A quantum-information-theoretic complement to a general
... Definition 2 (Relativistic computer). A relativistic computer in a MalamentHogarth spacetime hM, gab i is a triple hγp , γ, qi such that γ is an upwardinfinite future-directed curve fully in J − (q) of some event q ∈ M, γp is a timelike curve such that q lies on it and an initial segment of γp coinc ...
... Definition 2 (Relativistic computer). A relativistic computer in a MalamentHogarth spacetime hM, gab i is a triple hγp , γ, qi such that γ is an upwardinfinite future-directed curve fully in J − (q) of some event q ∈ M, γp is a timelike curve such that q lies on it and an initial segment of γp coinc ...
Fractional @ Scaling for Quantum Kicked Rotors without Cantori
... 2R 1 (or integer multiples thereof ), where R is the golden ratio. A subsequent study [7] suggested that a positive exponent L @ was associated with tunneling transport (favored by increasing @) while a negative exponent L @ was associated with dynamical localization where transport inc ...
... 2R 1 (or integer multiples thereof ), where R is the golden ratio. A subsequent study [7] suggested that a positive exponent L @ was associated with tunneling transport (favored by increasing @) while a negative exponent L @ was associated with dynamical localization where transport inc ...
Intensity and State Estimation in Quantum Cryptography
... The polarization rotation protocols are based on fundamental cryptographic primitives [10]. The protocol called iAQC [5] is a variant of three-stage in which Alice and Bob track the intensity of the laser beam at each stage making it possible to detect the intruder. But the drawback of iAQC lies in ...
... The polarization rotation protocols are based on fundamental cryptographic primitives [10]. The protocol called iAQC [5] is a variant of three-stage in which Alice and Bob track the intensity of the laser beam at each stage making it possible to detect the intruder. But the drawback of iAQC lies in ...
Macroscopic Distinguishability Between Quantum States
... as in many other, highly physical relevant cases, the macroscopic features of matter are given through the features of its quantum states, the question of quantifying those macroscopic properties given by many-body quantum states arises as a relevant problem in physics. In this study, we are interes ...
... as in many other, highly physical relevant cases, the macroscopic features of matter are given through the features of its quantum states, the question of quantifying those macroscopic properties given by many-body quantum states arises as a relevant problem in physics. In this study, we are interes ...
Detailed program - Ricardo Mendes Ribeiro
... as well as computational approaches to problems in these areas will be discussed. It will bring together a number of established experts as well as many talented young scientists to further explore and exploit the connections between many body theory, quantum information, and quantum criticality. In ...
... as well as computational approaches to problems in these areas will be discussed. It will bring together a number of established experts as well as many talented young scientists to further explore and exploit the connections between many body theory, quantum information, and quantum criticality. In ...
Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo method for fermions
... made for model Hamiltonians with local interaction, the real systems are described by the many-particle action of a general form. For example many non-local matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction do not vanish in the problems of quantum chemistry5 and solid state physics6 . For realistic descrip ...
... made for model Hamiltonians with local interaction, the real systems are described by the many-particle action of a general form. For example many non-local matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction do not vanish in the problems of quantum chemistry5 and solid state physics6 . For realistic descrip ...
Fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene
... The electrons in most of the conductors can be described by non-relativistic quantum mechanics but the electrons in graphene behave as massless relativistic particles, called Dirac fermions, though their speed is given by the Fermi velocity. The relativistic nature of the energy dispersion relation ...
... The electrons in most of the conductors can be described by non-relativistic quantum mechanics but the electrons in graphene behave as massless relativistic particles, called Dirac fermions, though their speed is given by the Fermi velocity. The relativistic nature of the energy dispersion relation ...