Raman spectroscopy of graphite - Institut für Festkörperphysik
... phonon wave vectors giving rise to the disorder-induced Raman bands are large compared with the extension of the Brillouin zone (Thomsen & Reich 2000). Thus, Raman scattering can be used to measure the phonon dispersion for wave vectors normally reserved to neutron or inelastic X-ray scattering, whi ...
... phonon wave vectors giving rise to the disorder-induced Raman bands are large compared with the extension of the Brillouin zone (Thomsen & Reich 2000). Thus, Raman scattering can be used to measure the phonon dispersion for wave vectors normally reserved to neutron or inelastic X-ray scattering, whi ...
Methodological Advances in Theoretical - ETH E
... The design of molecules which perform a particular, pre-defined function is one of the central goals of modern chemistry involving the fields of materials science to nanotechnology and from biochemistry to synthetic biology. An important example is the design of proteins or metal complexes that cata ...
... The design of molecules which perform a particular, pre-defined function is one of the central goals of modern chemistry involving the fields of materials science to nanotechnology and from biochemistry to synthetic biology. An important example is the design of proteins or metal complexes that cata ...
Few-cycle terahertz generation and spectroscopy of nanostructures
... with an optical thickness of 54 λo . At this thickness the absorption reaches more than 90% for an absorption coefficient of α = 1.335 × 104 cm−1 in GaAs at 800 nm (Palik 1985). This value is larger than that achievable for a GaAs layer without Bragg mirror due to intrinsic 30% reflection of the incomi ...
... with an optical thickness of 54 λo . At this thickness the absorption reaches more than 90% for an absorption coefficient of α = 1.335 × 104 cm−1 in GaAs at 800 nm (Palik 1985). This value is larger than that achievable for a GaAs layer without Bragg mirror due to intrinsic 30% reflection of the incomi ...
... Figure 3.2. Competing forces during pulling mode of atom manipulation on the periodic surface potential………………………………………………………………… 41 Figure 3.3 Pushing mode of lateral manipulation………………………………………. 41 Figure 3.4 Characteristic lateral manipulation signals………………………………….. 42 Figure 3.5 Illustration of v ...
... Figure 3.2. Competing forces during pulling mode of atom manipulation on the periodic surface potential………………………………………………………………… 41 Figure 3.3 Pushing mode of lateral manipulation………………………………………. 41 Figure 3.4 Characteristic lateral manipulation signals………………………………….. 42 Figure 3.5 Illustration of v ...
... Optical photons at higher angles have a larger effective photocathode thickness, and any optical photons reflected at one detector can be absorbed at the second detector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
... Optical photons at higher angles have a larger effective photocathode thickness, and any optical photons reflected at one detector can be absorbed at the second detector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Solid-State 23Na Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Sodium
... bulk electrolytes that stabilize surface charges on proteins and nucleic acids. However, recent discoveries have revealed that alkali metal ions also play unique structural roles in biological systems. For example, the presence of K+ or Na+ ions is critical in the formation of G-quartet structures i ...
... bulk electrolytes that stabilize surface charges on proteins and nucleic acids. However, recent discoveries have revealed that alkali metal ions also play unique structural roles in biological systems. For example, the presence of K+ or Na+ ions is critical in the formation of G-quartet structures i ...
Ultrasensitive absorption spectroscopy with a high
... for a given intracavity absorbance. The transmitted power level, on the other hand, is reduced by a factor of ⬃T兾2, or 2 ⫻ 104 for T ⫽ 100-ppm mirrors. Therefore moderately powerful lasers and sensitive detectors are certainly desirable to achieve high sensitivity with this method. In terms of the u ...
... for a given intracavity absorbance. The transmitted power level, on the other hand, is reduced by a factor of ⬃T兾2, or 2 ⫻ 104 for T ⫽ 100-ppm mirrors. Therefore moderately powerful lasers and sensitive detectors are certainly desirable to achieve high sensitivity with this method. In terms of the u ...
... siasm in the optical lattice projects. In spite of many initial technical difficulties, we could break through under her consistent and diligent leadership. I still vividly remember the moment when Gretchen and I finally observed the clock shift spectroscopy of the superfluid-Mott insulator transit ...
... siasm in the optical lattice projects. In spite of many initial technical difficulties, we could break through under her consistent and diligent leadership. I still vividly remember the moment when Gretchen and I finally observed the clock shift spectroscopy of the superfluid-Mott insulator transit ...
Two-dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensate in an optical surface trap
... Figure 2.1: Demonstrative description of a BEC. At high temperatures (A) the atoms in the weakly interacting gas can be treated as particles, whereas with lowering the temperature (B) the atoms develop a wavepacket character. When the temperature reaches the critical temperature (C) the de Broglie ...
... Figure 2.1: Demonstrative description of a BEC. At high temperatures (A) the atoms in the weakly interacting gas can be treated as particles, whereas with lowering the temperature (B) the atoms develop a wavepacket character. When the temperature reaches the critical temperature (C) the de Broglie ...
Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
... (Rossetti et al. 1983) were the first to outline the size-dependent properties of nanocrystals due to the quantum confinement effect. Since then, great progress in thefieldhas been achieved due to extensive studies performed by thousands of researchers throughout the world. The advances in the theor ...
... (Rossetti et al. 1983) were the first to outline the size-dependent properties of nanocrystals due to the quantum confinement effect. Since then, great progress in thefieldhas been achieved due to extensive studies performed by thousands of researchers throughout the world. The advances in the theor ...
Theoretical study of open-shell van der Waals complexes Anna V. Fishchuk
... interaction may be attractive or repulsive, depending on the orientation of the molecules. The dipole-dipole interaction is the leading term proportional to R−3 , the dipole-quadrupole interaction to R−4 , and the quadrupolequadrupole interaction to R−5 , etc. Induction is a second order energy, cor ...
... interaction may be attractive or repulsive, depending on the orientation of the molecules. The dipole-dipole interaction is the leading term proportional to R−3 , the dipole-quadrupole interaction to R−4 , and the quadrupolequadrupole interaction to R−5 , etc. Induction is a second order energy, cor ...
Full-Text PDF
... 2.1. Thermodynamics of Water Splitting The photon energy is transformed into chemical energy through water splitting giving a positive value of Gibbs free energy. On the other hand, photocatalytic degradation reactions are downhill reactions. This downhill-type reaction is known as a photoinduced re ...
... 2.1. Thermodynamics of Water Splitting The photon energy is transformed into chemical energy through water splitting giving a positive value of Gibbs free energy. On the other hand, photocatalytic degradation reactions are downhill reactions. This downhill-type reaction is known as a photoinduced re ...
Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy - Max
... limited to time scales of ∼ 1 s, which corresponds to the blink of an eye or the responses of the ear (∼ 0.1 ms), i.e. the natural observation techniques that dominated scientific inquiry until the 18th century. Some of the most famous demonstrations of these advances were for instance the time-reso ...
... limited to time scales of ∼ 1 s, which corresponds to the blink of an eye or the responses of the ear (∼ 0.1 ms), i.e. the natural observation techniques that dominated scientific inquiry until the 18th century. Some of the most famous demonstrations of these advances were for instance the time-reso ...
The crystal structures of synthetics Fe2(SO4)3(H2O)5 and
... homogeneous hydrated ferric sulfate [Fe2(SO4)3(H2O)x, reagent grade, Alfa Aesar]. The amount of water, x, in the ferric sulfate reagent, was determined to be ∼6.75 by a thermogravimetric analysis. The solution from which Fe2(SO4)3(H2O)5 precipitated was prepared by mixing 1.52 mL water, 0.48 mL sulf ...
... homogeneous hydrated ferric sulfate [Fe2(SO4)3(H2O)x, reagent grade, Alfa Aesar]. The amount of water, x, in the ferric sulfate reagent, was determined to be ∼6.75 by a thermogravimetric analysis. The solution from which Fe2(SO4)3(H2O)5 precipitated was prepared by mixing 1.52 mL water, 0.48 mL sulf ...
... composites, the anatase form is generally regarded as the more active phase in photocatalysis,1 especially for environmental applications2, despite rutile often showing superior photocatalytic performance in specific cases, such as water oxidation.4,5 This is further supported by its commercial appl ...
... composites, the anatase form is generally regarded as the more active phase in photocatalysis,1 especially for environmental applications2, despite rutile often showing superior photocatalytic performance in specific cases, such as water oxidation.4,5 This is further supported by its commercial appl ...
Full Article PDF - Advanced Materials Letters
... growing smaller or larger in the form of various nanostructures more likely; nanoparticles, nanowires, nanocubes and nanorods etc. Therefore, morphology and perhaps size of the nanomaterial can be tuned by varying the processing temperature. At higher temperature, the crystallites in the nanorods an ...
... growing smaller or larger in the form of various nanostructures more likely; nanoparticles, nanowires, nanocubes and nanorods etc. Therefore, morphology and perhaps size of the nanomaterial can be tuned by varying the processing temperature. At higher temperature, the crystallites in the nanorods an ...
The Strontium Optical Lattice Clock
... One of the most well-developed applications of coherent interaction with atoms is atomic frequency standards and clocks. Atomic clocks find significant roles in a number of scientific and technological settings. State-of-the-art, laser-cooled, Cs-fountain microwave clocks have demonstrated impressiv ...
... One of the most well-developed applications of coherent interaction with atoms is atomic frequency standards and clocks. Atomic clocks find significant roles in a number of scientific and technological settings. State-of-the-art, laser-cooled, Cs-fountain microwave clocks have demonstrated impressiv ...
The Strontium Optical Lattice Clock
... One of the most well-developed applications of coherent interaction with atoms is atomic frequency standards and clocks. Atomic clocks find significant roles in a number of scientific and technological settings. State-of-the-art, laser-cooled, Cs-fountain microwave clocks have demonstrated impressiv ...
... One of the most well-developed applications of coherent interaction with atoms is atomic frequency standards and clocks. Atomic clocks find significant roles in a number of scientific and technological settings. State-of-the-art, laser-cooled, Cs-fountain microwave clocks have demonstrated impressiv ...
A study on optical absorption and constants of doped poly(ethylene
... electrochemical device applications. Nowadays they are successfully used in high energy density rechargeable batteries, full cells integrated optical devices, and electrochromic displays [5,6]. Sodium iodide is a white, crystalline salt with good properties and high luminescence efficiency. It is use ...
... electrochemical device applications. Nowadays they are successfully used in high energy density rechargeable batteries, full cells integrated optical devices, and electrochromic displays [5,6]. Sodium iodide is a white, crystalline salt with good properties and high luminescence efficiency. It is use ...
Attosecond real time observation of ionization and electron
... and the light field and becomes larger for weakly bound states. The shift in energy of the bound states can sweep them near to a resonance or even into resonance with the light electric field. The analysis of the rather complex experimental signature of this fact can be found for the example of Hydr ...
... and the light field and becomes larger for weakly bound states. The shift in energy of the bound states can sweep them near to a resonance or even into resonance with the light electric field. The analysis of the rather complex experimental signature of this fact can be found for the example of Hydr ...
Rubidium Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices Gretchen K
... into a moving optical lattice with adjustable quasimomentum k0 . As the value for k0 was varied, we observed elastic scattering into two distinct final momentum states k1 and k2 . When a small fraction of atoms was first transferred to k1 before ramping on the lattice, we observed the amplification ...
... into a moving optical lattice with adjustable quasimomentum k0 . As the value for k0 was varied, we observed elastic scattering into two distinct final momentum states k1 and k2 . When a small fraction of atoms was first transferred to k1 before ramping on the lattice, we observed the amplification ...
+2 - h2ochem
... 2. Check to see if charges are balanced. (If so, skip to step 5) 3. Balance charges , if necessary, using subscripts. A. Cross over the charges by using the absolute value of each ion’s charge as the subscript for the other ion. B. Use parentheses if you need more than one of a polyatomic ion. 4. Ch ...
... 2. Check to see if charges are balanced. (If so, skip to step 5) 3. Balance charges , if necessary, using subscripts. A. Cross over the charges by using the absolute value of each ion’s charge as the subscript for the other ion. B. Use parentheses if you need more than one of a polyatomic ion. 4. Ch ...
RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report
... started this year and are expected to be more extensive in future. In addition to these, experiment has also started to solve a long-standing puzzle on low angular momentum cutoff in fusion reactions. Atomic Processes Laboratory was organized in April, 1983, to promote research works on atomic physi ...
... started this year and are expected to be more extensive in future. In addition to these, experiment has also started to solve a long-standing puzzle on low angular momentum cutoff in fusion reactions. Atomic Processes Laboratory was organized in April, 1983, to promote research works on atomic physi ...
Ultrafast Carrier and Lattice Dynamics in Highly
... skills paired with a sixth sense for picking the “right” graduate students enable him to create an extremely collegial and friendly environment in his research group. Throughout the years in Eric’s group I was always happy to go to “lab” in the morning — even if it was not for the work sometimes, it ...
... skills paired with a sixth sense for picking the “right” graduate students enable him to create an extremely collegial and friendly environment in his research group. Throughout the years in Eric’s group I was always happy to go to “lab” in the morning — even if it was not for the work sometimes, it ...
Alkyl Chain Length Dependence of the Dynamics and Structure in
... hydrocarbons and thus is located in the ionic regions of the liquids. The CN stretch of SeCN− has a long vibrational lifetime (>100 ps), which makes it possible to perform the time-dependent experiments over a substantial time range, from less than a picosecond to several hundred picoseconds. Becaus ...
... hydrocarbons and thus is located in the ionic regions of the liquids. The CN stretch of SeCN− has a long vibrational lifetime (>100 ps), which makes it possible to perform the time-dependent experiments over a substantial time range, from less than a picosecond to several hundred picoseconds. Becaus ...
Mössbauer spectroscopy

Mössbauer spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique based on the Mössbauer effect. This effect, discovered by Rudolf Mössbauer in 1957, consists in the recoil-free, resonant absorption and emission of gamma rays in solids.Like NMR spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy probes tiny changes in the energy levels of an atomic nucleus in response to its environment. Typically, three types of nuclear interactions may be observed: an isomeric shift, also known as a chemical shift; quadrupole splitting; and magnetic or hyperfine splitting, also known as the Zeeman effect. Due to the high energy and extremely narrow line widths of gamma rays, Mössbauer spectroscopy is a very sensitive technique in terms of energy (and hence frequency) resolution, capable of detecting change in just a few parts per 1011.