 feet on one-story side, 12 feet on the two-story side. Combined width of both side yards - for a 1 or 1 1/2 story building, 25% lot width; for a split level residence, 30% lot width; and for a 2 to 2 1/2 story building, 35% lot width. Minimum r ...
... story building, 12 feet; for a split level residence, 8 feet on one-story side, 12 feet on the two-story side. Combined width of both side yards - for a 1 or 1 1/2 story building, 25% lot width; for a split level residence, 30% lot width; and for a 2 to 2 1/2 story building, 35% lot width. Minimum r ...
Soft Story Retrofit Ordinance
... A clearly visible warning sign not less than 8" by 10", with the first two words printed in 50-point bold type and the remaining words in at least 30-point type: "Earthquake Warning. This is a soft story building with a soft, weak, or open front ground floor. You may not be safe inside or near such ...
... A clearly visible warning sign not less than 8" by 10", with the first two words printed in 50-point bold type and the remaining words in at least 30-point type: "Earthquake Warning. This is a soft story building with a soft, weak, or open front ground floor. You may not be safe inside or near such ...
Mia Müller 21031330 raining Centre for the Physically Disabled
... economically and socially integrate the disabled into, what is generally perceived, normal society. The Centre focuses on training people for specific skills required in the open labour market and specialises in food production and packaging for a specific target market. Locating the Centre on the inn ...
... economically and socially integrate the disabled into, what is generally perceived, normal society. The Centre focuses on training people for specific skills required in the open labour market and specialises in food production and packaging for a specific target market. Locating the Centre on the inn ...
... land and has done so since before 1st July 1948. Any ancillary object or structure fixed to a listed building is also treated as part of the building, again unless it is otherwise explicitly excluded in the list entry. That can itself raise difficult questions. Please see https://historicengland.org ...
... land and has done so since before 1st July 1948. Any ancillary object or structure fixed to a listed building is also treated as part of the building, again unless it is otherwise explicitly excluded in the list entry. That can itself raise difficult questions. Please see https://historicengland.org ...
Pre-Architectural Planning
... In an effort to better understand the operational and safety challenges that face the Highway Department staff, all highway personnel and supervisors were interviewed. Getting input from staff in all positions is critical in reporting the functionality of existing conditions of the facilities and pr ...
... In an effort to better understand the operational and safety challenges that face the Highway Department staff, all highway personnel and supervisors were interviewed. Getting input from staff in all positions is critical in reporting the functionality of existing conditions of the facilities and pr ...
October 24, 2003
... 2.02.6 Private Open Spaces 1. Sub-District A1 Only: Expanded Public Realm – In locations of an active building frontage, a larger activity zone adjacent to the sidewalk should be provided. This type of expanded public realm is a private open space and should be considered publicly accessible. Privat ...
... 2.02.6 Private Open Spaces 1. Sub-District A1 Only: Expanded Public Realm – In locations of an active building frontage, a larger activity zone adjacent to the sidewalk should be provided. This type of expanded public realm is a private open space and should be considered publicly accessible. Privat ...
studietur - Bygg uten grenser
... corridor of the main building down a flight of basalt stairs under the first level of the book stacks into a spacious foyer. This is where the locker room, computer indexes-laid on an articulated table, card index, professors reading room and librarians posting are set. The library is arranged so th ...
... corridor of the main building down a flight of basalt stairs under the first level of the book stacks into a spacious foyer. This is where the locker room, computer indexes-laid on an articulated table, card index, professors reading room and librarians posting are set. The library is arranged so th ...

An office /ˈɒːfɨs/ is generally a room or other area where administrative work is done, but may also denote a position within an organization with specific duties attached to it (see officer, office-holder, official); the latter is in fact an earlier usage, office as place originally referring to the location of one's duty. When used as an adjective, the term ""office"" may refer to business-related tasks. In legal writing, a company or organization has offices in any place that it has an official presence, even if that presence consists of, for example, a storage silo rather than an office. An office is an architectural and design phenomenon; whether it is a small office such as a bench in the corner of a small business of extremely small size (see small office/home office), through entire floors of buildings, up to and including massive buildings dedicated entirely to one company. In modern terms an office usually refers to the location where white-collar workers are employed.As per James Stephenson,""Office is that part of business enterprise which is devoted to the direction and co-ordination of its various activities.""Offices in classical antiquity were often part of a palace complex or a large temple. The High Middle Ages (1000–1300) saw the rise of the medieval chancery, which was usually the place where most government letters were written and where laws were copied in the administration of a kingdom. With the growth of large, complex organizations in the 18th century, the first purpose-built office spaces were constructed. As the Industrial Revolution intensified in the 18th and 19th centuries, the industries of banking, rail, insurance, retail, petroleum, and telegraphy dramatically grew, and a large number of clerks were needed, and as a result more office space was required to house these activities. The time and motion study, pioneered in manufacturing by F. W. Taylor led to the “Modern Efficiency Desk” with a flat top and drawers below, designed to allow managers an easy view of the workers. However, by the midpoint of the 20th century, it became apparent that an efficient office required discretion in the control of privacy, and gradually the cubicle system evolved.The main purpose of an office environment is to support its occupants in performing their job. Work spaces in an office are typically used for conventional office activities such as reading, writing and computer work. There are nine generic types of work space, each supporting different activities. In addition to individual cubicles, there are also meeting rooms, lounges, and spaces for support activities, such as photocopying and filing. Some offices also have a kitchen area where workers can make their lunches. There are many different ways of arranging the space in an office and whilst these vary according to function, managerial fashions and the culture of specific companies can be even more important. While offices can be built in almost any location and in almost any building, some modern requirements for offices make this more difficult, such as requirements for light, networking, and security. The primary purpose of an office building is to provide a workplace and working environment primarily for administrative and managerial workers. These workers usually occupy set areas within the office building, and usually are provided with desks, PCs and other equipment they may need within these areas.