nicely typed notes
... elements in each set are related. We call these sets equivalence classes. Equivalence classes partition the set on which the equivalence relation is defined into a collection of sets that have the following properties. 1. No two of the equivalence classes have members in common. (We call such sets d ...
... elements in each set are related. We call these sets equivalence classes. Equivalence classes partition the set on which the equivalence relation is defined into a collection of sets that have the following properties. 1. No two of the equivalence classes have members in common. (We call such sets d ...
Integers without large prime factors
... has the disadvantage that the second argument of Ψ is not fixed, so that an induction argument based on this formula is technically more complicated. A more severe limitation of the Buchstab identity is that the right-hand side consists of two terms having opposite signs but which can be nearly equal ...
... has the disadvantage that the second argument of Ψ is not fixed, so that an induction argument based on this formula is technically more complicated. A more severe limitation of the Buchstab identity is that the right-hand side consists of two terms having opposite signs but which can be nearly equal ...
... S is o(n(x)) . If, on the other hand, p 2_x215 then q _x2/5 (log x) -2 and then we may assume that a =/3= 1 (with a finite number of exceptions) . Ignoring the restriction on p we simply consider all numbers n=pq . We split these into two classes : those with p <_x' 12 (log x) 113 resp . p >x 112 (l ...
... S is o(n(x)) . If, on the other hand, p 2_x215 then q _x2/5 (log x) -2 and then we may assume that a =/3= 1 (with a finite number of exceptions) . Ignoring the restriction on p we simply consider all numbers n=pq . We split these into two classes : those with p <_x' 12 (log x) 113 resp . p >x 112 (l ...
On a Density for Sets of Integers 1 Introduction 2 A
... cussed density. The approximate densities are nu- curves displayed in Figure 4 correspond to the calmerically evaluated as T increases in the range from culation of dens0 (P T ), d0 (P T ) and li(T )/T . As ex1 to 1000. Now we investigate (i) arithmetic pro- pected, all curves decay to zero. gressio ...
... cussed density. The approximate densities are nu- curves displayed in Figure 4 correspond to the calmerically evaluated as T increases in the range from culation of dens0 (P T ), d0 (P T ) and li(T )/T . As ex1 to 1000. Now we investigate (i) arithmetic pro- pected, all curves decay to zero. gressio ...
Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik (SS 2017)
... A Few Words of Warning I hope that these slides will serve as a practice-minded introduction to various aspects of discrete mathematics which are of importance for computer science. I would like to warn you explicitly not to regard these slides as the sole source of information on the topics of my ...
... A Few Words of Warning I hope that these slides will serve as a practice-minded introduction to various aspects of discrete mathematics which are of importance for computer science. I would like to warn you explicitly not to regard these slides as the sole source of information on the topics of my ...
... the set Z(p)* = {1, 2, 3, ..., p-1} is 1. Restated, the greatest common divisor (gcd) of p and any number in the set is 1. That is, gcd(1,p) =1, gcd(2,p) = 1, gcd(3,p) = ...
... the set Z(p)* = {1, 2, 3, ..., p-1} is 1. Restated, the greatest common divisor (gcd) of p and any number in the set is 1. That is, gcd(1,p) =1, gcd(2,p) = 1, gcd(3,p) = ...
Full text
... numbers will be the first n Fibonacci numbers. Koh, Lee, & Tan gave a systematic way to obtain all Fibonacci trees as subgraphs of a certain class of graphs and showed that the number of (labeled) Fibonacci trees on n + 1 vertices is equal to Fn . The only graphs other than trees which can be labele ...
... numbers will be the first n Fibonacci numbers. Koh, Lee, & Tan gave a systematic way to obtain all Fibonacci trees as subgraphs of a certain class of graphs and showed that the number of (labeled) Fibonacci trees on n + 1 vertices is equal to Fn . The only graphs other than trees which can be labele ...
... The sufficient conditions in Theorems 3.3 and 3.4 turn out to be necessary too: for odd n > 1 such that −1 ≡ mod n and n has at least two different prime factors, the Miller– Rabin nonwitnesses for n do not form a group under multiplication. We omit a proof. Although the Miller–Rabin nonwitnesses ...
... The sufficient conditions in Theorems 3.3 and 3.4 turn out to be necessary too: for odd n > 1 such that −1 ≡ mod n and n has at least two different prime factors, the Miller– Rabin nonwitnesses for n do not form a group under multiplication. We omit a proof. Although the Miller–Rabin nonwitnesses ...
Homework 3 Solutions
... which is impossible. Now if 3 doesn’t divide N , and no prime congruent to 2 mod 3 divides N , then all the prime divisors of N must be 1 mod 3. But this is a contradiction, because then any product of these primes—in particular, N —is 1 mod 3, yet N is 2 mod 3. So we have shown that there are infi ...
... which is impossible. Now if 3 doesn’t divide N , and no prime congruent to 2 mod 3 divides N , then all the prime divisors of N must be 1 mod 3. But this is a contradiction, because then any product of these primes—in particular, N —is 1 mod 3, yet N is 2 mod 3. So we have shown that there are infi ...
Analysis Notes (only a draft, and the first one!)
... We will be interested just in two (binary) operations on R, called addition and multiplication. Apart from these two operations, we will also be interested in a (binary) relation <. Our definition will take some time, till page 23. Definition 2.0.1 A set R together with two binary operations + and × ...
... We will be interested just in two (binary) operations on R, called addition and multiplication. Apart from these two operations, we will also be interested in a (binary) relation <. Our definition will take some time, till page 23. Definition 2.0.1 A set R together with two binary operations + and × ...
Homework 9 Solutions
... (−10)5 ≡ 2 (mod 26), thus 16 · 5 ≡ 2 (mod 26). Hence x = 16. 4a) This is just like Example 4.9 in the book. We get the same values for x1 , x2 and x3 . Hence a solution is given by x = 1 · 35 · 2 + 2 · 21 · 1 + 3 · 15 · 1 = 157 ≡ 52 (mod 105). 4c) Here we have that n = 6 · 11 · 17 = 1122 We use the ...
... (−10)5 ≡ 2 (mod 26), thus 16 · 5 ≡ 2 (mod 26). Hence x = 16. 4a) This is just like Example 4.9 in the book. We get the same values for x1 , x2 and x3 . Hence a solution is given by x = 1 · 35 · 2 + 2 · 21 · 1 + 3 · 15 · 1 = 157 ≡ 52 (mod 105). 4c) Here we have that n = 6 · 11 · 17 = 1122 We use the ...
Number Theory - Redbrick DCU
... 10 elements of the group, but in an apparently random order. For y=3, only a sub-group of the elements are generated, in fact just 5 of them. Since 5 is prime this is called a prime-order sub-group. Some definitions. An element that generates all members of the group is called a primitive element or ...
... 10 elements of the group, but in an apparently random order. For y=3, only a sub-group of the elements are generated, in fact just 5 of them. Since 5 is prime this is called a prime-order sub-group. Some definitions. An element that generates all members of the group is called a primitive element or ...
Number Theory - Redbrick DCU
... 10 elements of the group, but in an apparently random order. For y=3, only a sub-group of the elements are generated, in fact just 5 of them. Since 5 is prime this is called a prime-order sub-group. Some definitions. An element that generates all members of the group is called a primitive element or ...
... 10 elements of the group, but in an apparently random order. For y=3, only a sub-group of the elements are generated, in fact just 5 of them. Since 5 is prime this is called a prime-order sub-group. Some definitions. An element that generates all members of the group is called a primitive element or ...
... where the constant Bf is explicit. The author also proves that for reducible polynomials of degree two, the asymptotic is linear in n. For polynomials of higher degree nothing is known, except for products of linear polynomials, which are studied in [5]. An important ingredient in Cilleruelo’s argum ...
... where the constant Bf is explicit. The author also proves that for reducible polynomials of degree two, the asymptotic is linear in n. For polynomials of higher degree nothing is known, except for products of linear polynomials, which are studied in [5]. An important ingredient in Cilleruelo’s argum ...
Sums of Squares
... In an attempt to prove the fact for four squares, we tried to reduce the problem by thinking about multiplying two numbers that could be written as the sum of four squares. If it could be shown that their product would necessarily also be able to be written as the sum of four squares, then it would ...
... In an attempt to prove the fact for four squares, we tried to reduce the problem by thinking about multiplying two numbers that could be written as the sum of four squares. If it could be shown that their product would necessarily also be able to be written as the sum of four squares, then it would ...
P - CSUN.edu
... Powers of 2 Let’s take an example using the key computed earlier: P = 101, e = 75, n = 391. First, notice that P e = 10175 = 10164 · 1018 · 1012 · 1011 , Where the power (75) has been broken down into powers of 2. We could have broken it down in many ways but powers of two will decrease our work th ...
... Powers of 2 Let’s take an example using the key computed earlier: P = 101, e = 75, n = 391. First, notice that P e = 10175 = 10164 · 1018 · 1012 · 1011 , Where the power (75) has been broken down into powers of 2. We could have broken it down in many ways but powers of two will decrease our work th ...
... To justify the binary representation, we will prove the following result: Every natural number n can be expressed as the sum of distinct powers of two. ...
... To justify the binary representation, we will prove the following result: Every natural number n can be expressed as the sum of distinct powers of two. ...
1. Modular arithmetic
... Proof. We claim that the set fa; 2a; ; (p 1)ag is the same as the set f1; 2; ; p 1g (the elements are not in the same order!). Granting the claim, then we have 1 2 (p 1) = a 2a (p 1)a = 1 2 (p 1) ap : Since p does not divide 12 (p 1), it follows that GCD( ...
... Proof. We claim that the set fa; 2a; ; (p 1)ag is the same as the set f1; 2; ; p 1g (the elements are not in the same order!). Granting the claim, then we have 1 2 (p 1) = a 2a (p 1)a = 1 2 (p 1) ap : Since p does not divide 12 (p 1), it follows that GCD( ...