Influence of Mowing Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis on Winter Habitat for Wildfire
... 7.6 cm above ground level, which is very different than contemporary mowing projects designed to improve wildlife habitat. Contemporary mowing projects for wildlife are implemented to thin A. tridentata stands and create diversity in habitats, not eliminate (control) A. tridentata. In the northern G ...
... 7.6 cm above ground level, which is very different than contemporary mowing projects designed to improve wildlife habitat. Contemporary mowing projects for wildlife are implemented to thin A. tridentata stands and create diversity in habitats, not eliminate (control) A. tridentata. In the northern G ...
Tropical phytoplankton species and pigments of continental shelf
... Local blooms of the blue-green alga Trichodesmium spp. (up to lo3 trichomes 11) were observed in large windrows which extended at times for several kilometres. Large dinoflagellates were less important numerically and occurred with < 10 cells 1-l. Species diversity was characterised by dominancedive ...
... Local blooms of the blue-green alga Trichodesmium spp. (up to lo3 trichomes 11) were observed in large windrows which extended at times for several kilometres. Large dinoflagellates were less important numerically and occurred with < 10 cells 1-l. Species diversity was characterised by dominancedive ...
Songbirds at Risk > Farewell George
... GCT recognises that several steps need to be taken as a matter of urgency: raise awareness of the impact invasive species are having on native flora and fauna; study the causes of songbird decline on Santa Cruz and the other inhabited islands; protect and restore critical habitats for these birds; a ...
... GCT recognises that several steps need to be taken as a matter of urgency: raise awareness of the impact invasive species are having on native flora and fauna; study the causes of songbird decline on Santa Cruz and the other inhabited islands; protect and restore critical habitats for these birds; a ...
East Melanesian Islands Biodiversity Hotspot
... East Melanesian Islands qualify as a hotspot due to their high levels of plant and animal endemism and accelerating levels of habitat loss, caused chiefly by widespread commercial logging and mining, expansion of subsistence and plantation agriculture, population increase, and the impacts of climate ...
... East Melanesian Islands qualify as a hotspot due to their high levels of plant and animal endemism and accelerating levels of habitat loss, caused chiefly by widespread commercial logging and mining, expansion of subsistence and plantation agriculture, population increase, and the impacts of climate ...
Canopy facilitates seaweed recruitment on subtidal temperate reefs
... calculation, the value of ‘gross recruits’ within each patch present after 8 months was used, instead of net recruitment, which was negative in some treatments. Gross recruitment displayed the same pattern as net recruitment, but provides a more conservative estimate of the differences in recruitmen ...
... calculation, the value of ‘gross recruits’ within each patch present after 8 months was used, instead of net recruitment, which was negative in some treatments. Gross recruitment displayed the same pattern as net recruitment, but provides a more conservative estimate of the differences in recruitmen ...
Amphipod Newsletter 12 - World Register of Marine Species
... earliest- recruited coho,rt may have been retarded by the relatively lower temperature of April- May. 9. Abundance estimates for the spring recruitment ( 8u~ner genreation ) indicated a relatively rapid numerical decline from July through August, 1976 (approx. 5% per day). Most of this mortality occ ...
... earliest- recruited coho,rt may have been retarded by the relatively lower temperature of April- May. 9. Abundance estimates for the spring recruitment ( 8u~ner genreation ) indicated a relatively rapid numerical decline from July through August, 1976 (approx. 5% per day). Most of this mortality occ ...
CBD Third National Report - Mauritius (English version)
... the northeast of Mauritius, the island is hilly with a central spine culminating in the highest peak, Mont. Limon (393 m). Rodrigues is the only Mascarene Island with extensive limestone deposits and caves. A large fringing reef surrounds the island forming a lagoon within which lie eighteen small i ...
... the northeast of Mauritius, the island is hilly with a central spine culminating in the highest peak, Mont. Limon (393 m). Rodrigues is the only Mascarene Island with extensive limestone deposits and caves. A large fringing reef surrounds the island forming a lagoon within which lie eighteen small i ...
8: The Cayman Islands CAYMAN ISLANDS North Atlantic
... from the USA. As there are no native mammals, except bats, crabs often fill niches which would otherwise be filled by mammals, and are sometimes regarded as pests due to their scavenging nature. The large edible crab Cardisoma guanhumi is becoming gradually rarer on the Caymans due to increased road ...
... from the USA. As there are no native mammals, except bats, crabs often fill niches which would otherwise be filled by mammals, and are sometimes regarded as pests due to their scavenging nature. The large edible crab Cardisoma guanhumi is becoming gradually rarer on the Caymans due to increased road ...
Invasive species in the Pacific
... member countries and territories. However, the delegates to the strategy workshop felt that the strategy was relevant to all Pacific islands and its usefulness should not be considered restricted to only the South Pacific. The review and draft strategy were restricted to terrestrial invasive species ...
... member countries and territories. However, the delegates to the strategy workshop felt that the strategy was relevant to all Pacific islands and its usefulness should not be considered restricted to only the South Pacific. The review and draft strategy were restricted to terrestrial invasive species ...
Amphibians and Reptiles of the UK OTs, CDs and SBAs: Species
... 1. Introduction 1.1. Background The “UK Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies and Sovereign Base Areas” are a number of small, self-governing territories and dependencies around the world, plus two large military training areas on Cyprus (see Section 2.1.), that remain under the jurisdiction of t ...
... 1. Introduction 1.1. Background The “UK Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies and Sovereign Base Areas” are a number of small, self-governing territories and dependencies around the world, plus two large military training areas on Cyprus (see Section 2.1.), that remain under the jurisdiction of t ...
GIANT TORTOISE - Galapagos Conservancy
... • Distribution of tortoises not well known • Survey planned focusing on distribution & genetics • Tortoise Breeding and Rearing Center ...
... • Distribution of tortoises not well known • Survey planned focusing on distribution & genetics • Tortoise Breeding and Rearing Center ...
The influence of echinodenns on coral
... are conspicuous invertebrates on coral reefs. Changes in abundances of certain species can have large-scale effects on reef community structure. To understand the variations in structure and function of coral-reef communities, it is necessary to understand the ecology of coral-reef echinoderms. Echi ...
... are conspicuous invertebrates on coral reefs. Changes in abundances of certain species can have large-scale effects on reef community structure. To understand the variations in structure and function of coral-reef communities, it is necessary to understand the ecology of coral-reef echinoderms. Echi ...
Population Fluctuation of the Nodular Coral
... across at 3 locations. The numbers in the boxes represent the depth in meters and low (red) and high (blue) tides. The green numbers and arrows represent the water flow trials 1-4. ..................................................................................... 36 ...
... across at 3 locations. The numbers in the boxes represent the depth in meters and low (red) and high (blue) tides. The green numbers and arrows represent the water flow trials 1-4. ..................................................................................... 36 ...
The amphibians and reptiles of the Cayman Islands: Conservation
... shorelines of the islands are, in many areas, comprised of white beach sand. Behind these, or standing alone, are limestone ironshores that have been weathered into razor-sharp formations, often over solution tunnels and pits that when overgrown and hidden by vegetation, make field work an adventure ...
... shorelines of the islands are, in many areas, comprised of white beach sand. Behind these, or standing alone, are limestone ironshores that have been weathered into razor-sharp formations, often over solution tunnels and pits that when overgrown and hidden by vegetation, make field work an adventure ...
Seagrass biodiversity at three marine ecoregions of Indonesia
... coastal areas and small islands where it is able to live up to a depth of 40 meters. Seagrass lives in sand, sandy mud, mud, and rubble substrate. Based on the data validated by Indonesian Science Institute (2016), seagrass distribution in Indonesia reaches 25.742 ha in 29 locations around the count ...
... coastal areas and small islands where it is able to live up to a depth of 40 meters. Seagrass lives in sand, sandy mud, mud, and rubble substrate. Based on the data validated by Indonesian Science Institute (2016), seagrass distribution in Indonesia reaches 25.742 ha in 29 locations around the count ...
integrating the fossil record in the study of insular body
... recorded for extant and extinct records. These are the evolution of body size, body size class, evolution of allometries, taxonomic rank, and habitat. The results provide some patterns of insular evolution. These patterns differ considerably when one considers only the extant or the extinct record. ...
... recorded for extant and extinct records. These are the evolution of body size, body size class, evolution of allometries, taxonomic rank, and habitat. The results provide some patterns of insular evolution. These patterns differ considerably when one considers only the extant or the extinct record. ...
(Cyclura carinata) on Long Cay, Caicos Bank, Turks
... well as exotic predators (dogs Canis familiaris, cats Felis catus, and mongooses Herpestes auropunctatus) have, on many islands, completely extirpated populations of endemic iguanas. For example, in the British Virgin Islands where three of us have worked, no one remembers normal populations of the ...
... well as exotic predators (dogs Canis familiaris, cats Felis catus, and mongooses Herpestes auropunctatus) have, on many islands, completely extirpated populations of endemic iguanas. For example, in the British Virgin Islands where three of us have worked, no one remembers normal populations of the ...
Boreal Forests
... § Coniferous forests are mainly found in broad circumpolar belt across the northern hemisphere and on mountain ranges where low temperatures limit the growing season to a few months each year - thus too unfavorable for most hardwoods ...
... § Coniferous forests are mainly found in broad circumpolar belt across the northern hemisphere and on mountain ranges where low temperatures limit the growing season to a few months each year - thus too unfavorable for most hardwoods ...
Boreal Forests
... § Coniferous forests are mainly found in broad circumpolar belt across the northern hemisphere and on mountain ranges where low temperatures limit the growing season to a few months each year - thus too unfavorable for most hardwoods ...
... § Coniferous forests are mainly found in broad circumpolar belt across the northern hemisphere and on mountain ranges where low temperatures limit the growing season to a few months each year - thus too unfavorable for most hardwoods ...
Evidence and hypothesis in biogeography
... et al., 2011; Heads, 2012a). The vastly different, disjunct floras of the Latimodjong Mountains and Mount Lompobatang (Bonthain) in south-western Sulawesi were described by Croizat (1964, p. 228) as ‘…ancient blocks of life [that] face each other in age-long immobilism’ [italics in the original]. Ri ...
... et al., 2011; Heads, 2012a). The vastly different, disjunct floras of the Latimodjong Mountains and Mount Lompobatang (Bonthain) in south-western Sulawesi were described by Croizat (1964, p. 228) as ‘…ancient blocks of life [that] face each other in age-long immobilism’ [italics in the original]. Ri ...
Hawaii and the Pacific Islands - Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk
... and James in the Hawaiian Islands and by Steadman and his colleagues in the Marquesas Islands, Society Islands, and Cook Islands, and on Henderson Island, Easter Island, Samoa, Tonga, and Polynesian outliers in Melanesia (summarized by Steadman 1995, 1997). Numbers of bird extinctions caused by huma ...
... and James in the Hawaiian Islands and by Steadman and his colleagues in the Marquesas Islands, Society Islands, and Cook Islands, and on Henderson Island, Easter Island, Samoa, Tonga, and Polynesian outliers in Melanesia (summarized by Steadman 1995, 1997). Numbers of bird extinctions caused by huma ...
Seasonal changes in vertical canopy structure in a
... e.g., by measuring leaf-contact heights using a camera with a telephoto lens fixed on a tripod (MacArthur and Horn 1969; Aber 1979; Parker et al. 1989), or a laser range finder (Radtke and Bolstad 2001), by measuring canopy gap fractions using quantum sensors (Norman and Jarvis 1975), or light-emittin ...
... e.g., by measuring leaf-contact heights using a camera with a telephoto lens fixed on a tripod (MacArthur and Horn 1969; Aber 1979; Parker et al. 1989), or a laser range finder (Radtke and Bolstad 2001), by measuring canopy gap fractions using quantum sensors (Norman and Jarvis 1975), or light-emittin ...
University of Hawai`i at Mānoa - CITA-A
... Island Biology – Looking Toward the Future Oceanic islands have long been used as model systems for research in biogeography, ecology, evolution, and conservation. Islands were crucial for the formulation of Charles Darwin’s and Alfred Russel Wallace’s evolutionary theory, and the dynamic theory of ...
... Island Biology – Looking Toward the Future Oceanic islands have long been used as model systems for research in biogeography, ecology, evolution, and conservation. Islands were crucial for the formulation of Charles Darwin’s and Alfred Russel Wallace’s evolutionary theory, and the dynamic theory of ...
freshwater biotas of new guinea and nearby islands
... Three major groups of organisms were used to prepare the current report: freshwater fishes, crayfishes, and aquatic insects. All have diverse and regionally distinctive species radiations within New Guinea. Since these groups have all had individual biogeographic histories in the region and have rec ...
... Three major groups of organisms were used to prepare the current report: freshwater fishes, crayfishes, and aquatic insects. All have diverse and regionally distinctive species radiations within New Guinea. Since these groups have all had individual biogeographic histories in the region and have rec ...
Spatial and temporal structure of predator–prey relationships in the
... be expected to occur in space or within years. If, however, strong prey preferences exist, as our previous study (Pinnegar et al. 2003) suggested for certain predators, stomach contents at a given point in space and time would be expected to be not or only slightly related to prey availability at th ...
... be expected to occur in space or within years. If, however, strong prey preferences exist, as our previous study (Pinnegar et al. 2003) suggested for certain predators, stomach contents at a given point in space and time would be expected to be not or only slightly related to prey availability at th ...
Mascarene Islands
The Mascarene Islands (or Mascarenhas Archipelago) is a group of islands in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar consisting of Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues. The collective title is derived from the Portuguese navigator Pedro Mascarenhas, who first visited them in the early sixteenth century. The islands share a common geologic origin in the volcanism of the Réunion hotspot beneath the Mascarene Plateau and form a distinct ecoregion with a unique flora and fauna.