Obtaining structural information from the atomic pair
... range using this simple model is not sensible, since we would create a long range ordered crystal using the modified unit cell which is clearly not consistent with the diffraction pattern. A similar type of refinement of X-ray PDF data of semiconductor alloys Inx Ga1x As can be found in Petkov and ...
... range using this simple model is not sensible, since we would create a long range ordered crystal using the modified unit cell which is clearly not consistent with the diffraction pattern. A similar type of refinement of X-ray PDF data of semiconductor alloys Inx Ga1x As can be found in Petkov and ...
r - Ultracold Quantum Gases Group
... three-component Fermi gas [Ott08]. This gas consisted of ultracold 6 Li atoms in three different Zeeman sublevels of the electronic ground state. Since then, three-component Fermi gases of 6 Li have been created by several other groups [Huc09, Nak10b]. 6 Li has the unique advantage that it is possib ...
... three-component Fermi gas [Ott08]. This gas consisted of ultracold 6 Li atoms in three different Zeeman sublevels of the electronic ground state. Since then, three-component Fermi gases of 6 Li have been created by several other groups [Huc09, Nak10b]. 6 Li has the unique advantage that it is possib ...
x - carpath - Alexandru Ioan Cuza
... double layer or multiple layers. Moreover, the self-organization process of the interface as a double layer or multiple layer is a fractal process - the equal ambipolar diffusion curves are of Koch type. The validity of the model is given by means of some applications. First of all, the improved con ...
... double layer or multiple layers. Moreover, the self-organization process of the interface as a double layer or multiple layer is a fractal process - the equal ambipolar diffusion curves are of Koch type. The validity of the model is given by means of some applications. First of all, the improved con ...
Behavior of Charged Particles in a Biological Cell
... effects of EMF on biological systems across the whole spectrum of frequencies. Until 1980s, research on extremely low frequency (ELF, 0–300 Hz) relates primarily to electric fields; however, later it was extended into ELF magnetic fields (Durney et al., 1988). Human organisms are multicellular with ...
... effects of EMF on biological systems across the whole spectrum of frequencies. Until 1980s, research on extremely low frequency (ELF, 0–300 Hz) relates primarily to electric fields; however, later it was extended into ELF magnetic fields (Durney et al., 1988). Human organisms are multicellular with ...
OV/P-9 Overview of simulation results using - iaea
... to allow accurate simulations with an order of magnitude fewer markers (8). The effects of cloud-in-cell sampling and gyroaveraging on random noise in real space (as opposed to the common Fourier space presentation) was studied, and it was shown that together, these can reduce the noise by a factor ...
... to allow accurate simulations with an order of magnitude fewer markers (8). The effects of cloud-in-cell sampling and gyroaveraging on random noise in real space (as opposed to the common Fourier space presentation) was studied, and it was shown that together, these can reduce the noise by a factor ...
Composite Materials
... expansion coefficient than metals Their thermal and electrical conductivities are lower than metals In addition MMCs have very high thermal deformation resistance which is especially important for spacecrafts • TDR = thermal conductivity / thermal expansion coefficient • Example – Magnesium has very ...
... expansion coefficient than metals Their thermal and electrical conductivities are lower than metals In addition MMCs have very high thermal deformation resistance which is especially important for spacecrafts • TDR = thermal conductivity / thermal expansion coefficient • Example – Magnesium has very ...
Quantum Optical Multiple Scattering
... This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the Philosophiea Doctor (Ph.D.) degree at the Department of Photonics Engeneering, Technical University of Denmark. The work presented in the thesis was carried out between April 2009 and March 2012. First of all, I wo ...
... This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the Philosophiea Doctor (Ph.D.) degree at the Department of Photonics Engeneering, Technical University of Denmark. The work presented in the thesis was carried out between April 2009 and March 2012. First of all, I wo ...
... multiphoton and tunnel ionization are presented. Also, the ADK model is shortly introduced. In the last part, the creation of a spinorbit wave packet is presented and a brief mathematical description is provided. Chapter 4 gives information on the spectroscopic technique as well as the experimental ...
... multiphoton and tunnel ionization are presented. Also, the ADK model is shortly introduced. In the last part, the creation of a spinorbit wave packet is presented and a brief mathematical description is provided. Chapter 4 gives information on the spectroscopic technique as well as the experimental ...
Theory of Crystal Fields and Magnetism of f-electron Systems
... 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Local density approximation and the Kohn-Sham equations . . 1.3 The success of DFT in local approximations . . . . . . . . . . ...
... 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Local density approximation and the Kohn-Sham equations . . 1.3 The success of DFT in local approximations . . . . . . . . . . ...
Content - Sedgefield Community College
... Explain why electricity is transmitted at high voltages Use kinetic theory to explain the three different states of matter. Recall and apply the density equation. Explain the difference in density between the states of matter. Explain changes of state in terms of conservation of mass. Explain how he ...
... Explain why electricity is transmitted at high voltages Use kinetic theory to explain the three different states of matter. Recall and apply the density equation. Explain the difference in density between the states of matter. Explain changes of state in terms of conservation of mass. Explain how he ...
Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
... More serious efforts to use the power hidden in magnetic materials were made only much later. For instance, in the 18th century smaller pieces of magnetic materials were combined into a larger magnet body that was found to have quite a substantial lifting power. Progress in magnetism was made after ...
... More serious efforts to use the power hidden in magnetic materials were made only much later. For instance, in the 18th century smaller pieces of magnetic materials were combined into a larger magnet body that was found to have quite a substantial lifting power. Progress in magnetism was made after ...
Electric field dependence of magnetic properties
... molecular electric, magnetic, and optical properties. In particular, properties arising from the nonlinear response of the molecule to a combination of electric and magnetic fields can now be calculated. The theory needed to describe these properties has been known for many years ~see, for example, ...
... molecular electric, magnetic, and optical properties. In particular, properties arising from the nonlinear response of the molecule to a combination of electric and magnetic fields can now be calculated. The theory needed to describe these properties has been known for many years ~see, for example, ...
Condensed matter physics

Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. Condensed matter physicists seek to understand the behavior of these phases by using physical laws. In particular, these include the laws of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical mechanics.The most familiar condensed phases are solids and liquids, while more exotic condensed phases include the superconducting phase exhibited by certain materials at low temperature, the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of spins on atomic lattices, and the Bose–Einstein condensate found in cold atomic systems. The study of condensed matter physics involves measuring various material properties via experimental probes along with using techniques of theoretical physics to develop mathematical models that help in understanding physical behavior.The diversity of systems and phenomena available for study makes condensed matter physics the most active field of contemporary physics: one third of all American physicists identify themselves as condensed matter physicists, and the Division of Condensed Matter Physics is the largest division at the American Physical Society. The field overlaps with chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology, and relates closely to atomic physics and biophysics. Theoretical condensed matter physics shares important concepts and techniques with theoretical particle and nuclear physics.A variety of topics in physics such as crystallography, metallurgy, elasticity, magnetism, etc., were treated as distinct areas, until the 1940s when they were grouped together as solid state physics. Around the 1960s, the study of physical properties of liquids was added to this list, forming the basis for the new, related specialty of condensed matter physics. According to physicist Phil Anderson, the term was coined by him and Volker Heine when they changed the name of their group at the Cavendish Laboratories, Cambridge from ""Solid state theory"" to ""Theory of Condensed Matter"" in 1967, as they felt it did not exclude their interests in the study of liquids, nuclear matter and so on. Although Anderson and Heine helped popularize the name ""condensed matter"", it had been present in Europe for some years, most prominently in the form of a journal published in English, French, and German by Springer-Verlag titled Physics of Condensed Matter, which was launched in 1963. The funding environment and Cold War politics of the 1960s and 1970s were also factors that lead some physicists to prefer the name ""condensed matter physics"", which emphasized the commonality of scientific problems encountered by physicists working on solids, liquids, plasmas, and other complex matter, over ""solid state physics"", which was often associated with the industrial applications of metals and semiconductors. The Bell Telephone Laboratories was one of the first institutes to conduct a research program in condensed matter physics.References to ""condensed"" state can be traced to earlier sources. For example, in the introduction to his 1947 ""Kinetic theory of liquids"" book, Yakov Frenkel proposed that ""The kinetic theory of liquids must accordingly be developed as a generalization and extension of the kinetic theory of solid bodies"". As a matter of fact, it would be more correct to unify them under the title of ""condensed bodies"".