Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment
... United Nations system organizations is a process whereby organizations ensure that their policies, strategies, programmes and activities are interlinked with employment and decent work related initiatives, outcomes and objectives. Within their respective mandates, organizations embrace and enhance t ...
... United Nations system organizations is a process whereby organizations ensure that their policies, strategies, programmes and activities are interlinked with employment and decent work related initiatives, outcomes and objectives. Within their respective mandates, organizations embrace and enhance t ...
HE Mr. George McKenzie
... Organisation for Migration (IOM), The December 12th Movement International Secretariat, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy: Abolition 2000, The Japan Asia, Africa and Latin America Solidarity Committee. ...
... Organisation for Migration (IOM), The December 12th Movement International Secretariat, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy: Abolition 2000, The Japan Asia, Africa and Latin America Solidarity Committee. ...
United Nations - RI Representative to UN-ESCWA
... • Rotary is not a voting member of the United Nations because it is not a sovereign state. But Rotary does hold the highest consultative status offered by the UN to a nongovernmental organization (NGO). This status is granted only to large, established international NGOs that have a broad geographic ...
... • Rotary is not a voting member of the United Nations because it is not a sovereign state. But Rotary does hold the highest consultative status offered by the UN to a nongovernmental organization (NGO). This status is granted only to large, established international NGOs that have a broad geographic ...
Journal Unit
... Permanent representatives and observers are kindly req uested to submit a comprehensive list of the members of their delegation to the Conference, including the functional titles and affiliations of each member, to the Secretariat of the Conference (e-mail [email protected]; Room S-3058). A ...
... Permanent representatives and observers are kindly req uested to submit a comprehensive list of the members of their delegation to the Conference, including the functional titles and affiliations of each member, to the Secretariat of the Conference (e-mail [email protected]; Room S-3058). A ...
agenda item: united nations global counter-terrorism
... University Faculty of Law. Organized under the auspices of Model United Nations Association of Turkey, as a method to fulfil its mission to familiarize MUN-related activities country-wide; EuroAsia MUN 2013 continues the tradition of eight years to host a wide range of delegates from beginners to be ...
... University Faculty of Law. Organized under the auspices of Model United Nations Association of Turkey, as a method to fulfil its mission to familiarize MUN-related activities country-wide; EuroAsia MUN 2013 continues the tradition of eight years to host a wide range of delegates from beginners to be ...
The United Nations Transitional Administrations in Kosovo and East
... The United Nations Security Council has entered new ground by placing Kosovo and East Timor under temporary United Nations administration. On 10 June 1999 the Security Council adopted Resolution 1244, authorizing the Secretary-General to establish "an international civil presence in order to provide ...
... The United Nations Security Council has entered new ground by placing Kosovo and East Timor under temporary United Nations administration. On 10 June 1999 the Security Council adopted Resolution 1244, authorizing the Secretary-General to establish "an international civil presence in order to provide ...
... During the last decade Angola registered one of the highest rates of economic growth in the world (the GDP grew at an average of 9.2% a year). Between 2002 and 2012, the country doubled its economic dimension and became a member of the group of medium income countries, according to the criteria of t ...
... During the last decade Angola registered one of the highest rates of economic growth in the world (the GDP grew at an average of 9.2% a year). Between 2002 and 2012, the country doubled its economic dimension and became a member of the group of medium income countries, according to the criteria of t ...
The United Nations Policy on Victim Assistance in Mine Action
... In the UN MA Strategy, it is specified that the United Nations vision is “a world free of the threat of mines and ERW, including cluster munitions, where individuals and communities live in a safe environment conducive to development, where the human rights of mine and ERW victims are met, and survi ...
... In the UN MA Strategy, it is specified that the United Nations vision is “a world free of the threat of mines and ERW, including cluster munitions, where individuals and communities live in a safe environment conducive to development, where the human rights of mine and ERW victims are met, and survi ...
UN/POP/MIG-14CM/2016/INF.4.REV.2 18
... Mr. Jan ELIASSON Deputy Secretary-General United Nations New York, United States of America ...
... Mr. Jan ELIASSON Deputy Secretary-General United Nations New York, United States of America ...
reference guide - Sign In
... study undertook a comprehensive review of relevant decisions pertaining to humanitarian assistance taken by the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council. In June 2009 the study was first presented to Member States delegates in New York and subsequently to a wider au ...
... study undertook a comprehensive review of relevant decisions pertaining to humanitarian assistance taken by the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council. In June 2009 the study was first presented to Member States delegates in New York and subsequently to a wider au ...
Christoph Mikulasche - The United Nations Security Council and the
... implementation of different aspects of the responsibility to protect falls within the competencies of multiple United Nations bodies. The Security Council can play a crucial role in the implementation of both the second and the third pillars of the responsibility to protect. Article 139 of the 2005 ...
... implementation of different aspects of the responsibility to protect falls within the competencies of multiple United Nations bodies. The Security Council can play a crucial role in the implementation of both the second and the third pillars of the responsibility to protect. Article 139 of the 2005 ...
TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Background 2. Purpose 3. Expected
... Consultants shall have the duty to respect the impartiality and independence of the United Nations and shall neither seek nor accept instructions regarding the services to be performed for UNICEF from any Government or from any authority external to the United Nations. During their period of service ...
... Consultants shall have the duty to respect the impartiality and independence of the United Nations and shall neither seek nor accept instructions regarding the services to be performed for UNICEF from any Government or from any authority external to the United Nations. During their period of service ...
... Deeply concerned that approximately 884 million people lack access to improved water sources and that more than 2.6 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation as defined by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund in their 2010 Joint Monitoring Programme rep ...
... Deeply concerned that approximately 884 million people lack access to improved water sources and that more than 2.6 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation as defined by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund in their 2010 Joint Monitoring Programme rep ...
General Assembly - the United Nations
... field of peace and security. Today’s wars are mostly fought within States, although some conflicts have involved neighbouring countries, into which they spill over with destabilizing effects. The total number of armed conflicts is now declining and there has been a significant increase in the number ...
... field of peace and security. Today’s wars are mostly fought within States, although some conflicts have involved neighbouring countries, into which they spill over with destabilizing effects. The total number of armed conflicts is now declining and there has been a significant increase in the number ...
iv. human rights treaty bodies
... A. What are the human rights treaty bodies? The nine international human rights treaties monitored by the human rights treaty bodies create legal obligations for States to promote and protect human rights. When a State accepts a human rights treaty through ratification5 or accession,6 it becomes a S ...
... A. What are the human rights treaty bodies? The nine international human rights treaties monitored by the human rights treaty bodies create legal obligations for States to promote and protect human rights. When a State accepts a human rights treaty through ratification5 or accession,6 it becomes a S ...
honk kong law jounral - the united nations human rights inquiry on
... ameliorated and would change, as had happened in other Soviet bloc states, with the passage of time and of supreme leadership, have not been fulfilled. Kim Jong-un inherited autocratic power. The full extent of this power and the ruthless manner of its exercise was demonstrated in December 2013 when ...
... ameliorated and would change, as had happened in other Soviet bloc states, with the passage of time and of supreme leadership, have not been fulfilled. Kim Jong-un inherited autocratic power. The full extent of this power and the ruthless manner of its exercise was demonstrated in December 2013 when ...
A Guide to a Career with the United Nations
... first used in the “Declaration by United Nations” of January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers. The United Nations was founded on June 26th, 1945, as a result of the San Francisco Conf ...
... first used in the “Declaration by United Nations” of January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers. The United Nations was founded on June 26th, 1945, as a result of the San Francisco Conf ...
OHCHR summary of SP Annual Meeting (June 2012)
... regarding concerns over specific individuals and situations. Unfortunately, the response rate by States remains low, at around 35 per cent. ...
... regarding concerns over specific individuals and situations. Unfortunately, the response rate by States remains low, at around 35 per cent. ...
(XXXVII-O/07) to instruct the Working Group to
... meetings to conduct any necessary analysis and to prepare documents and materials that may then be shared at the meetings of negotiations. This technical team should receive OAS support in order to ensure that negotiators are technically well prepared for future negotiations. ...
... meetings to conduct any necessary analysis and to prepare documents and materials that may then be shared at the meetings of negotiations. This technical team should receive OAS support in order to ensure that negotiators are technically well prepared for future negotiations. ...
General Assembly
... Council for the Commission on Sustainable Development in Council decision 1995/201 of 8 February 1995 shall apply to the meetings of the forum held under the auspices of the Council, and that the arrangements established by the General Assembly in the annex to its resolution 65/276 of 3 May 2011 sha ...
... Council for the Commission on Sustainable Development in Council decision 1995/201 of 8 February 1995 shall apply to the meetings of the forum held under the auspices of the Council, and that the arrangements established by the General Assembly in the annex to its resolution 65/276 of 3 May 2011 sha ...
General Assembly
... Acknowledges the role of the United Nations development system in advancing international cooperation and support to combat sand and dust storms, and invites all relevant bodies, agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system, including the United Nations Environment Programme, the Unit ...
... Acknowledges the role of the United Nations development system in advancing international cooperation and support to combat sand and dust storms, and invites all relevant bodies, agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system, including the United Nations Environment Programme, the Unit ...
and Northern Ireland and Overseas Territories
... In this context, the Government of Mauritius has continuously received the support of the Organization of African Unity and the Non-Aligned Movement on this issue. Only recently, the OAU Council of Ministers meeting in Lusaka in July 2001 reiterated its unflinching support to the Government of Mauri ...
... In this context, the Government of Mauritius has continuously received the support of the Organization of African Unity and the Non-Aligned Movement on this issue. Only recently, the OAU Council of Ministers meeting in Lusaka in July 2001 reiterated its unflinching support to the Government of Mauri ...
... of United Nations actions in Korea and certified by the United Nations Commanderin-Chief as having directly supported military operations there; and 3. Members of land, sea and air forces of the Republic of Korea serving in units participation in the United Nations action under the direct command of ...
... of United Nations actions in Korea and certified by the United Nations Commanderin-Chief as having directly supported military operations there; and 3. Members of land, sea and air forces of the Republic of Korea serving in units participation in the United Nations action under the direct command of ...
2005 World Summit Outcome Document
... equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, to uphold resolution of disputes by peaceful means and ...
... equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, to uphold resolution of disputes by peaceful means and ...
FAQs - United Nations Visitors` Service, Nairobi
... acres in 1983. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN‐Habitat) also established its headquarters in Nairobi in 1978. Moreover, over the years around 50 UN programmes, funds and specialized agencies opened their country and regional offices in Nairobi and were ...
... acres in 1983. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN‐Habitat) also established its headquarters in Nairobi in 1978. Moreover, over the years around 50 UN programmes, funds and specialized agencies opened their country and regional offices in Nairobi and were ...