The Trust Paradox
... What is trust? What make us trust each other in the first place? What is the relationship between trust and social change? And what goes on in the ‘black box’ where empirical observations are transformed into science? Questions like these have been on my mind for decades and are what finally led to ...
... What is trust? What make us trust each other in the first place? What is the relationship between trust and social change? And what goes on in the ‘black box’ where empirical observations are transformed into science? Questions like these have been on my mind for decades and are what finally led to ...
Trust as a Decision. The Problems and Functions of Trust in
... A journey, rewarding but sometimes tough, is about to finish. This journey can be divided into four periods. Because of the death of my loving father, the first period from 2000 to 2001 was the most painful time in my life and it was often more than difficult to concentrate on doing research. After ...
... A journey, rewarding but sometimes tough, is about to finish. This journey can be divided into four periods. Because of the death of my loving father, the first period from 2000 to 2001 was the most painful time in my life and it was often more than difficult to concentrate on doing research. After ...
Formal and Informal Network Coupling and its Relationship to
... research and theory has largely focused on the concept of organizational identification and the link between the self-concept and organizations. Identification results from a desire for group affiliation, occurring when work is a locus of personal identity and an object of emotional investment (Ashf ...
... research and theory has largely focused on the concept of organizational identification and the link between the self-concept and organizations. Identification results from a desire for group affiliation, occurring when work is a locus of personal identity and an object of emotional investment (Ashf ...
CIFE Modeling & Monitoring Trust in Virtual A/E/C Teams
... design, plan and build a facility, a large number of individuals from a variety of nationalities, cultures, professional backgrounds, and from many different companies must have enough trust in each other to do their job and trust others to perform theirs. Economists developed agency theory, based o ...
... design, plan and build a facility, a large number of individuals from a variety of nationalities, cultures, professional backgrounds, and from many different companies must have enough trust in each other to do their job and trust others to perform theirs. Economists developed agency theory, based o ...
Credibility and trust in risk communication
... their positions has polarized the public debate. In this situation aU parties. in particular the two opposing camps. rely on trust and credibility for their communication effort to impress the audience or even to influence their attitudes (Blair 1987; Zimmermann 1987). Credibility of information sou ...
... their positions has polarized the public debate. In this situation aU parties. in particular the two opposing camps. rely on trust and credibility for their communication effort to impress the audience or even to influence their attitudes (Blair 1987; Zimmermann 1987). Credibility of information sou ...
Law and Social Capital: Evidence from the Code Napoleon in
... 2008a; Algan and Cahuc, 2013).1 However, empirical findings of a causal impact of impartial enforcement institutions on norms of cooperation are almost non-existent. Identification is particularly difficult as initial cultural norms of a society starkly influence the shape of its institutions. In th ...
... 2008a; Algan and Cahuc, 2013).1 However, empirical findings of a causal impact of impartial enforcement institutions on norms of cooperation are almost non-existent. Identification is particularly difficult as initial cultural norms of a society starkly influence the shape of its institutions. In th ...
Reflected Knowledge and Trust in Global Collaboration
... knowledge is the information workers gain about the personal characteristics, relationships, and behavioral norms of their own site by interacting with distant collaborators. Reflected knowledge is acquired by ―becoming virtual to one’s self‖–learning to see one’s site and work relationships through ...
... knowledge is the information workers gain about the personal characteristics, relationships, and behavioral norms of their own site by interacting with distant collaborators. Reflected knowledge is acquired by ―becoming virtual to one’s self‖–learning to see one’s site and work relationships through ...
1 Does Inequality Erode Social Trust? Results
... trustworthiness, and the correlation between trust and inequality, inequality is likely also to be correlated with—and potentially a cause of—untrustworthy behavior. Thus, our second hypothesis: H2: People will express less trust some time after the onset of greater inequality. Third, perceptions o ...
... trustworthiness, and the correlation between trust and inequality, inequality is likely also to be correlated with—and potentially a cause of—untrustworthy behavior. Thus, our second hypothesis: H2: People will express less trust some time after the onset of greater inequality. Third, perceptions o ...
It hurts both ways: How social comparisons harm affective and
... downward social comparisons will influence cognitive trust differently. Downward social comparison information is likely to be perceived as especially valid and indicative of ability. As a result, it will decrease cognitive trust in the trustee, relative to a similar comparison. Upward social compari ...
... downward social comparisons will influence cognitive trust differently. Downward social comparison information is likely to be perceived as especially valid and indicative of ability. As a result, it will decrease cognitive trust in the trustee, relative to a similar comparison. Upward social compari ...
Elite Integration and Institutional Trust in Norway - DUO
... developed for explaining the prejudice and stereotype majorities hold about minorities. Delhey and Newton (2005) argue that this theory can be transferred to social trust: the greater the perceived similarity of other people, the more they are trusted. Similarly, I suggest that one mechanism through ...
... developed for explaining the prejudice and stereotype majorities hold about minorities. Delhey and Newton (2005) argue that this theory can be transferred to social trust: the greater the perceived similarity of other people, the more they are trusted. Similarly, I suggest that one mechanism through ...
The Moderating Influence of Broad-Scope Trust on Customer-
... Patterson, 2000) and is likely to be especially important in financial customer–seller relationships because financial companies have an implicit responsibility for the management of their customers’ funds and the nature of financial advice supplied (Harrison, 2003). Moreover, financial services are ...
... Patterson, 2000) and is likely to be especially important in financial customer–seller relationships because financial companies have an implicit responsibility for the management of their customers’ funds and the nature of financial advice supplied (Harrison, 2003). Moreover, financial services are ...
- ePrints Soton
... combined, this variety might also explain more of the within-group diversity outcomes. For this reason, we build on diversity faultlines literature, which proposes seeing team composition not from the perspective of a single attribute but rather as a complex composite of different team configuration ...
... combined, this variety might also explain more of the within-group diversity outcomes. For this reason, we build on diversity faultlines literature, which proposes seeing team composition not from the perspective of a single attribute but rather as a complex composite of different team configuration ...
Norms of Trust - The University of Sheffield
... to be such as is required, and to be true and appropriately informative. On the presumption that S is following the cooperative principle, A will thereby understand S to be telling him that someone else has been opening his mail. And there is room here for S to say truthfully that she didn’t say tha ...
... to be such as is required, and to be true and appropriately informative. On the presumption that S is following the cooperative principle, A will thereby understand S to be telling him that someone else has been opening his mail. And there is room here for S to say truthfully that she didn’t say tha ...
low self
... needs (Reis, this volume) is central in allowing people to prioritize connection over selfprotection. Concerns about a partner’s responsiveness arise when people are made to question the extent to which their partner will be responsive to them and can be elicited directly (e.g., during relationship ...
... needs (Reis, this volume) is central in allowing people to prioritize connection over selfprotection. Concerns about a partner’s responsiveness arise when people are made to question the extent to which their partner will be responsive to them and can be elicited directly (e.g., during relationship ...
Economic Profits Enhance Trust, Perceived Integrity and
... which were unknown to the participant at the start of the experiment. Each MR condition was assigned to two partners and the null condition was assigned to one partner. When the participant chose the 30 UEC investment and the partner chose to share, the average outcomes of each MR condition for the ...
... which were unknown to the participant at the start of the experiment. Each MR condition was assigned to two partners and the null condition was assigned to one partner. When the participant chose the 30 UEC investment and the partner chose to share, the average outcomes of each MR condition for the ...
- The International Studies Association
... the ‘Westernized’ dress of other Arab states (Barnett and Gause III, 1998: 167). These similarities have given rise to feelings of solidarity and the creation of an inside/outside distinction between the GCC states and the other Arab states, many of which are seen as a threat (Barnett and Gause III, ...
... the ‘Westernized’ dress of other Arab states (Barnett and Gause III, 1998: 167). These similarities have given rise to feelings of solidarity and the creation of an inside/outside distinction between the GCC states and the other Arab states, many of which are seen as a threat (Barnett and Gause III, ...
Trust and reciprocity: A theoretical distinction of the sources of social
... Coleman notes also that social capital is a public good, in that its benefits are appropriated by all those involved in a social structure, not only by those who invested in it. Thus, social capital is usually created and destroyed as a by-product or unintended consequence of individual rational act ...
... Coleman notes also that social capital is a public good, in that its benefits are appropriated by all those involved in a social structure, not only by those who invested in it. Thus, social capital is usually created and destroyed as a by-product or unintended consequence of individual rational act ...
Trust in Society - Russell Sage Foundation
... the significance of these bases of trust in various social settings. Toshio Yamagishi, for example, treats trust as based on social intelligence—a kind of intelligence that allows individuals to assess the degree of risk they may face in social situations when confronted with the possibility of inte ...
... the significance of these bases of trust in various social settings. Toshio Yamagishi, for example, treats trust as based on social intelligence—a kind of intelligence that allows individuals to assess the degree of risk they may face in social situations when confronted with the possibility of inte ...
Not On My Couch
... trust exist when the community’s trust network revolves around a common goal or particular application and when the individuals trusting each other share similar interests or traits. Trust, therefore, is positively related to homophily. In a social network analysis done with Dominik Batorski, we obs ...
... trust exist when the community’s trust network revolves around a common goal or particular application and when the individuals trusting each other share similar interests or traits. Trust, therefore, is positively related to homophily. In a social network analysis done with Dominik Batorski, we obs ...
Bo Rothstein (born 1954) holds the August Röhss Chair in Political
... was going to use the money to produce, would simply not be produced because there were too little taxes paid in the first place. Secondly, they believed that the tax authorities where corrupted, so that even if they paid their taxes, a significant part of the money would never reach the hospitals or ...
... was going to use the money to produce, would simply not be produced because there were too little taxes paid in the first place. Secondly, they believed that the tax authorities where corrupted, so that even if they paid their taxes, a significant part of the money would never reach the hospitals or ...
in PDF format
... was going to use the money to produce, would simply not be produced because there were too little taxes paid in the first place. Secondly, they believed that the tax authorities where corrupted, so that even if they paid their taxes, a significant part of the money would never reach the hospitals or ...
... was going to use the money to produce, would simply not be produced because there were too little taxes paid in the first place. Secondly, they believed that the tax authorities where corrupted, so that even if they paid their taxes, a significant part of the money would never reach the hospitals or ...
Trust in Transactional and Relationship Marketing
... This, in turn, precludes, or at least potentially compromises, comparison of research findings (Raimondo, nd). In the present paper, trust is considered as an element of social transactions, specifically in those concerned with exchange. This sociological perspective resonates with the classic paper ...
... This, in turn, precludes, or at least potentially compromises, comparison of research findings (Raimondo, nd). In the present paper, trust is considered as an element of social transactions, specifically in those concerned with exchange. This sociological perspective resonates with the classic paper ...
cultural theory of risk
... • Political conservatism correlates positively with confidence in business and negatively with government and public service ...
... • Political conservatism correlates positively with confidence in business and negatively with government and public service ...
How Does External Conflict Impact Social Trust? Evidence from a
... Trust within societies, known also as interpersonal or social trust, has been recently in the focus of attention of both political elites and social scientists. For example, Arrow (1974) emphasizes the role of trust as a social lubricant to cooperation and economic exchange. From a general social sc ...
... Trust within societies, known also as interpersonal or social trust, has been recently in the focus of attention of both political elites and social scientists. For example, Arrow (1974) emphasizes the role of trust as a social lubricant to cooperation and economic exchange. From a general social sc ...