The ABC of Ambivalence: Affective, Behavioral
... associations can be (but not always are) relevant at the same time. Based on these two prerequisites, we make a distinction between the associative structure of ambivalence based on positive and negative association weights (objective ambivalence) and the experience of conflict due to this associati ...
... associations can be (but not always are) relevant at the same time. Based on these two prerequisites, we make a distinction between the associative structure of ambivalence based on positive and negative association weights (objective ambivalence) and the experience of conflict due to this associati ...
the psychology of stereotyping
... students have read earlier versions of the manuscript and have ever so gently pointed out errors and places of unclarity. Several undergraduate students at Rice University, almost all now in graduate school in social psychology or fellow professionals (Elizabeth Bartmess, Robert Bartsch, Ryan Brown, ...
... students have read earlier versions of the manuscript and have ever so gently pointed out errors and places of unclarity. Several undergraduate students at Rice University, almost all now in graduate school in social psychology or fellow professionals (Elizabeth Bartmess, Robert Bartsch, Ryan Brown, ...
Irony as a Means of Perception Through Communication Channels
... of the humor in irony. A study by Glenwright and Pexman (2010) on children’s perception of the social functions of verbal irony provided support for the Tinge Hypothesis but, interestingly, also revealed that the humor function was not recognized by 5- to 8-year-old children. How are emotions and at ...
... of the humor in irony. A study by Glenwright and Pexman (2010) on children’s perception of the social functions of verbal irony provided support for the Tinge Hypothesis but, interestingly, also revealed that the humor function was not recognized by 5- to 8-year-old children. How are emotions and at ...
If they are genuine refugees, why?
... Australian research has shown time and again that concerns about fairness are central to public attitudes towards asylum seekers. (see for example Anderson et al., 2015; Hartley and Pedersen, 2015; McKay et al., 2012; Louis et al., 2007; Pedersen et al., 2006). Negative attitudes, in particular, are ...
... Australian research has shown time and again that concerns about fairness are central to public attitudes towards asylum seekers. (see for example Anderson et al., 2015; Hartley and Pedersen, 2015; McKay et al., 2012; Louis et al., 2007; Pedersen et al., 2006). Negative attitudes, in particular, are ...
Relative Deprivation Specification, Development, and Integration
... researchers for years to come. It is relevant to researchers in intergroup relations, prejudice, racism, social identity, group processes, social comparison, collective behavior, and social movements. This book is suited for use as a text in both graduate-level and advanced ...
... researchers for years to come. It is relevant to researchers in intergroup relations, prejudice, racism, social identity, group processes, social comparison, collective behavior, and social movements. This book is suited for use as a text in both graduate-level and advanced ...
Sport Psychology: A Students`s Handbook
... psychology, whilst maintaining the readable style and student-centred approach which made the previous book so successful. Key issues covered include: ...
... psychology, whilst maintaining the readable style and student-centred approach which made the previous book so successful. Key issues covered include: ...
Fritz Heider: Philosopher and Psychologist
... afterwards and raise pigs on a piece of land they owned. Heider was happy to accept this offer, and his studies over the next years spanned the fields of premedical science, zoology, philosophy, and art history. He spent semesters in Innsbruck and in Munich, where he took his first course in psychol ...
... afterwards and raise pigs on a piece of land they owned. Heider was happy to accept this offer, and his studies over the next years spanned the fields of premedical science, zoology, philosophy, and art history. He spent semesters in Innsbruck and in Munich, where he took his first course in psychol ...
www.ssoar.info The psychology of counterfactual thinking
... Contrast Effects Counterfactual thoughts may influence emotions and judgments by way of a contrast effect, which is based on the juxtaposition of reality versus what might have been. For example, winning $50 feels nice, but if one came close to winning $100 instead of $50, it does not feel quite as ...
... Contrast Effects Counterfactual thoughts may influence emotions and judgments by way of a contrast effect, which is based on the juxtaposition of reality versus what might have been. For example, winning $50 feels nice, but if one came close to winning $100 instead of $50, it does not feel quite as ...
Social Consequences of Disparagement Humor: A Prejudiced Norm
... the negative, stereotypical portrayal of African Americans. Indeed, priming studies exposing participants to nonhumorous stereotypical portrayals of social groups have found similar effects. For instance, Hansen and Hansen (1988) found that exposure to nonhumorous stereotypical portrayals of men and ...
... the negative, stereotypical portrayal of African Americans. Indeed, priming studies exposing participants to nonhumorous stereotypical portrayals of social groups have found similar effects. For instance, Hansen and Hansen (1988) found that exposure to nonhumorous stereotypical portrayals of men and ...
Discrepancies Between Explicit and Implicit Self
... 1986). As expected, Maio et al. (1996) found that individuals who had ambivalent attitudes toward immigration were more influenced by argument quality than were unambivalent individuals, suggesting that they engaged in enhanced scrutiny of the information. Although research has focused extensively o ...
... 1986). As expected, Maio et al. (1996) found that individuals who had ambivalent attitudes toward immigration were more influenced by argument quality than were unambivalent individuals, suggesting that they engaged in enhanced scrutiny of the information. Although research has focused extensively o ...
exploring the latent structure of strength‐related attitude attributes
... distinct from one another, with fundamentally diVerent psychological natures and at least somewhat distinct origins and consequences. Some of these attributes are inherently subjective perceptions of the attitude‐holder. For example, attitude importance is a personal judgment of significance—for an ...
... distinct from one another, with fundamentally diVerent psychological natures and at least somewhat distinct origins and consequences. Some of these attributes are inherently subjective perceptions of the attitude‐holder. For example, attitude importance is a personal judgment of significance—for an ...
Malleability of Attitudes or Malleability of the IAT?
... attitudes might develop, it is difficult to identify a given item of information, in any a priori manner, as personal or extrapersonal for any given individual (see Olson et al., 2009, for further discussion of this issue). What is extrapersonal to one person may form the very essence of another’s a ...
... attitudes might develop, it is difficult to identify a given item of information, in any a priori manner, as personal or extrapersonal for any given individual (see Olson et al., 2009, for further discussion of this issue). What is extrapersonal to one person may form the very essence of another’s a ...
identity - Institute for Research on World
... persons with a group identity through which they can identify with others based on sharing both the social location and the meanings associated with a given stratification characteristic. Intermediate social structures are more localized networks, for example, neighborhoods, associations, and organ ...
... persons with a group identity through which they can identify with others based on sharing both the social location and the meanings associated with a given stratification characteristic. Intermediate social structures are more localized networks, for example, neighborhoods, associations, and organ ...
The Impact of Intergroup Emotions on Forgiveness in Northern
... Relations between groups often involve intense emotions, and although social psychological explanations for discriminatory behavior tend to focus on prejudice as an attitude, specific intergroup emotions may be more conducive to predicting intergroup behaviors than general outgroup evaluation is (Sm ...
... Relations between groups often involve intense emotions, and although social psychological explanations for discriminatory behavior tend to focus on prejudice as an attitude, specific intergroup emotions may be more conducive to predicting intergroup behaviors than general outgroup evaluation is (Sm ...
Attitudes and Attitude Change - 2008
... social psychology was behavioristic in its orientation. The seminal work of Hovland and his colleagues (e.g., Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953), after all, was framed largely in terms of Hovland’s translation and extension of Clark Hull’s learning theory model to issues of communication and persuasion ...
... social psychology was behavioristic in its orientation. The seminal work of Hovland and his colleagues (e.g., Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953), after all, was framed largely in terms of Hovland’s translation and extension of Clark Hull’s learning theory model to issues of communication and persuasion ...
Bordens - Social Psychology 3e HQ
... research and theory, using examples from everyday life as illustrations of social psychological phenomena. This approach often leaves students without a full appreciation of the applications of social psychology. By applications, we mean xi ...
... research and theory, using examples from everyday life as illustrations of social psychological phenomena. This approach often leaves students without a full appreciation of the applications of social psychology. By applications, we mean xi ...
RESEARCH: Their Meaning and Use
... Where’s the Theory? Despite incredible activity, research concerning implicit measures has been surprisingly atheoretical. It largely has been a methodological, empirically driven enterprise. In this review we offer a few observations about issues that have arisen as this area of research has develo ...
... Where’s the Theory? Despite incredible activity, research concerning implicit measures has been surprisingly atheoretical. It largely has been a methodological, empirically driven enterprise. In this review we offer a few observations about issues that have arisen as this area of research has develo ...
Chapter 11
... Answer: b. The driver is a jerk. Rationale: According to the fundamental attribution error, we overestimate enduring characteristics and attribute too much of people’s behavior to who they are and not what’s going on around them. 11.1-15. Mel is listening to a political candidate promote a new healt ...
... Answer: b. The driver is a jerk. Rationale: According to the fundamental attribution error, we overestimate enduring characteristics and attribute too much of people’s behavior to who they are and not what’s going on around them. 11.1-15. Mel is listening to a political candidate promote a new healt ...
... living in poverty. Analysis was conducted to examine beliefs held by both undergraduate and graduate students. “Poverty is the worst form of violence” – Mahatma Gandhi The number of individuals living in poverty has steadily increased over the last two decades. Between 1997 and 1999 the poverty rate ...
... living in poverty. Analysis was conducted to examine beliefs held by both undergraduate and graduate students. “Poverty is the worst form of violence” – Mahatma Gandhi The number of individuals living in poverty has steadily increased over the last two decades. Between 1997 and 1999 the poverty rate ...
The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity
... complexity. The notion of identity is central to social and cultural psychology, and social identity complexity is an approach that incorporates an understanding of our evolving societies with these perspectives. Brewer argues that in large and complex societies people are differentiated along many ...
... complexity. The notion of identity is central to social and cultural psychology, and social identity complexity is an approach that incorporates an understanding of our evolving societies with these perspectives. Brewer argues that in large and complex societies people are differentiated along many ...
Political Polarization Projection - University of California, Santa
... (simple projection), they also project how they think. For example, people who engage in extensive thought about partisan topics, which has been shown to increase attitude extremity (Downing, Judd, & Brauer, 1992; Tesser & Leone, 1977), may assume that others similarly engage in extensive thought. O ...
... (simple projection), they also project how they think. For example, people who engage in extensive thought about partisan topics, which has been shown to increase attitude extremity (Downing, Judd, & Brauer, 1992; Tesser & Leone, 1977), may assume that others similarly engage in extensive thought. O ...
Implicit Self-Attitudes Predict Spontaneous Affect in Daily Life
... reported over time in daily life. In both studies, participants completed indirect measures of self-attitudes (the IAT) as well as a self-report measure of explicit self-attitudes as a control (the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [RSES]). The IAT (described later) was chosen over other measurement forma ...
... reported over time in daily life. In both studies, participants completed indirect measures of self-attitudes (the IAT) as well as a self-report measure of explicit self-attitudes as a control (the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [RSES]). The IAT (described later) was chosen over other measurement forma ...
The Protestant work ethic and attitudes towards
... Garrett, 1971; Waters et ai, 1973). Yet it should be pointed out that these significant fatalistic explanations were overall viewed as unimportant; the differences merely reflected the degree of unimportance. This examination of individual items is likely to increase the chances of making Type II er ...
... Garrett, 1971; Waters et ai, 1973). Yet it should be pointed out that these significant fatalistic explanations were overall viewed as unimportant; the differences merely reflected the degree of unimportance. This examination of individual items is likely to increase the chances of making Type II er ...