Constructing Political Status Through Veteran Identity
... personal and academic journey. First, my deep thanks to my advisor Professor Ron Schatz, who helped me draw shape and conviction out of amorphous ideas. I am also grateful to Professor Richard Elphick, who has helped me make the most of the last three years of my college experience. Also, I must tha ...
... personal and academic journey. First, my deep thanks to my advisor Professor Ron Schatz, who helped me draw shape and conviction out of amorphous ideas. I am also grateful to Professor Richard Elphick, who has helped me make the most of the last three years of my college experience. Also, I must tha ...
Hate Speech and Persecution: A Contextual
... Prosecutor v. Nahimana 5 (Media Case) judgments, for example, separate ICTR Trial Chambers found that hate-speech radio broadcasts not necessarily calling for action blatantly deprived the target ethnic group of fundamental rights and thus, even without proof of causally related violence, could be t ...
... Prosecutor v. Nahimana 5 (Media Case) judgments, for example, separate ICTR Trial Chambers found that hate-speech radio broadcasts not necessarily calling for action blatantly deprived the target ethnic group of fundamental rights and thus, even without proof of causally related violence, could be t ...
Congress and Civil Rights: The Demise of Reconstruction, 1871-1877
... of State authorities I do not doubt; that the power of the Executive of the United States, acting within the limits of existing laws, is sufficient for present emergencies is not clear. Therefore, I urgently recommend such legislation as in the judgment of Congress shall effectively secure life, lib ...
... of State authorities I do not doubt; that the power of the Executive of the United States, acting within the limits of existing laws, is sufficient for present emergencies is not clear. Therefore, I urgently recommend such legislation as in the judgment of Congress shall effectively secure life, lib ...
Between Reconstructions: Congressional Action on Civil Rights
... rule in the South, which lasted into the 1960s. Thus, as black Americans entered the twentieth century, their fortunes had changed considerably in a few short decades. They had gone from a state of slavery, to a state of political equality with whites, to a state of semi-citizenship in less than two ...
... rule in the South, which lasted into the 1960s. Thus, as black Americans entered the twentieth century, their fortunes had changed considerably in a few short decades. They had gone from a state of slavery, to a state of political equality with whites, to a state of semi-citizenship in less than two ...
Setting Course: A Congressional Management Guide
... committee members • May implement formal or informal procedures • House markups occur at subcommittee and full committee levels usually • 1/3 membership needed for quorum, majority needed to report bill ...
... committee members • May implement formal or informal procedures • House markups occur at subcommittee and full committee levels usually • 1/3 membership needed for quorum, majority needed to report bill ...
Internet Hate: Criminal vs. Civil Remedies
... “The damage caused by hate messages to the groups targeted is very often difficult to repair. It insidiously reinforces the prejudice that some people may have towards minorities identified by race, color and religion, thus prompting and justifying discriminatory practices and even violence against ...
... “The damage caused by hate messages to the groups targeted is very often difficult to repair. It insidiously reinforces the prejudice that some people may have towards minorities identified by race, color and religion, thus prompting and justifying discriminatory practices and even violence against ...
... may not have crossed the line into hate speech under ordinary circumstances could be deemed to do so if spoken in a particularly unstable climate. If ethnic tensions are already simmering, and especially if violent acts are already being carried out, the bar for what constitutes incitement will be l ...
... may not have crossed the line into hate speech under ordinary circumstances could be deemed to do so if spoken in a particularly unstable climate. If ethnic tensions are already simmering, and especially if violent acts are already being carried out, the bar for what constitutes incitement will be l ...
Hate speech - Maailmakool
... •About 50% believe there are too many immigrants in their country. •Many believe that Jews seek to benefit from their forebears’ suffering during the Nazi era. •About 30% believe there is a natural hierarchy of ethnicity. •Widespread Islamophobia •A majority in Europe also subscribe to sexist attitu ...
... •About 50% believe there are too many immigrants in their country. •Many believe that Jews seek to benefit from their forebears’ suffering during the Nazi era. •About 30% believe there is a natural hierarchy of ethnicity. •Widespread Islamophobia •A majority in Europe also subscribe to sexist attitu ...
... LBJ enlisted called upon support from other members of the Senate for cloture—3/5 vote to limit debate and call for a vote June 1964—Senate voted for cloture—filibuster failed Passed by the Senate and signed into law by LBJ on July 2, 1964 ...
... LBJ enlisted called upon support from other members of the Senate for cloture—3/5 vote to limit debate and call for a vote June 1964—Senate voted for cloture—filibuster failed Passed by the Senate and signed into law by LBJ on July 2, 1964 ...