International Encyclopedia of Civil Society
... however, does not present itself as a settled or unified body of theories and facts; nor is it easily accessible to experts, students and practitioners. Instead, the field consists of several overlapping substantive areas such as civil society, social capital, philanthropy, voluntarism, civic engage ...
... however, does not present itself as a settled or unified body of theories and facts; nor is it easily accessible to experts, students and practitioners. Instead, the field consists of several overlapping substantive areas such as civil society, social capital, philanthropy, voluntarism, civic engage ...
Online Library of Liberty: Principles of Political Economy with some
... treatises. How much of “the deposit” of doctrine,—if we may borrow a theological term,—came originally from Ricardo, how much from Malthus, from Adam Smith, from the French Physiocrats of the eighteenth century, and from the general movement of philosophical and political thought, is a subject on wh ...
... treatises. How much of “the deposit” of doctrine,—if we may borrow a theological term,—came originally from Ricardo, how much from Malthus, from Adam Smith, from the French Physiocrats of the eighteenth century, and from the general movement of philosophical and political thought, is a subject on wh ...
anti-corruption education at school
... into literature and language teaching lessons. The first part of the book provides recommendations to teachers explaining to them how they can integrate anti-corruption education into the disciplines they teach without requiring additional hours for education and using the existing programmes, manual ...
... into literature and language teaching lessons. The first part of the book provides recommendations to teachers explaining to them how they can integrate anti-corruption education into the disciplines they teach without requiring additional hours for education and using the existing programmes, manual ...
The Essential Quotes from the Anti-federalist
... genius and disposition of the people, as well as a variety of other circumstances." – William Grayson, AntiFederalist No. 2, "We have been told of Phantoms," June 11, 1788; Elliot 3:274-79 ANTI-FEDERALIST NO. 3 "There are but two modes by which men are connected in society, the one which operates on ...
... genius and disposition of the people, as well as a variety of other circumstances." – William Grayson, AntiFederalist No. 2, "We have been told of Phantoms," June 11, 1788; Elliot 3:274-79 ANTI-FEDERALIST NO. 3 "There are but two modes by which men are connected in society, the one which operates on ...
Online Library of Liberty: The American Republic: Primary Sources
... In the latter decades of the twentieth century scholars working in varioussubfields of American history brought a great deal of formerly neglectedmaterial to light. This material concerns issues ranging from the role ofreligious arguments and leaders in public life, to the breadth of historicalunder ...
... In the latter decades of the twentieth century scholars working in varioussubfields of American history brought a great deal of formerly neglectedmaterial to light. This material concerns issues ranging from the role ofreligious arguments and leaders in public life, to the breadth of historicalunder ...
... This is the interpretation of s 51(xxxi) adopted by the High Court for the first forty years: one focussed on the placitum’s purpose of protecting ‘individual rights’, and not on its role in conferring a ‘legislative power’. This changed after World War Two, when Justice (and later Chief Justice) Di ...
... This is the interpretation of s 51(xxxi) adopted by the High Court for the first forty years: one focussed on the placitum’s purpose of protecting ‘individual rights’, and not on its role in conferring a ‘legislative power’. This changed after World War Two, when Justice (and later Chief Justice) Di ...
Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in - E
... and official statements, the United States and the United Kingdom governments have spoken of the need to apply power, sometimes in the absence of explicit UN Security Council authorisation.4 This is often characterised as ‘unilateralism’ but I want to read this behaviour as part of a particular tradi ...
... and official statements, the United States and the United Kingdom governments have spoken of the need to apply power, sometimes in the absence of explicit UN Security Council authorisation.4 This is often characterised as ‘unilateralism’ but I want to read this behaviour as part of a particular tradi ...
A Companion to Ancient Greek Government
... accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK C ...
... accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK C ...
Niklas Luhmann`s Theory of Politics and Law
... principal tenet of this chapter, and indeed of the whole of this book, that what we are dealing with in Luhmann’s writings is indeed a social theory which may be used to make sense of and analyse the historical and continuing evolution of society, as well as specific events and relationships between ...
... principal tenet of this chapter, and indeed of the whole of this book, that what we are dealing with in Luhmann’s writings is indeed a social theory which may be used to make sense of and analyse the historical and continuing evolution of society, as well as specific events and relationships between ...
the Working Paper
... forego the future interest’s market value would be entitled to destroy valuable property via will. This provision not only solves the moral hazard problem, but it also addresses the other objections to permitting posthumous destruction – namely, concerns about modification, social norms, transaction ...
... forego the future interest’s market value would be entitled to destroy valuable property via will. This provision not only solves the moral hazard problem, but it also addresses the other objections to permitting posthumous destruction – namely, concerns about modification, social norms, transaction ...
As a PDF file - E-thesis / Helsingin yliopisto
... This study has been made possible by financial assistance from different organizations and support from a number of important people. I received a scholarship from the University of Helsinki to study as part of an exchange program at the Moscow State University during 1991–1992 in the Faculty of Soc ...
... This study has been made possible by financial assistance from different organizations and support from a number of important people. I received a scholarship from the University of Helsinki to study as part of an exchange program at the Moscow State University during 1991–1992 in the Faculty of Soc ...
The Birth of Biopolitics
... them. At 19.15 Foucault stops. The students rush towards his desk; not to speak to him, but to stop their cassette recorders. There are no questions.In the pushing and shoving-Eo_ucault is alone. Foucault remarks: "It should be possible to discuss what I have put forward. Sometimes, when it has not ...
... them. At 19.15 Foucault stops. The students rush towards his desk; not to speak to him, but to stop their cassette recorders. There are no questions.In the pushing and shoving-Eo_ucault is alone. Foucault remarks: "It should be possible to discuss what I have put forward. Sometimes, when it has not ...
View - OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center
... It now seems generally accepted among critics of liberalism that we live and work in a world that reimagines the human person as without teloi at all. Perhaps the better way to say it would be that contemporary sociopolitical discourse presupposes a human person who can imagine infinite teloi based ...
... It now seems generally accepted among critics of liberalism that we live and work in a world that reimagines the human person as without teloi at all. Perhaps the better way to say it would be that contemporary sociopolitical discourse presupposes a human person who can imagine infinite teloi based ...
... I am pleased to see a spirit of inquiry burst the band of constraint upon the subject of the NEW PLAN for consolidating the governments of the United States, as recommended by the late Convention. If it is suitable to the GENIUS and HABITS of the citizens of these states, it will bear the strictest ...
... I am pleased to see a spirit of inquiry burst the band of constraint upon the subject of the NEW PLAN for consolidating the governments of the United States, as recommended by the late Convention. If it is suitable to the GENIUS and HABITS of the citizens of these states, it will bear the strictest ...
A New Handbook Of Political Science
... met in Berlin in August 1994. Some contributors were unable to come at the last minute; others who came have fallen by the wayside, for one reason or another, in the course of transforming the Congress papers into a coherent book. But most of the contributors to this volume had the invaluable opport ...
... met in Berlin in August 1994. Some contributors were unable to come at the last minute; others who came have fallen by the wayside, for one reason or another, in the course of transforming the Congress papers into a coherent book. But most of the contributors to this volume had the invaluable opport ...
... citizen. But there is little doubt that the wholly “bohemian” conduct of life is and always has been the exception rather than the rule. In family life, too, certain patterns or customary ways are usually observed by the members of the family group. Meals are taken at certain hours; some chores are ...
... citizen. But there is little doubt that the wholly “bohemian” conduct of life is and always has been the exception rather than the rule. In family life, too, certain patterns or customary ways are usually observed by the members of the family group. Meals are taken at certain hours; some chores are ...
... citizen. But there is little doubt that the wholly “bohemian” conduct of life is and always has been the exception rather than the rule. In family life, too, certain patterns or customary ways are usually observed by the members of the family group. Meals are taken at certain hours; some chores are ...
... citizen. But there is little doubt that the wholly “bohemian” conduct of life is and always has been the exception rather than the rule. In family life, too, certain patterns or customary ways are usually observed by the members of the family group. Meals are taken at certain hours; some chores are ...
Publication - Det juridiske fakultet
... Finally, European judicial review often cuts across these distinctions, since the rights and directives may pertain to gender equality or non-discrimination, with implications even for the level of social security payments. W HAT I MPACT ? All Nordic states today have a formal right to judicial revi ...
... Finally, European judicial review often cuts across these distinctions, since the rights and directives may pertain to gender equality or non-discrimination, with implications even for the level of social security payments. W HAT I MPACT ? All Nordic states today have a formal right to judicial revi ...
The of Power in Paradise: Political
... stressed sufficiently or articulated as a distinct alternative in the book. For instance, on page 5, “oppositional postmodemism” is vaguely defined in t e r m of the continuity of emancipatory possibilities, and so presented as a process of mediation or linkage between the crisis of modernity and th ...
... stressed sufficiently or articulated as a distinct alternative in the book. For instance, on page 5, “oppositional postmodemism” is vaguely defined in t e r m of the continuity of emancipatory possibilities, and so presented as a process of mediation or linkage between the crisis of modernity and th ...
Rethinking Athenian Democracy The Harvard community has made
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
Rethinking Athenian Democracy The Harvard community has made
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
Rethinking Athenian Democracy The Harvard
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
Rethinking Athenian Democracy
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
... copies of Homer, Thucydides, Plato, Isokrates, Demosthenes and other greats among the Greeks. But the present discovery might “fairly claim to rank above all of these in importance.” It was a work “well known in name,” from which “more quotations are found in the writers of the early centuries of th ...
How Legal Inefficacy Strengthened the Athenian Democracy
... Anti-bribery reform advocates consequently focus on diffusing political power and reducing discretion while increasing accountability. In making government more efficient and fair, such reforms implicitly make government more responsive to the people‘s interests. It is perhaps no coincidence, then, ...
... Anti-bribery reform advocates consequently focus on diffusing political power and reducing discretion while increasing accountability. In making government more efficient and fair, such reforms implicitly make government more responsive to the people‘s interests. It is perhaps no coincidence, then, ...
Socio-Cultural Characteristics of Civil Society Formation in Kyrgyzstan
... In several countries, citizens have been demonstrating their civic engagement in recent times by overthrowing their authoritarian leaders who had ruled for many years. However, the collapse of authoritarianism does not imply an automatic transition to democracy. The traditional culture, with its dis ...
... In several countries, citizens have been demonstrating their civic engagement in recent times by overthrowing their authoritarian leaders who had ruled for many years. However, the collapse of authoritarianism does not imply an automatic transition to democracy. The traditional culture, with its dis ...