Realization of the Quantum Toffoli Gate with Trapped Ions
... vibrational mode. Such encoding may also help to simplify other complex quantum operations and map be applied to any system in which qubits are coupled via a harmonic oscillator. In addition, the Toffoli gate has an immediate practical application in quantum error correction. Here, depending on the ...
... vibrational mode. Such encoding may also help to simplify other complex quantum operations and map be applied to any system in which qubits are coupled via a harmonic oscillator. In addition, the Toffoli gate has an immediate practical application in quantum error correction. Here, depending on the ...
Quantum-assisted biomolecular modelling
... available. We discuss the current open questions in biomolecular simulation, how these might be addressed using quantum computation and speculate on the future importance of quantum-assisted biomolecular modelling. Keywords: computational biophysics; quantum computation; biomolecular modelling ...
... available. We discuss the current open questions in biomolecular simulation, how these might be addressed using quantum computation and speculate on the future importance of quantum-assisted biomolecular modelling. Keywords: computational biophysics; quantum computation; biomolecular modelling ...
EJP_NewCurr_Kohnle - St Andrews Research Repository
... the basics of complex numbers, matrix multiplication and eigenvalue problems for two-dimensional systems and Dirac notation in an ad hoc way, so as not to overload the student with a large amount of mathematics up front. The material can thus be used for self-study by anyone interested in learning q ...
... the basics of complex numbers, matrix multiplication and eigenvalue problems for two-dimensional systems and Dirac notation in an ad hoc way, so as not to overload the student with a large amount of mathematics up front. The material can thus be used for self-study by anyone interested in learning q ...
Universal quantum interfaces
... In other words, this procedure effects the generalized ‘‘YesNo’’ measurement on S having Hermitian Kraus operators cos(␥tG), sin(␥tG). This is the form of the most general minimally disturbing two-outcome measurement on S 关11兴. In Ref. 关6兴, it is shown how one can perform any desired generalized mea ...
... In other words, this procedure effects the generalized ‘‘YesNo’’ measurement on S having Hermitian Kraus operators cos(␥tG), sin(␥tG). This is the form of the most general minimally disturbing two-outcome measurement on S 关11兴. In Ref. 关6兴, it is shown how one can perform any desired generalized mea ...
Quantum Dots: Theory, Application, Synthesis
... difficult to produce as precise temperature control is required. Furthermore, the easiest semiconductors to make with this process (e.g. CdS, CdSe, CdTe) use cadmium, which is a heavy metal that is harmful to the environment and legally restricted in the European Union. Colloidal synthesis also has ...
... difficult to produce as precise temperature control is required. Furthermore, the easiest semiconductors to make with this process (e.g. CdS, CdSe, CdTe) use cadmium, which is a heavy metal that is harmful to the environment and legally restricted in the European Union. Colloidal synthesis also has ...