agenda item: united nations global counter-terrorism
... http://www.splcenter.org/getinformed/intelligence-report/browse-allissues/2008/summer/state-of-denial), as an organisation founded by law but is autonomous. ...
... http://www.splcenter.org/getinformed/intelligence-report/browse-allissues/2008/summer/state-of-denial), as an organisation founded by law but is autonomous. ...
Dr Valur Ingimundarson - Conference of Parliamentarians of the
... could be have reached decades ago, if there had been a political will to resolve the issue. National self-interest and timing could have been instrumental here. And while the Treaty may have a positive impact on other territorial disputes in Arctic, it is by no means certain. The United States, for ...
... could be have reached decades ago, if there had been a political will to resolve the issue. National self-interest and timing could have been instrumental here. And while the Treaty may have a positive impact on other territorial disputes in Arctic, it is by no means certain. The United States, for ...
The United Nations Transitional Administrations in Kosovo and East
... internal governmental system of a territory. A first comparative analysis shows that both missions work essentially according to the same principles of administration. A United Nations Transitional Administrator, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General is, at least in the first stage of ...
... internal governmental system of a territory. A first comparative analysis shows that both missions work essentially according to the same principles of administration. A United Nations Transitional Administrator, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General is, at least in the first stage of ...
Journal Unit
... comprehensive list of the members of their delegation to the Conference, including the functional titles and affiliations of each member, to the Secretariat of the Conference (e-mail [email protected]; Room S-3058). A final comprehensive list of delegations to the Conference will be issued i ...
... comprehensive list of the members of their delegation to the Conference, including the functional titles and affiliations of each member, to the Secretariat of the Conference (e-mail [email protected]; Room S-3058). A final comprehensive list of delegations to the Conference will be issued i ...
General Assembly - the United Nations
... deploying peacekeeping operations and peace-building missions, often while working with regional organization partners. These challenges require action to: (a) Replace the culture of reaction by one of prevention, as reflected in measures designed to limit armed conflict that include preventive arms ...
... deploying peacekeeping operations and peace-building missions, often while working with regional organization partners. These challenges require action to: (a) Replace the culture of reaction by one of prevention, as reflected in measures designed to limit armed conflict that include preventive arms ...
General Assembly - the United Nations
... and poverty. I once again call upon the international community to increase support to our national programmes for sustainable economic and social development through measures such as market access and access to financial resources in the form of concessional loans and foreign direct investment flow ...
... and poverty. I once again call upon the international community to increase support to our national programmes for sustainable economic and social development through measures such as market access and access to financial resources in the form of concessional loans and foreign direct investment flow ...
2005 World Summit Outcome Document
... We are determined to establish a just and lasting peace all over the world in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and polit ...
... We are determined to establish a just and lasting peace all over the world in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and polit ...
... accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter. We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any ...
... accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter. We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any ...
A Guide to a Career with the United Nations
... representatives of the original states and Poland that, although not present in San Francisco, was counted as one of the founding nations. With the future ratification by the Member States of the Security Council (China, France, Great Britain, United States, and USSR) as well as the majority of the ...
... representatives of the original states and Poland that, although not present in San Francisco, was counted as one of the founding nations. With the future ratification by the Member States of the Security Council (China, France, Great Britain, United States, and USSR) as well as the majority of the ...
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
... Problems in Bosnia began when Yugoslavia entered the final stages of breakup in June 1991, beginning with Slovenian and Croatian declarations of independence. At this time both Croatia and Serbia had interest in Bosnia and were making plans for its partition. Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic wan ...
... Problems in Bosnia began when Yugoslavia entered the final stages of breakup in June 1991, beginning with Slovenian and Croatian declarations of independence. At this time both Croatia and Serbia had interest in Bosnia and were making plans for its partition. Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic wan ...
23rd OSCE MINISTERIAL COUNCIL (Hamburg, 9 December 2016
... participating States and their peoples. 4. Ministers also recognised the OSCE’s ability to search for common paths to bridge dissent, rebuild trust and restore security. In this context, the work of the Secretariat, the OSCE’s autonomous institutions and field missions in fulfilling their respective ...
... participating States and their peoples. 4. Ministers also recognised the OSCE’s ability to search for common paths to bridge dissent, rebuild trust and restore security. In this context, the work of the Secretariat, the OSCE’s autonomous institutions and field missions in fulfilling their respective ...
0“[T}he United Nations was created, as Winston Churchill said, to
... ethnic cleansings, and genocide, specifically in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia in the past 15 years, the United Nations was faced with the gruesome reality that the tools with which it was disposed to effectively deal with the grand scale crimes against humanity perpetrated in this century were e ...
... ethnic cleansings, and genocide, specifically in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia in the past 15 years, the United Nations was faced with the gruesome reality that the tools with which it was disposed to effectively deal with the grand scale crimes against humanity perpetrated in this century were e ...
Peacekeeping, Poverty, and Development: Towards an
... What are PK economies? (3) • Different cases will have different manifestations of the peacekeeping economy – Monrovia or Goma (big footprint) vs Kinshasa – Juba: PK economy concept may overstate the importance of the international PK presence in an oilboom economy ...
... What are PK economies? (3) • Different cases will have different manifestations of the peacekeeping economy – Monrovia or Goma (big footprint) vs Kinshasa – Juba: PK economy concept may overstate the importance of the international PK presence in an oilboom economy ...
Opinions about Component Energetic Security
... In general, a state economic interests are related to security and defense interests, but that foster prosperity and security of its own citizens, because a stable and strong economy where there are only citizens, community, society and state they feel safety and stability. By taking into account ec ...
... In general, a state economic interests are related to security and defense interests, but that foster prosperity and security of its own citizens, because a stable and strong economy where there are only citizens, community, society and state they feel safety and stability. By taking into account ec ...
000 - Background Paper - SPP - American National Standards Institute
... In February 2007, the trilateral NACC submitted an initial report to security and prosperity ministers, making a total of 51 recommendations for actions in three areas, both within and building upon the SPP: border crossing facilitation; standards and regulatory cooperation; and energy integration. ...
... In February 2007, the trilateral NACC submitted an initial report to security and prosperity ministers, making a total of 51 recommendations for actions in three areas, both within and building upon the SPP: border crossing facilitation; standards and regulatory cooperation; and energy integration. ...
International Political Economy
... arrangements determining what is produced, by whom and for whom , by what methods and on what terms. • Production is the act of creating wealth and wealth is nearly always linked to power. The issue of who produces what and for whom therefore lies at the heart of international political economy. • R ...
... arrangements determining what is produced, by whom and for whom , by what methods and on what terms. • Production is the act of creating wealth and wealth is nearly always linked to power. The issue of who produces what and for whom therefore lies at the heart of international political economy. • R ...
FAQs - United Nations Visitors` Service, Nairobi
... How, when and why was Nairobi chosen as a United Nations headquarters? At the invitation of the Government of Kenya, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established its headquarters in Nairobi in 1972. In 1975, the Government of Kenya provided a location for the organiz ...
... How, when and why was Nairobi chosen as a United Nations headquarters? At the invitation of the Government of Kenya, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established its headquarters in Nairobi in 1972. In 1975, the Government of Kenya provided a location for the organiz ...
World Government and the Constitution of the United States
... The Resolution of the American Association for the United Nations As might be expected in the light of the archaic organization and muddle-headedness that characterizes the Congress of the United States,3 many of the world government resolutions have originated not from Congressional wisdom but from ...
... The Resolution of the American Association for the United Nations As might be expected in the light of the archaic organization and muddle-headedness that characterizes the Congress of the United States,3 many of the world government resolutions have originated not from Congressional wisdom but from ...
Revised White Paper on South African In International Peace Missions
... • Consent: entails commitment by parties to the conflict to a political process and their acceptance of a peacekeeping mandate that supports the process. • Impartiality: refers to implementation of the UN mandate without favour or prejudice to any party to the conflict; and • The non-use of force ex ...
... • Consent: entails commitment by parties to the conflict to a political process and their acceptance of a peacekeeping mandate that supports the process. • Impartiality: refers to implementation of the UN mandate without favour or prejudice to any party to the conflict; and • The non-use of force ex ...
For: Approval Applications for non-original membership
... The Governing Council, Taking into account articles 3.1 (a), 3.2(b) and 13.1(c) of the Agreement Establishing IFAD and section 10 of the By-laws for the Conduct of the Business of IFAD; Considering that non-original Members of the Fund shall be those States members of the United Nations or any of it ...
... The Governing Council, Taking into account articles 3.1 (a), 3.2(b) and 13.1(c) of the Agreement Establishing IFAD and section 10 of the By-laws for the Conduct of the Business of IFAD; Considering that non-original Members of the Fund shall be those States members of the United Nations or any of it ...
Christoph Mikulasche - The United Nations Security Council and the
... implementing the responsibility to protect The question which United Nations organs should take action on behalf of the international community to fulfill its responsibility to protect should be answered by reference to the United Nations Charter. The provisions of the Charter show that the implemen ...
... implementing the responsibility to protect The question which United Nations organs should take action on behalf of the international community to fulfill its responsibility to protect should be answered by reference to the United Nations Charter. The provisions of the Charter show that the implemen ...
read full document
... take disciplinary action and other action to ensure full accountability in cases of such conduct involving their personnel; 15. Reaffirms the importance of appropriate expertise on issues relating to gender in peacekeeping operations and post-conflict peacebuilding in accordance with resolution 1325 ...
... take disciplinary action and other action to ensure full accountability in cases of such conduct involving their personnel; 15. Reaffirms the importance of appropriate expertise on issues relating to gender in peacekeeping operations and post-conflict peacebuilding in accordance with resolution 1325 ...
Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Human Security
... disasters threaten the region’s fragile ecosystems, compromising its water resources and agricultural productivity, damaging homes and businesses, and undermining its food and health security. At the same time, inequality remains one of the greatest threats to development and stability by fostering ...
... disasters threaten the region’s fragile ecosystems, compromising its water resources and agricultural productivity, damaging homes and businesses, and undermining its food and health security. At the same time, inequality remains one of the greatest threats to development and stability by fostering ...
United Nations Security Council

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security as well as accepting new members to the United Nations and approving any changes to its United Nations Charter. Critics of the council often describe it as an undemocratic international body, and argue it fails its principal task, mainly because of the veto power granted to only five of its members—Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, and the United States. Its powers include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action through Security Council resolutions; it is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states. The Security Council held its first session on 17 January 1946.Like the UN as a whole, the Security Council was created following World War II to address the failings of another international organization, the League of Nations, in maintaining world peace. In its early decades, the body was largely paralysed by the Cold War division between the US and USSR and their respective allies, though it authorized interventions in the Korean War and the Congo Crisis and peacekeeping missions in the Suez Crisis, Cyprus, and West New Guinea. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, UN peacekeeping efforts increased dramatically in scale, and the Security Council authorized major military and peacekeeping missions in Kuwait, Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.The Security Council consists of fifteen members. The great powers that were the victors of World War II—Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, and the United States—serve as the body's five permanent members. These permanent members can veto any substantive Security Council resolution, including those on the admission of new member states or candidates for Secretary-General. The Security Council also has 10 non-permanent members, elected on a regional basis to serve two-year terms. The body's presidency rotates monthly among its members.Security Council resolutions are typically enforced by UN peacekeepers, military forces voluntarily provided by member states and funded independently of the main UN budget. As of 2013, 116,837 peacekeeping soldiers and other personnel are deployed on 15 missions around the world. Evaluations of the Security Council's effectiveness are mixed, and calls for its reform predate the body's first meeting; however, little consensus exists on how its structure should be changed.