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... positive or negative topological charge. The question of topological charge is more complicated than it is usually referred to in literature. Short discussion on this matter may be found in [5]. Generally, singular lines may have complicated geometry [6 – 8]. In Fig. 2 versors n(s) are unit vectors ...
... positive or negative topological charge. The question of topological charge is more complicated than it is usually referred to in literature. Short discussion on this matter may be found in [5]. Generally, singular lines may have complicated geometry [6 – 8]. In Fig. 2 versors n(s) are unit vectors ...
The physics of manganites: Structure and transport
... important advantage of not being limited to low temperatures. Spin-valve devices have been used in the magnetic storage industry for several years now, in the form of magnetoresistive read heads. While the physical mechanism that produces the magnetoresistance is well understood, the technological c ...
... important advantage of not being limited to low temperatures. Spin-valve devices have been used in the magnetic storage industry for several years now, in the form of magnetoresistive read heads. While the physical mechanism that produces the magnetoresistance is well understood, the technological c ...
Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
... vacuum permeability. The lowest energy the ground-state energy, is reached for and parallel. Using Eq. (2.1.6) and one finds for one single electron ...
... vacuum permeability. The lowest energy the ground-state energy, is reached for and parallel. Using Eq. (2.1.6) and one finds for one single electron ...
Precision measurements of spin interactions with high density
... The journey for the Ph.D. wouldn’t have started and wouldn’t have been completed without the help of Vassilis Papakonstantinou. Vassilis has been a steady companion for more than 14 years, a friend who always manages to uplift me, and constantly encourages me to become a better person. I don’t have ...
... The journey for the Ph.D. wouldn’t have started and wouldn’t have been completed without the help of Vassilis Papakonstantinou. Vassilis has been a steady companion for more than 14 years, a friend who always manages to uplift me, and constantly encourages me to become a better person. I don’t have ...
Stimulated Scattering of Indirect Excitons in Coupled Quantum Wells
... because Mx is 5– 6 orders of magnitude smaller than typical atomic masses, the degeneracy temperature T0 for excitons is much larger than that for Bose atoms and reaches 1 K at experimentally accessible densities of indirect excitons in CQWs. In this Letter, we report an observation of a strong enha ...
... because Mx is 5– 6 orders of magnitude smaller than typical atomic masses, the degeneracy temperature T0 for excitons is much larger than that for Bose atoms and reaches 1 K at experimentally accessible densities of indirect excitons in CQWs. In this Letter, we report an observation of a strong enha ...
Interacting many-body systems in quantum wells: Evidence for
... important effect. These previous studies bring us to propose that excitons interact with electrons by short-range fermion exchange. At higher temperatures, 10 K and 20 K, the redshift of the trion resonance is not observed. At these temperatures, the homogeneous broadening of the electron distributi ...
... important effect. These previous studies bring us to propose that excitons interact with electrons by short-range fermion exchange. At higher temperatures, 10 K and 20 K, the redshift of the trion resonance is not observed. At these temperatures, the homogeneous broadening of the electron distributi ...
Magnetic optical scatterers and backaction Kwadrin, A. - UvA-DARE
... propagation direction and polarization, one can extend its validity to deal with more complex materials such as metals and birefringent crystals [3]. The only two regimes where the effective medium approach is taken to break down is when either features in the material distribution become atomic in ...
... propagation direction and polarization, one can extend its validity to deal with more complex materials such as metals and birefringent crystals [3]. The only two regimes where the effective medium approach is taken to break down is when either features in the material distribution become atomic in ...
Many Body Physics
... between these two ingredients leads to the richness of phenomena that we observe in everyday’s materials and which have led to things such useful in our daily life as semiconductors (transistors, computers !), liquid crystals (flat panel displays), superconductivity (cables and magnets used in today ...
... between these two ingredients leads to the richness of phenomena that we observe in everyday’s materials and which have led to things such useful in our daily life as semiconductors (transistors, computers !), liquid crystals (flat panel displays), superconductivity (cables and magnets used in today ...
Nitrogen-vacancy center

The nitrogen-vacancy center (N-V center) is one of numerous point defects in diamond. Its most explored and useful property is photoluminescence, which can be easily detected from an individual N-V center, especially those in the negative charge state (N-V−). Electron spins at N-V centers, localized at atomic scales, can be manipulated at room temperature by applying a magnetic field, electric field, microwave radiation or light, or a combination, resulting in sharp resonances in the intensity and wavelength of the photoluminescence. These resonances can be explained in terms of electron spin related phenomena such as quantum entanglement, spin-orbit interaction and Rabi oscillations, and analysed using advanced quantum optics theory. An individual N-V center can be viewed as a basic unit of a quantum computer, and it has potential applications in novel, more efficient fields of electronics and computational science including quantum cryptography and spintronics.