The Role of herbicides in preserving biodiversity
... Difficulty in attaining rational dialogue is partly embedded in language. The word “toxic” can be defined in many ways. In addition to bearing a wide variety of meanings it also carries heavy emotional freight. It has meaning only in relation to something else; oxygen is lethal to some organisms out ...
... Difficulty in attaining rational dialogue is partly embedded in language. The word “toxic” can be defined in many ways. In addition to bearing a wide variety of meanings it also carries heavy emotional freight. It has meaning only in relation to something else; oxygen is lethal to some organisms out ...
To the weed
... processes within plants (i.e. PS, branch-chain amino acids synthesis, plant enzyme & hormone, etc). ...
... processes within plants (i.e. PS, branch-chain amino acids synthesis, plant enzyme & hormone, etc). ...
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (usually referred to by its abbreviation, 2,4-D) is a common systemic herbicide used in the control of broadleaf weeds. It is a synthetic auxin (plant hormone) and one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Since 2014 genetically modified soybeans and genetically modified maize resistant to 2,4-D and glyphosate have been approved in Canada and the U.S. as well as the corresponding herbicide Enlist Duo, which contains 2,4-D choline and glyphosate.2,4-D was one of the ingredients in Agent Orange, the herbicide widely used during the Vietnam War. According to the US National Pesticide Information Center, ""the controversy regarding health effects centered around the 2,4,5-T component of the herbicide and its contaminant, dioxin.""