... allow us to determine the similarity of the genes in their functions and properties. More specifically, we assume that two genes are likely to be assigned similar regression weights if their text profiles overlap significantly. Based on this assumption, we presented a full Bayesian framework for incorp ...
... allow us to determine the similarity of the genes in their functions and properties. More specifically, we assume that two genes are likely to be assigned similar regression weights if their text profiles overlap significantly. Based on this assumption, we presented a full Bayesian framework for incorp ...
Graphical Models with R
... • The DAG only is used to give a simple and transparent way of specifying a probability model. • The computations are based on exploiting conditional independencies in an undirected graph. • Therefore, methods for building undirected graphical models can just as easily be used for building BNs. Thi ...
... • The DAG only is used to give a simple and transparent way of specifying a probability model. • The computations are based on exploiting conditional independencies in an undirected graph. • Therefore, methods for building undirected graphical models can just as easily be used for building BNs. Thi ...
Access, Modify, Enhance: Self-Service Data Management in SAS® Visual Analytics
... users’ ad hoc data sources in a self-service manner for data analysis without depending on the IT resources. Apart from just access to ad hoc data source, there is also an increasing need to enhance data suitable for the needs of analysis and without the need to request that the IT department make c ...
... users’ ad hoc data sources in a self-service manner for data analysis without depending on the IT resources. Apart from just access to ad hoc data source, there is also an increasing need to enhance data suitable for the needs of analysis and without the need to request that the IT department make c ...
Particle Swarm for Attribute Selection in Bayesian Classification: An
... Although specifically designed for the task of attribute selection, the DPSO is not limited to this kind of application. By performing a few modifications, one can apply this algorithm to many other discrete optimization problems, such as facility location problems [6]. Many data mining applications ...
... Although specifically designed for the task of attribute selection, the DPSO is not limited to this kind of application. By performing a few modifications, one can apply this algorithm to many other discrete optimization problems, such as facility location problems [6]. Many data mining applications ...
Classification And Bayesian Learning
... classifying attribute and uses it in classifying new data. ...
... classifying attribute and uses it in classifying new data. ...
Quantile Regression for Large-scale Applications
... Our empirical evaluation results show that the output of our algorithm is 2-digit accurate in terms of both objective value and solution to quantile regression by sampling, e.g., about 0.001% of the data. It outperforms other conditioning-based methods, and the running time of the proposed algorithm ...
... Our empirical evaluation results show that the output of our algorithm is 2-digit accurate in terms of both objective value and solution to quantile regression by sampling, e.g., about 0.001% of the data. It outperforms other conditioning-based methods, and the running time of the proposed algorithm ...
decision analysis
... model are known and cannot vary Stochastic (or Probabilistic) Model – if any uncontrollable are uncertain and subject to variation Stochastic models are often more difficult to analyze. In our simple production example, if the number of hours of production time per unit could vary from 3 to 6 hour ...
... model are known and cannot vary Stochastic (or Probabilistic) Model – if any uncontrollable are uncertain and subject to variation Stochastic models are often more difficult to analyze. In our simple production example, if the number of hours of production time per unit could vary from 3 to 6 hour ...
... point of the last 250 days GARCH : e.g. build a GARCH model to forecast volatility and use standardized residuals to find 5% point Hybrid model: use rolling historical but weight most recent data more heavily with exponentially declining weights. ...
... point of the last 250 days GARCH : e.g. build a GARCH model to forecast volatility and use standardized residuals to find 5% point Hybrid model: use rolling historical but weight most recent data more heavily with exponentially declining weights. ...
Path Data in Marketing: An Integrative Framework and Prospectus
... et al. 2005). For example, understanding store traffic patterns may help retailers optimize store layout (Vrechopoulos et al. 2004); similarly, studying eye movements may lead to insights on how consumers shift their visual attention and thus inform advertisers on how to design ads to maximize their ...
... et al. 2005). For example, understanding store traffic patterns may help retailers optimize store layout (Vrechopoulos et al. 2004); similarly, studying eye movements may lead to insights on how consumers shift their visual attention and thus inform advertisers on how to design ads to maximize their ...
Part 2: Decision Support Systems
... A DSS is an interactive, flexible, and adaptable CBIS, specially developed for supporting the solution of a non-structured management problem for improved decision making. It utilizes data, it provides easy user interface, and it allows for the decision maker’s own insights ...
... A DSS is an interactive, flexible, and adaptable CBIS, specially developed for supporting the solution of a non-structured management problem for improved decision making. It utilizes data, it provides easy user interface, and it allows for the decision maker’s own insights ...
Fan, Jianqing, Gijbels, Irene, Hu, Tien-Chung and Huang, Li-Shan; (1993).An Asymptotic Study of Variable Bandwidth Selectin for Local Polynomial Regression with Application to Density Estimation."
... In this paper primary interest focuses on studying the regression relationship between two variables X and Y. In nonparametric estimation no prior assumption is made about the form of the regression function: the data itself will determine this form. Various smoothing techniques can be used to detec ...
... In this paper primary interest focuses on studying the regression relationship between two variables X and Y. In nonparametric estimation no prior assumption is made about the form of the regression function: the data itself will determine this form. Various smoothing techniques can be used to detec ...
Incorporating Competitor Data into CRM
... it (Kohli and Jaworski 1990). The emphasis firms place on analytical CRM, which utilizes customer databases, has exploded in recent years as improving technology allows firms to collect, store, and analyze customer data ever more efficiently and less expensively than ever before. The evolution of CR ...
... it (Kohli and Jaworski 1990). The emphasis firms place on analytical CRM, which utilizes customer databases, has exploded in recent years as improving technology allows firms to collect, store, and analyze customer data ever more efficiently and less expensively than ever before. The evolution of CR ...
Consumer evaluations of competing brands
... value of Brunswik’s lens model in theory development to explain how consumer’s evaluate competing brands; they show consumers’ use of hierarchical heuristics in judging competing brands on one-to-three attributes is an effective strategy for identifying the highest performing brand. Brunswik’s lens ...
... value of Brunswik’s lens model in theory development to explain how consumer’s evaluate competing brands; they show consumers’ use of hierarchical heuristics in judging competing brands on one-to-three attributes is an effective strategy for identifying the highest performing brand. Brunswik’s lens ...
Tackling SaaS Churn
... profits, the solution seems fairly obvious: by leveraging the rich customer data scattered throughout the organization, the companies should be able to predict if the customer is most likely to churn in the near term and then create activities to prevent them from churning. It’s an appealing option, ...
... profits, the solution seems fairly obvious: by leveraging the rich customer data scattered throughout the organization, the companies should be able to predict if the customer is most likely to churn in the near term and then create activities to prevent them from churning. It’s an appealing option, ...
... A great deal of change is taking place in the dairy industry; many farms are relocating from leading milk producing states to southwestern states like New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Some obvious reasons behind these moves are: strict state regulations on inputs used in milk production, high price o ...
... A great deal of change is taking place in the dairy industry; many farms are relocating from leading milk producing states to southwestern states like New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Some obvious reasons behind these moves are: strict state regulations on inputs used in milk production, high price o ...
Consider the following problem
... These were the original models introduced by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in their paper in 1978. Immediately after the publication of this paper, the authors made a minor modification. In a conventional LP, the decision variables are non-negative – they can be either zero or positive. However, the au ...
... These were the original models introduced by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in their paper in 1978. Immediately after the publication of this paper, the authors made a minor modification. In a conventional LP, the decision variables are non-negative – they can be either zero or positive. However, the au ...
Chapter 18
... management (CRM) program. Describe the relationship that exists between marketing research and customer relationship management. Understand the meaning of customer relationship management. ...
... management (CRM) program. Describe the relationship that exists between marketing research and customer relationship management. Understand the meaning of customer relationship management. ...
Intervention Logic
... What is your intervention logic? How do you hook what you do to the bottom line? How do you know the actions you take will have the results you intend? How do you start with a bottom line result and figure out how to produce it? How do you examine a proposed action to get a fix on its likely outcome ...
... What is your intervention logic? How do you hook what you do to the bottom line? How do you know the actions you take will have the results you intend? How do you start with a bottom line result and figure out how to produce it? How do you examine a proposed action to get a fix on its likely outcome ...
Subgroup Analyses in Early Phase Clinical Trials
... • Focus on binarization approach (represents current practice better) • Focus in this presentation is on comparing different „adjusted treatment effect estimates“ • Adjustment methods also work in the continuous setting, e.g. using spline modelling approach (results not shown) ...
... • Focus on binarization approach (represents current practice better) • Focus in this presentation is on comparing different „adjusted treatment effect estimates“ • Adjustment methods also work in the continuous setting, e.g. using spline modelling approach (results not shown) ...
... of promotion, such IS tile continuous low level ·banana. or·50f't~seU·&enericPtOmooon, had a constant efrectthrou.ghout the datJ andCQuld therefore ~i,no~ intbisstudy, It was not possible .toidenlify the objectives, implementation Md.app~sal.ofpast and present banana'promotions in term! of QuilkcY's ...
... of promotion, such IS tile continuous low level ·banana. or·50f't~seU·&enericPtOmooon, had a constant efrectthrou.ghout the datJ andCQuld therefore ~i,no~ intbisstudy, It was not possible .toidenlify the objectives, implementation Md.app~sal.ofpast and present banana'promotions in term! of QuilkcY's ...
inverse probability weighted estimation
... In this paper I further study inverse probability weighted (IPW) M-estimation in the context of nonrandomly missing data. In previous work, I considered IPW M-estimation to account for variable probability sampling [Wooldridge (1999)] and for attrition and nonresponse [Wooldridge (2002a)]. The curre ...
... In this paper I further study inverse probability weighted (IPW) M-estimation in the context of nonrandomly missing data. In previous work, I considered IPW M-estimation to account for variable probability sampling [Wooldridge (1999)] and for attrition and nonresponse [Wooldridge (2002a)]. The curre ...
The Problem of Missing Values in Decision Tree Grafting
... This paper addresses a problem that was identied when previous grafting techniques were extended to accommodate discrete valued attributes. For the annealing data set, grafting unpruned trees increased the average predictive error from a cross-validation experiment from 5.4% to 84.6%. For pruned tr ...
... This paper addresses a problem that was identied when previous grafting techniques were extended to accommodate discrete valued attributes. For the annealing data set, grafting unpruned trees increased the average predictive error from a cross-validation experiment from 5.4% to 84.6%. For pruned tr ...