Handbook for Evaluating Infrastructure Regulatory Systems
... Around the world, governments perform three main functions: they tax, they spend, and they regulate. And of those three functions, regulation is the least understood. It should not be surprising that regulation can produce harmful effects when it is poorly designed or executed. For example, an annua ...
... Around the world, governments perform three main functions: they tax, they spend, and they regulate. And of those three functions, regulation is the least understood. It should not be surprising that regulation can produce harmful effects when it is poorly designed or executed. For example, an annua ...
Detailed explanation of new law - Federal Register of Legislation
... have appeared in the law, determinacy has been lacking, tax anomalies and distortions have emerged, neutrality has not been achieved, and uncertainty has developed about the appropriate treatment of some basic financial arrangements. The current tax law does not adequately address the tax-timing tre ...
... have appeared in the law, determinacy has been lacking, tax anomalies and distortions have emerged, neutrality has not been achieved, and uncertainty has developed about the appropriate treatment of some basic financial arrangements. The current tax law does not adequately address the tax-timing tre ...
... are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. The words “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “forecast,” “initiative,” “objective,” “plan,” “goal,” “project,” “outlook,” “priorities,” “target,” “intend,” “evaluate,” “pu ...
... are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. The words “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “forecast,” “initiative,” “objective,” “plan,” “goal,” “project,” “outlook,” “priorities,” “target,” “intend,” “evaluate,” “pu ...
Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior in Switzerland
... immense and demand for consumer protection is at the upraise. In such an environment adequate financial knowledge of individuals becomes particularly important. Financial literacy in this study was defined on the basis of three simple questions about interest rates, inflation and risk. About 20% of ...
... immense and demand for consumer protection is at the upraise. In such an environment adequate financial knowledge of individuals becomes particularly important. Financial literacy in this study was defined on the basis of three simple questions about interest rates, inflation and risk. About 20% of ...
Sound Advice
... rapidly. With the development of new consumer technologies, investors are increasingly expressing a preference to retain control of, and receive real-time information regarding, their investments. However, the use of self-directed investment services is also on the rise, partly due to an investing e ...
... rapidly. With the development of new consumer technologies, investors are increasingly expressing a preference to retain control of, and receive real-time information regarding, their investments. However, the use of self-directed investment services is also on the rise, partly due to an investing e ...
... personal finance and investments in the Australian context. The context of personal finance and investments for Australia is different from the rest of the developed economies because of the presence of mandatory superannuation, a large managed funds pool and a strong social security system. Because ...
... personal finance and investments in the Australian context. The context of personal finance and investments for Australia is different from the rest of the developed economies because of the presence of mandatory superannuation, a large managed funds pool and a strong social security system. Because ...
Financial System Inquiry - The Australian Financial Markets
... The Financial System Inquiry (the Inquiry) is a well-timed check on the capacity of the financial system to meet the needs of businesses and households. The forward looking nature of the Inquiry gives it an important role in anticipating the financial services required to support our economy and in ...
... The Financial System Inquiry (the Inquiry) is a well-timed check on the capacity of the financial system to meet the needs of businesses and households. The forward looking nature of the Inquiry gives it an important role in anticipating the financial services required to support our economy and in ...
Financial Planning Research Journal - Volume 2. Issue 1 2016
... Guidelines for contributors to the FPRJ The FPRJ Editorial Board welcomes original, applied and topical articles on matters of interest to the financial advice community across Australia, New Zealand and Asia that will inform the practice and/or policy of the profession. Articles will be submitted t ...
... Guidelines for contributors to the FPRJ The FPRJ Editorial Board welcomes original, applied and topical articles on matters of interest to the financial advice community across Australia, New Zealand and Asia that will inform the practice and/or policy of the profession. Articles will be submitted t ...
The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy
... Financial markets around the world have become increasingly accessible to the ‘small investor,’ as new products and financial services grow widespread. At the onset of the recent financial crisis, consumer credit and mortgage borrowing had burgeoned. People who had credit cards or subprime mortgages ...
... Financial markets around the world have become increasingly accessible to the ‘small investor,’ as new products and financial services grow widespread. At the onset of the recent financial crisis, consumer credit and mortgage borrowing had burgeoned. People who had credit cards or subprime mortgages ...
Review of the Differentiated Nature and Scope of Financial Regulation
... development of core principles or standards in each financial sector. A sector-specific approach to supervision comes with the potential for increasing regulatory gaps, which causes supervisory challenges and presents opportunities for regulatory arbitrage. Differences exist in the nature of financi ...
... development of core principles or standards in each financial sector. A sector-specific approach to supervision comes with the potential for increasing regulatory gaps, which causes supervisory challenges and presents opportunities for regulatory arbitrage. Differences exist in the nature of financi ...
Follow the money - Bretton Woods Project
... investment in FIs, given that the IFC’s mandate is to reduce poverty; 3 Discuss ways forward for civil society given the increasing focus on the financial sector from a range of institutions, including the UN’s Green Climate Fund, the G20, and more. Failure to fully understand the changing nature o ...
... investment in FIs, given that the IFC’s mandate is to reduce poverty; 3 Discuss ways forward for civil society given the increasing focus on the financial sector from a range of institutions, including the UN’s Green Climate Fund, the G20, and more. Failure to fully understand the changing nature o ...
The development of the risky financial behavior scale: A measure of
... traditional normative method and a psychological method. More on the relationship of risk tolerance with these two methods will be reviewed in a later chapter. Grable pointed out that the first introduction of a questionnaire to assess financial risk tolerance was a major improvement among studies o ...
... traditional normative method and a psychological method. More on the relationship of risk tolerance with these two methods will be reviewed in a later chapter. Grable pointed out that the first introduction of a questionnaire to assess financial risk tolerance was a major improvement among studies o ...
introduction - Productivity Commission
... The regulators of the financial services industry operate with a considerable degree of autonomy. While they may consult Treasury on regulatory issues they produce a range of legislative instruments that are not subject to any process of independent review other than by Parliament which only has the ...
... The regulators of the financial services industry operate with a considerable degree of autonomy. While they may consult Treasury on regulatory issues they produce a range of legislative instruments that are not subject to any process of independent review other than by Parliament which only has the ...
Towards a framework for financial stability
... Over the past decade, safeguarding financial stability has become an increasingly dominant objective in economic policy making. This is illustrated by the periodic Financial Stability Reports that have been launched by more than a dozen central banks and several international financial institutions ...
... Over the past decade, safeguarding financial stability has become an increasingly dominant objective in economic policy making. This is illustrated by the periodic Financial Stability Reports that have been launched by more than a dozen central banks and several international financial institutions ...
Wall Street as Community of Fate: Toward Financial Industry Self
... Recently, a few legal scholars began incorporating the notion of self-regulation in their reform proposals. See, e.g., Onnig H. Dombalagian, Requiem for the Bulge Bracket?: Revisiting Investment Bank Regulation, 85 IND. L.J. 777, 836-43 (2010) (proposing an industry organization comprised of systemi ...
... Recently, a few legal scholars began incorporating the notion of self-regulation in their reform proposals. See, e.g., Onnig H. Dombalagian, Requiem for the Bulge Bracket?: Revisiting Investment Bank Regulation, 85 IND. L.J. 777, 836-43 (2010) (proposing an industry organization comprised of systemi ...
- Covenant University Repository
... The financial leverage is superimposed on operating leverage, changes in EBIT will have positive effect on both net income available to common stockholders and earnings per share. Therefore, if a firm uses a considerable amount of both operating leverage and financial leverage, a small change in the ...
... The financial leverage is superimposed on operating leverage, changes in EBIT will have positive effect on both net income available to common stockholders and earnings per share. Therefore, if a firm uses a considerable amount of both operating leverage and financial leverage, a small change in the ...
Rethinking Financial Deepening: Stability and Growth
... exchange of goods and services. The variables used in the empirical literature on finance—such as the ratio of private credit to GDP and market capitalization to GDP—are rough proxies that do not necessarily capture how well finance accomplishes these various functions. This needs to be taken into a ...
... exchange of goods and services. The variables used in the empirical literature on finance—such as the ratio of private credit to GDP and market capitalization to GDP—are rough proxies that do not necessarily capture how well finance accomplishes these various functions. This needs to be taken into a ...
External Dependence and Industry Growth Does Financial Structure
... and thereby increases management’s incentives to avoid risky but profitable projects and pushes them towards short-termism [Stulz, 1999]. Finally, an incestuous relationship between management and shareholders sitting on the board reduces the effectiveness of corporate control through stock markets ...
... and thereby increases management’s incentives to avoid risky but profitable projects and pushes them towards short-termism [Stulz, 1999]. Finally, an incestuous relationship between management and shareholders sitting on the board reduces the effectiveness of corporate control through stock markets ...
What is Financial Stability? Financial Stability
... several different kinds of such instability, ranging from banking crises to stock market crashes. Hence, different forms of instability affect different parts of the financial system and may also differ in their consequences. Further, Chant proposed that financial instability should b ...
... several different kinds of such instability, ranging from banking crises to stock market crashes. Hence, different forms of instability affect different parts of the financial system and may also differ in their consequences. Further, Chant proposed that financial instability should b ...
The Transmission of Financial Stress and Monetary Policy
... “crisis” variable indicating either crisis or no crisis. For example, Laeven and Valencia (2012) date the onset of systemic banking crisis when there is “significant signs of financial distress in the banking system” and “significant banking policy intervention measures in response to significant lo ...
... “crisis” variable indicating either crisis or no crisis. For example, Laeven and Valencia (2012) date the onset of systemic banking crisis when there is “significant signs of financial distress in the banking system” and “significant banking policy intervention measures in response to significant lo ...
... Faculty of Management and Administrative Sciences (FMAS) University of Gujrat, Pakistan ...
... Faculty of Management and Administrative Sciences (FMAS) University of Gujrat, Pakistan ...
Investment Financing and Financial Development: Firm Level Evidence from Vietnam
... and financial resource allocation. Our research is novel as it is the first time that withincountry financial development indicators are linked to investment financing constraints in a developing country context. There is an extensive body of research that investigates the role of finance in the eco ...
... and financial resource allocation. Our research is novel as it is the first time that withincountry financial development indicators are linked to investment financing constraints in a developing country context. There is an extensive body of research that investigates the role of finance in the eco ...
Substituted Compliance - Program on International Financial Systems
... to articulate bright-line rules that clearly define when foreign issuers will be subject to US regulation. So, for example, starting in the 1960s, most American firms with more than 500 shareholders and assets above a minimal threshold had to comply with SEC periodic reporting requirements under the ...
... to articulate bright-line rules that clearly define when foreign issuers will be subject to US regulation. So, for example, starting in the 1960s, most American firms with more than 500 shareholders and assets above a minimal threshold had to comply with SEC periodic reporting requirements under the ...