Relationship Between Major Eruptions and Large Earthquakes: A
... Fig. 3 Time - distance relationship between volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes in Japan and Indonesia. The 4253H method [16] indicates that if magnitude is less than or equal to 7.4, average time duration between eruptions and earthquakes remain unchanged. Average time duration between eruptio ...
... Fig. 3 Time - distance relationship between volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes in Japan and Indonesia. The 4253H method [16] indicates that if magnitude is less than or equal to 7.4, average time duration between eruptions and earthquakes remain unchanged. Average time duration between eruptio ...
An empirical study of the distribution of earthquakes with respect to
... resistance to a change in sliding velocity includes an instantaneous response followed by an evolution with slip distance. This behavior is characterized by two material property constants, a and b, respectively. The steady-state velocity dependence of the friction coefficient is characterized by (a ...
... resistance to a change in sliding velocity includes an instantaneous response followed by an evolution with slip distance. This behavior is characterized by two material property constants, a and b, respectively. The steady-state velocity dependence of the friction coefficient is characterized by (a ...
Spatial clustering and repeating of seismic events observed along
... earthquakes (0.3 < ML < 5.0) occurring between 10/2001 and 12/2006. Only earthquakes inside the box were relocated. Upper inset illustrates the bend of the Tangshan fault with the arrow indicating the eastward motion of the North China basin relative to the stable Eurasia that is indicated by the cr ...
... earthquakes (0.3 < ML < 5.0) occurring between 10/2001 and 12/2006. Only earthquakes inside the box were relocated. Upper inset illustrates the bend of the Tangshan fault with the arrow indicating the eastward motion of the North China basin relative to the stable Eurasia that is indicated by the cr ...
Magnetic storm free ULF analysis in relation with earthquakes in
... In terms of the Tohoku earthquake, the phenomena (i.e. decrease of the cross correlation values) that appeared about 5 days before this grave event are observed at 8 stations, which are located about 2500 km away from the epicenter. The values (∼0.6; also see Fig. A6 in Appendix), which suggest seis ...
... In terms of the Tohoku earthquake, the phenomena (i.e. decrease of the cross correlation values) that appeared about 5 days before this grave event are observed at 8 stations, which are located about 2500 km away from the epicenter. The values (∼0.6; also see Fig. A6 in Appendix), which suggest seis ...
Postseismic stress transfer explains time clustering of large
... seismic stage progressively vanishes. The corresponding relaxed stress after the postseismic relaxation becomes controlled by a dislocation of length L with an in¢nite width. This new fault scaling leads to values of 5^20 bar for L values ranging from 300 km to 75 km when replacing L by W in Eq. 3. ...
... seismic stage progressively vanishes. The corresponding relaxed stress after the postseismic relaxation becomes controlled by a dislocation of length L with an in¢nite width. This new fault scaling leads to values of 5^20 bar for L values ranging from 300 km to 75 km when replacing L by W in Eq. 3. ...
Research on the Seismic Activity of the Lower Yangtze River
... in different periods in the Lower Yangtze River-South Yellow Sea Seismic Zone The V 4 value,the annual mean occurrence rate of earthquakes with magnitudes more than 4. 0,represents the seismic activity level in a certain region. It is demonstrated in the research that V 4 represents the expected val ...
... in different periods in the Lower Yangtze River-South Yellow Sea Seismic Zone The V 4 value,the annual mean occurrence rate of earthquakes with magnitudes more than 4. 0,represents the seismic activity level in a certain region. It is demonstrated in the research that V 4 represents the expected val ...
Full Scale Dynamic Behaviour of a RC-building under low to
... Since the 30s, earthquake engineers have recorded and studied the ambient vibrations of buildings (Carder, 1936). They were especially interested in the resonance frequencies for design code and engineering purposes (e.g. Housner and Brady, 1963). In the 60s and 70s, new forcing methods (explosion, ...
... Since the 30s, earthquake engineers have recorded and studied the ambient vibrations of buildings (Carder, 1936). They were especially interested in the resonance frequencies for design code and engineering purposes (e.g. Housner and Brady, 1963). In the 60s and 70s, new forcing methods (explosion, ...
Seismic Analysis and Retrofit Design of a Historic
... A local utility company issued a Request for Proposal to our university’s capstone program for the structural evaluation and seismic retrofit of one of their substation control buildings (hereafter referred to as the “Building”) which was built before official seismic design provisions existed. Due ...
... A local utility company issued a Request for Proposal to our university’s capstone program for the structural evaluation and seismic retrofit of one of their substation control buildings (hereafter referred to as the “Building”) which was built before official seismic design provisions existed. Due ...
... short periods of paroxysmal activity in 1157-1202, 1404-1407, 1759-1796, about 200 to 350 years apart. Assuming equal probability of earthquake occurrence anywhere along this stretch, the conservative return period of 200 years, taken to correspond to the maximum earthquake of magnitude 7.5, is equi ...
... short periods of paroxysmal activity in 1157-1202, 1404-1407, 1759-1796, about 200 to 350 years apart. Assuming equal probability of earthquake occurrence anywhere along this stretch, the conservative return period of 200 years, taken to correspond to the maximum earthquake of magnitude 7.5, is equi ...
PDF only
... We chose to study mainly earthquakes in middle latitudes in East Asia (China and Japan) where the statistical sample of strong earthquakes is remarkable and the background intensity is relatively high (see below “Remarks over Greece”). In these areas EBs have certain common characteristics. Our inve ...
... We chose to study mainly earthquakes in middle latitudes in East Asia (China and Japan) where the statistical sample of strong earthquakes is remarkable and the background intensity is relatively high (see below “Remarks over Greece”). In these areas EBs have certain common characteristics. Our inve ...
Induced Seismic Events in Kentucky
... from large events propagating along the ground surface create a ground-motion hazard that can damage buildings and other structures or even result in their collapse. As studies have shown (Street and others, 2002; Davis and others, 2013; National Research Council, 2013), very few induced seismic eve ...
... from large events propagating along the ground surface create a ground-motion hazard that can damage buildings and other structures or even result in their collapse. As studies have shown (Street and others, 2002; Davis and others, 2013; National Research Council, 2013), very few induced seismic eve ...
Seismicity in the northeast area of Izu Peninsula, Japan, comparing
... area (Fig. 1). This area includes the Hakone and Yugawara volcanoes, and the Kozu–Matsuda fault system (KM on Fig. 1) which is considered as the convergent plate boundary. The tectonics in this area should be responsible for a complicated hypocenter distribution. Fig. 2a shows a seismicity map of th ...
... area (Fig. 1). This area includes the Hakone and Yugawara volcanoes, and the Kozu–Matsuda fault system (KM on Fig. 1) which is considered as the convergent plate boundary. The tectonics in this area should be responsible for a complicated hypocenter distribution. Fig. 2a shows a seismicity map of th ...
A BIM-Based Framework for Forecasting and Visualizing Seismic
... of any design decision is essential, in order to facilitate the commitment of the necessary funds. Unfortunately, current practice limits the information exchanged between owners and engineers to a handful of numbers, which are usually meaningless to the clients. Even when attempts are made to appro ...
... of any design decision is essential, in order to facilitate the commitment of the necessary funds. Unfortunately, current practice limits the information exchanged between owners and engineers to a handful of numbers, which are usually meaningless to the clients. Even when attempts are made to appro ...
Tromp et al. 2010 - ShakeMovie Global
... with crustal model Crust2.0. The 1-D and 3-D synthetics for more than 1800 seismographic stations operated by members of the international Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks are made available via the internet (global.shakemovie.princeton.edu) and the Incorporated Research Institutions for S ...
... with crustal model Crust2.0. The 1-D and 3-D synthetics for more than 1800 seismographic stations operated by members of the international Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks are made available via the internet (global.shakemovie.princeton.edu) and the Incorporated Research Institutions for S ...
On the recurrence of great subduction zone earthquakes
... substantial variations between earthquake ruptures within an individual subduction zone as well as from one zone to another. Some subduction zones are known to generate thrust events of Mw > 9, whereas some others host only earthquakes of magnitude 7–8. For example, the subduction zones of southern ...
... substantial variations between earthquake ruptures within an individual subduction zone as well as from one zone to another. Some subduction zones are known to generate thrust events of Mw > 9, whereas some others host only earthquakes of magnitude 7–8. For example, the subduction zones of southern ...
Application of Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern Recognition
... alluvial valleys. The main elements and related data involved in the risk evaluation for a triangular valley are the following: • the “shape” of the valley that can be characterized by geometrical features; • the “sediment basin” (i.e., the soil underlying the valley) and the “bedrock” that can be c ...
... alluvial valleys. The main elements and related data involved in the risk evaluation for a triangular valley are the following: • the “shape” of the valley that can be characterized by geometrical features; • the “sediment basin” (i.e., the soil underlying the valley) and the “bedrock” that can be c ...
Improvement of Methods for Earthquake
... are documented with landslides reports due to sparsely inhabited and uncultured situation. The data used for affected area analysis in this paper is shown in Table 1. This data includes earthquake with magnitude from Ms6.0 to 7.75. Of these data, only Luhuo earthquake which occurred on Feb. 6, 1973 ...
... are documented with landslides reports due to sparsely inhabited and uncultured situation. The data used for affected area analysis in this paper is shown in Table 1. This data includes earthquake with magnitude from Ms6.0 to 7.75. Of these data, only Luhuo earthquake which occurred on Feb. 6, 1973 ...
Local Magnitude Study of the Seismic Activity on Itacarambi, MG
... The analyzed seismic data were collected in digital form by the Seismological Observatory at the University of Brasília. The SAC software was used for the reading and processing of these digital seismic records [8]. A total of 451 seismic events were analyzed with the objective of obtaining the valu ...
... The analyzed seismic data were collected in digital form by the Seismological Observatory at the University of Brasília. The SAC software was used for the reading and processing of these digital seismic records [8]. A total of 451 seismic events were analyzed with the objective of obtaining the valu ...
... s simulations of deep in-slab earthquakes. Fig. 3 shows that the largest simulated ground motions always occur NW of the source location due to the Nisqually source character (Fig. 2), causing a significant difference in the amplitude and pattern of the resulting ground motion with source location. ...
... s simulations of deep in-slab earthquakes. Fig. 3 shows that the largest simulated ground motions always occur NW of the source location due to the Nisqually source character (Fig. 2), causing a significant difference in the amplitude and pattern of the resulting ground motion with source location. ...
Seismic intensity map and typical structural damage of 2010 Ms 7.1
... complete damage) and gives a description of each one. Most of the surveyed buildings are one- and two-story adobe and stone structures constructed without considering the effects of possible earthquakes. Referring to the 2008 version of the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale (GB/T 17742-2008), the surv ...
... complete damage) and gives a description of each one. Most of the surveyed buildings are one- and two-story adobe and stone structures constructed without considering the effects of possible earthquakes. Referring to the 2008 version of the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale (GB/T 17742-2008), the surv ...
ISNS 4359 Earthquakes and Volcanoes
... powerful earthquake ever recorded, created large tsunami • Three waves, each successively larger, hit Chilean coast, killing 1,000 Chileans • Adequate warning was given in Hawaii but 61 people killed • Tsunami continued to Japan, killing 185 people • Could continue to be measured in Pacific Ocean fo ...
... powerful earthquake ever recorded, created large tsunami • Three waves, each successively larger, hit Chilean coast, killing 1,000 Chileans • Adequate warning was given in Hawaii but 61 people killed • Tsunami continued to Japan, killing 185 people • Could continue to be measured in Pacific Ocean fo ...
Electric field and infrared radiation in the troposphere
... of the degree of ionisation. Observations of ionized regions in the atmosphere are recently performed by radiolocation. Atmospheric disturbances above the earthquake preparation areas found by radiolocation experiments are analysed, e.g. in the works of Voinov et al. (1992) and Slivinskiy et al. (20 ...
... of the degree of ionisation. Observations of ionized regions in the atmosphere are recently performed by radiolocation. Atmospheric disturbances above the earthquake preparation areas found by radiolocation experiments are analysed, e.g. in the works of Voinov et al. (1992) and Slivinskiy et al. (20 ...
Volcanic Eruptions, Real-Time Forecasting of
... increase in the stresses driving deformation, such as increasing magma pressure or flank deformation; (2) progressive material weakening (damage) of the volcanic edifice such that deformation rates increase at a constant driving stress; (3) an increased proportion of the brittle component of deformati ...
... increase in the stresses driving deformation, such as increasing magma pressure or flank deformation; (2) progressive material weakening (damage) of the volcanic edifice such that deformation rates increase at a constant driving stress; (3) an increased proportion of the brittle component of deformati ...
Evaluation of seismic stability for mud houses based on
... the Himalayan collision zone in the north, the IndoBurmese arc in the north-east, the Andaman Sumatra trench in the south-east and failed rift zones in the interior areas of the country. In spite of these hardcore facts, the subcontinental regions away from the Himalayas and other inter-plate bounda ...
... the Himalayan collision zone in the north, the IndoBurmese arc in the north-east, the Andaman Sumatra trench in the south-east and failed rift zones in the interior areas of the country. In spite of these hardcore facts, the subcontinental regions away from the Himalayas and other inter-plate bounda ...
Global Strategy of JCI on ISO Standard for Seismic Evaluation and
... Earthquakes that cause damage to structures occur frequently in many areas of the world. Especially, heavy damage by earthquakes concentrates in vulnerable structures and vulnerable parts. As the result of the direct action of earthquakes, RC structures may collapse or overturn in earthquake prone a ...
... Earthquakes that cause damage to structures occur frequently in many areas of the world. Especially, heavy damage by earthquakes concentrates in vulnerable structures and vulnerable parts. As the result of the direct action of earthquakes, RC structures may collapse or overturn in earthquake prone a ...
2009 L'Aquila earthquake

The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake occurred in the region of Abruzzo, in central Italy. The main shock occurred at 03:32 CEST (01:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 or 5.9 on the Richter scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale; its epicentre was near L'Aquila, the capital of Abruzzo, which together with surrounding villages suffered most damage. There have been several thousand foreshocks and aftershocks since December 2008, more than thirty of which had a Richter magnitude greater than 3.5.The earthquake was felt throughout central Italy; 308 people are known to have died, making this the deadliest earthquake to hit Italy since the 1980 Irpinia earthquake. In a subsequent inquiry of the handling of the disaster, seven members of the Italian National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks were accused of giving ""inexact, incomplete and contradictory"" information about the danger of the tremors prior to the main quake.On 22 October 2012, six scientists and one ex-government official were convicted of multiple manslaughter for downplaying the likelihood of a major earthquake six days before it took place. They were each sentenced to six years' imprisonment. On 10 November 2014, the scientists convicted of manslaughter for failing to predict the deadly earthquake have had the verdict overturned. Some people say that science itself had been put on trial. Criticism was also applied to poor building standards that led to the failure of many modern buildings in a known earthquake zone: an official at Italy's Civil Protection Agency, Franco Barberi, said that ""in California, an earthquake like this one would not have killed a single person"".