Bragg spectroscopy of quantum gases: Exploring physics in one
... For characterizing these quantum phases, we mainly exploited inelastic light scattering (referred to as Bragg spectroscopy). This technique provides a tool which weakly perturbs the system, and creates excitations with momentum and energy that can be tuned independently. Thus, via Bragg spectroscopy ...
... For characterizing these quantum phases, we mainly exploited inelastic light scattering (referred to as Bragg spectroscopy). This technique provides a tool which weakly perturbs the system, and creates excitations with momentum and energy that can be tuned independently. Thus, via Bragg spectroscopy ...
Theoretical studies of frustrated magnets with dipolar interactions
... and in numerical simulations, there are no studies of the Heisenberg case. Example materials that are likely candidates to be realisations of the diluted dipolar Heisenberg spin glass are (Gdx Y1−x )2 Ti2 O7 , (Gdx Y1−x )2 Sn2 O7 and (Gdx Y1−x )3 Ga5 O12 . To stimulate interest in experimental stud ...
... and in numerical simulations, there are no studies of the Heisenberg case. Example materials that are likely candidates to be realisations of the diluted dipolar Heisenberg spin glass are (Gdx Y1−x )2 Ti2 O7 , (Gdx Y1−x )2 Sn2 O7 and (Gdx Y1−x )3 Ga5 O12 . To stimulate interest in experimental stud ...
Quantum Mechanical Continuum Solvation Models
... B of the medium is proportional to the external field ...
... B of the medium is proportional to the external field ...
Quantum entanglement in photosynthetic light harvesting complexes
... the trace of the single excitation density matrix to show the total population in the single excitation subspace. A general feature of the global entanglement measure in all the scenarios depicted in Fig. 2 is that its value rises rapidly for short times and then after ∼ 30−50 fs decays with varying ...
... the trace of the single excitation density matrix to show the total population in the single excitation subspace. A general feature of the global entanglement measure in all the scenarios depicted in Fig. 2 is that its value rises rapidly for short times and then after ∼ 30−50 fs decays with varying ...
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... The use of chiral lanthanide complexes as probes to investigate interactions with other chiral molecules and macromolecules is of particular interest. A key step in the development of such systems is the preparation of a single, rigid enantiomer of the complex which is conformationally rigid on the ...
... The use of chiral lanthanide complexes as probes to investigate interactions with other chiral molecules and macromolecules is of particular interest. A key step in the development of such systems is the preparation of a single, rigid enantiomer of the complex which is conformationally rigid on the ...
Electron Fluxes During Chemical Processes - diss.fu
... The monograph at hand addresses the concept of the mechanism of a chemical reaction. This concept is one of the pillars on which the field of chemistry rests, and it is used with self-evidence to predict or rationalize the outcome of reactions. Yet, from the quantum dynamicist’s point of view the th ...
... The monograph at hand addresses the concept of the mechanism of a chemical reaction. This concept is one of the pillars on which the field of chemistry rests, and it is used with self-evidence to predict or rationalize the outcome of reactions. Yet, from the quantum dynamicist’s point of view the th ...
Nanosphere Lithography: Effect of Substrate on the Localized
... Vacuum. Previously, we demonstrated that the LSPR λmax of Ag nanoparticles prepared using NSL depends on the external dielectric properties of the nanoparticles’ environment.31 For these studies, the external nanoparticle environment consisted of (1) the mica substrates on which the nanoparticles we ...
... Vacuum. Previously, we demonstrated that the LSPR λmax of Ag nanoparticles prepared using NSL depends on the external dielectric properties of the nanoparticles’ environment.31 For these studies, the external nanoparticle environment consisted of (1) the mica substrates on which the nanoparticles we ...
Structural and Functional Characterization of Luminescent Silver
... to be in the range of 1.0-1.4 nm, consistent with the size obtained from the TEM image of the dialyzed sample, and is close to the value obtained recently by Balan et al.28 for silver nanoparticles prepared in tetrahydrofuran. It has been demonstrated previously29 for spherical NCs that the broadeni ...
... to be in the range of 1.0-1.4 nm, consistent with the size obtained from the TEM image of the dialyzed sample, and is close to the value obtained recently by Balan et al.28 for silver nanoparticles prepared in tetrahydrofuran. It has been demonstrated previously29 for spherical NCs that the broadeni ...
Franck–Condon principle
The Franck–Condon principle is a rule in spectroscopy and quantum chemistry that explains the intensity of vibronic transitions. Vibronic transitions are the simultaneous changes in electronic and vibrational energy levels of a molecule due to the absorption or emission of a photon of the appropriate energy. The principle states that during an electronic transition, a change from one vibrational energy level to another will be more likely to happen if the two vibrational wave functions overlap more significantly.