clinical practice guideline for the management of borderline
... conditions are causally related, given current knowledge of the aetiology of BPD. This guideline uses the term ‘co-occurring’ where the relationship between conditions cannot be ascertained. c In common usage, the term ‘comorbid’ is often used to refer to any health condition that exists simultan ...
... conditions are causally related, given current knowledge of the aetiology of BPD. This guideline uses the term ‘co-occurring’ where the relationship between conditions cannot be ascertained. c In common usage, the term ‘comorbid’ is often used to refer to any health condition that exists simultan ...
Attitudes Toward Suicide, Mental Health, and Help
... Worldwide suicide is a significant public health problem and cause of death and is among the top five causes of death for young adults (Bertolote et al., 2005). According to the World Health Organization (WHO; 2003) an estimated 1 million people die by suicide annually; this equates to a rate of 14. ...
... Worldwide suicide is a significant public health problem and cause of death and is among the top five causes of death for young adults (Bertolote et al., 2005). According to the World Health Organization (WHO; 2003) an estimated 1 million people die by suicide annually; this equates to a rate of 14. ...
Preview the material
... deficiency syndrome (AIDS), epilepsy, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and a number of other conditions. Opponents claim marijuana is addictive, a gateway drug, decreases fertility, and, depending on the delivery, may impair lung function and cause permanent brain damage. While there is a growing body ...
... deficiency syndrome (AIDS), epilepsy, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and a number of other conditions. Opponents claim marijuana is addictive, a gateway drug, decreases fertility, and, depending on the delivery, may impair lung function and cause permanent brain damage. While there is a growing body ...
Comorbidity Guidelines 2016
... These Guidelines were funded by the Australian Government and developed by NDARC to support health services and AOD (alcohol and/or other drug) treatment service workers to more accurately identify and manage the needs of comorbid clients. These Guidelines do not claim to reflect all considerations. ...
... These Guidelines were funded by the Australian Government and developed by NDARC to support health services and AOD (alcohol and/or other drug) treatment service workers to more accurately identify and manage the needs of comorbid clients. These Guidelines do not claim to reflect all considerations. ...
National Comorbidity Guidelines 2nd edition
... These Guidelines were funded by the Australian Government and developed by NDARC to support health services and AOD (alcohol and/or other drug) treatment service workers to more accurately identify and manage the needs of comorbid clients. These Guidelines do not claim to reflect all considerations. ...
... These Guidelines were funded by the Australian Government and developed by NDARC to support health services and AOD (alcohol and/or other drug) treatment service workers to more accurately identify and manage the needs of comorbid clients. These Guidelines do not claim to reflect all considerations. ...
What are Mental Disorders?
... increased risk of injury while they are drinking. However if the frequency of excessive drinking increases, they could experience more severe problems such as family difficulties, significant physical symptoms, financial problems, and trouble at work. Addiction and problem substance use are highly s ...
... increased risk of injury while they are drinking. However if the frequency of excessive drinking increases, they could experience more severe problems such as family difficulties, significant physical symptoms, financial problems, and trouble at work. Addiction and problem substance use are highly s ...
Untitled - National Council on Problem Gambling
... Among Military Personnel, a large-scale epidemiologic study, 3.5% of Department of Defense personnel experience serious to severe gambling difficulties (i.e. 2.3% problem and 1.2% pathological) and an additional 6.3% are revealing at-risk, or early signs of a gambling problem (i.e. 1-2 DSM-IV crite ...
... Among Military Personnel, a large-scale epidemiologic study, 3.5% of Department of Defense personnel experience serious to severe gambling difficulties (i.e. 2.3% problem and 1.2% pathological) and an additional 6.3% are revealing at-risk, or early signs of a gambling problem (i.e. 1-2 DSM-IV crite ...
Personality, mental health and demographic correlates of
... patients with hoarding symptoms, high scores on a hoarding symptom scale were positively correlated to sensitivity to punishment and negatively correlated to Eysenck’s Psychoticism scale. Research using the five factor model of personality has found that hoarding is associated with lower scores on c ...
... patients with hoarding symptoms, high scores on a hoarding symptom scale were positively correlated to sensitivity to punishment and negatively correlated to Eysenck’s Psychoticism scale. Research using the five factor model of personality has found that hoarding is associated with lower scores on c ...
syllabus book - American Psychiatric Association
... integrating treatment in primary and psychiatric care. The NIAAA Plenary Lecture will be presented by Bankole Johnson, DSc., M.D., Ph.D., M.Phil., Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. John Krystal, M.D., Chair, Department of Psychiatry at Yale-N ...
... integrating treatment in primary and psychiatric care. The NIAAA Plenary Lecture will be presented by Bankole Johnson, DSc., M.D., Ph.D., M.Phil., Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. John Krystal, M.D., Chair, Department of Psychiatry at Yale-N ...
A review of screening, assessment and outcome measures for drug
... the user to have specific qualifications. It is important that workers are aware of what they are, and are not, trained to use, and seek training where required. Screening is designed only to highlight the existence of symptoms, not to diagnose clients. Most of the measures described are completed a ...
... the user to have specific qualifications. It is important that workers are aware of what they are, and are not, trained to use, and seek training where required. Screening is designed only to highlight the existence of symptoms, not to diagnose clients. Most of the measures described are completed a ...
Syllabus - American Psychiatric Association
... The American Psychiatric Association’s 2015 annual meeting in vibrant Toronto promises to be an exceptional educational experience. You will have many outstanding sessions to choose from as we bring together some of the best minds in psychiatry to present compelling research, clinical, and practice- ...
... The American Psychiatric Association’s 2015 annual meeting in vibrant Toronto promises to be an exceptional educational experience. You will have many outstanding sessions to choose from as we bring together some of the best minds in psychiatry to present compelling research, clinical, and practice- ...
PDF - UNT Digital Library
... related to reduced productivity, transportation, use of alcohol, and use of OTC products were excluded from the analysis, suggesting that the results underestimated the total cost of insomnia ...
... related to reduced productivity, transportation, use of alcohol, and use of OTC products were excluded from the analysis, suggesting that the results underestimated the total cost of insomnia ...
... treatments available to patients, meditation and its related practices have been the most widely evaluated, and it is the first mind-body intervention to be adopted by mainstream health care providers and incorporated into evidence-based therapeutic programs.2 The medical benefits of meditation incl ...
... treatments available to patients, meditation and its related practices have been the most widely evaluated, and it is the first mind-body intervention to be adopted by mainstream health care providers and incorporated into evidence-based therapeutic programs.2 The medical benefits of meditation incl ...
to the 2015 Annual Meeting • Program Book • New Research
... 2015 annual meeting in vibrant Toronto promises to be an exceptional educational experience. You will have many outstanding sessions to choose from as we bring together some of the best minds in psychiatry to present compelling research, clinical, and practice-related sessions in one dynamic meeting ...
... 2015 annual meeting in vibrant Toronto promises to be an exceptional educational experience. You will have many outstanding sessions to choose from as we bring together some of the best minds in psychiatry to present compelling research, clinical, and practice-related sessions in one dynamic meeting ...
Mental illness in the news and the information media
... by presenting information that is inaccurate about, say, treatment and prognosis). There are differences depending on the type of disorder presented. Undifferentiated mental disorders (where the illness or illnesses is not specified) and schizophrenia appear to receive the poorest treatment in the m ...
... by presenting information that is inaccurate about, say, treatment and prognosis). There are differences depending on the type of disorder presented. Undifferentiated mental disorders (where the illness or illnesses is not specified) and schizophrenia appear to receive the poorest treatment in the m ...
Influence of Self-Stigma, Distress Disclosure, and Self
... Military deployments during wartime and in support of other military conflicts have long been associated with changes in the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, and Coastguardsmen who experience them (Lerner, 2003; Nash, Silva, & Litz, 2009). For some, the deployment experience contributes to undesi ...
... Military deployments during wartime and in support of other military conflicts have long been associated with changes in the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, and Coastguardsmen who experience them (Lerner, 2003; Nash, Silva, & Litz, 2009). For some, the deployment experience contributes to undesi ...
- ePrints Soton
... selecting Pakistan for this project included; I am originally from Pakistan, have extensive contacts with the mental health professionals and it was convenient, because as the study was self-funded, I could stay with my parents during the relevant period. This thesis is divided into 13 chapters. The ...
... selecting Pakistan for this project included; I am originally from Pakistan, have extensive contacts with the mental health professionals and it was convenient, because as the study was self-funded, I could stay with my parents during the relevant period. This thesis is divided into 13 chapters. The ...
COPD Brochure (Sailon) - Lung Foundation Australia
... COPD is a major public health problem. As well as causing significant morbidity and mortality, COPD is a risk factor for serious illness and death from a variety of other diseases including pneumonia and influenza. COPD is also commonly associated with diseases such as cancer and heart disease leadi ...
... COPD is a major public health problem. As well as causing significant morbidity and mortality, COPD is a risk factor for serious illness and death from a variety of other diseases including pneumonia and influenza. COPD is also commonly associated with diseases such as cancer and heart disease leadi ...
Explanatory models for the care of outpatients with mood disorders
... By submitting this dissertation electronically, I hereby declare that the work contained therein is my own, original work, and that I have not previously submitted it either in part or in its entirety for award of any qualification. ...
... By submitting this dissertation electronically, I hereby declare that the work contained therein is my own, original work, and that I have not previously submitted it either in part or in its entirety for award of any qualification. ...
Mental health in context: the national study of work- search
... How does individuals’ job search activity and success vary with their mental health?.............................................................................................101 ...
... How does individuals’ job search activity and success vary with their mental health?.............................................................................................101 ...
Improving the integration of mental health services in primary health
... Mental health and wellbeing influences, and is influenced by, a range of non-health and social issues; thus, well integrated care for those with lived experience of mental illness needs to extend beyond health boundaries. In particular, housing, education and employment services should be incorporat ...
... Mental health and wellbeing influences, and is influenced by, a range of non-health and social issues; thus, well integrated care for those with lived experience of mental illness needs to extend beyond health boundaries. In particular, housing, education and employment services should be incorporat ...
... from dozens of experts in the field. In all, this publication is designed to help athletics departments, campus mental health providers, and all sport stakeholders promote and develop effective strategies to understand and support student-athlete mental wellness. The chapters address: • Stressors sp ...
Mind, Body and Sport
... from dozens of experts in the field. In all, this publication is designed to help athletics departments, campus mental health providers, and all sport stakeholders promote and develop effective strategies to understand and support student-athlete mental wellness. The chapters address: • Stressors sp ...
... from dozens of experts in the field. In all, this publication is designed to help athletics departments, campus mental health providers, and all sport stakeholders promote and develop effective strategies to understand and support student-athlete mental wellness. The chapters address: • Stressors sp ...
2010 Workers with Mental Illness: a Practical Guide for Managers
... ••Preliminary research shows that Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion each year by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions.7 ...
... ••Preliminary research shows that Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion each year by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions.7 ...
Victor Skumin

Victor Andreevich Skumin (Russian: Ви́ктор Андре́евич Ску́мин) (born August 30, 1948) is a Russian and Soviet scientist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychologist, Professor, Doktor Nauk (Doctor of Medical Sciences - Dr.scient.med. - a higher doctoral degree in the USSR and Russia).Skumin was born in Penza Oblast, Russia. After graduating as a physician in Kharkov National Medical University in 1973, in 1976, he became a psychotherapist in Kiev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. He was the first to described a previously unknown disease (1978), now it is called Skumin syndrome. He introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion for psychological rehabilitation of cardiosurgical patients (1979).From 1980 to 1990, he has been professor of psychotherapy at the Kharkov Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education. The main result of his scientific activity was the discovery of the ""syndrome of the neurotic phantom of somatic disease"" and a ""concept of the mental constituent of a chronic somatic disease"".From 1990 to 1994, Skumin held positions as Professor by the Chair of Psychology and Pedagogy, and Professor by the Chair of Physical Education and Health life at the Kharkov State Academy of Culture. In 1994, he was elected to the post of the President-founder of the World Organisation of Culture of Health (Moscow). In 1995, Skumin became the first editor-in-chief of the journal To Health via Culture. He known for inventing a popular term ″Culture of Health″ (1968).As well as psychiatry and psychology, Skumin's corpus includes writings on healthy lifestyle, yoga, and philosophy. He is the author or co-author of a series of illustrated books and articles on Living Ethics, Rerikhism, Russian cosmism, Transhumanism, and New Age. He wrote several books of fiction, and also essays. Skumin is also known as the author of music and lyrics of several songs.