Chapter 268 - Captive Breeding and Reintroduction
... programs often require substantial research programs on behavior, reproductive biology, nutrition, genetics, or disease. Research on closely related species is also often helpful. Poor reproduction in captivity is often due to behavioral problems caused by inadequate husbandry techniques. Because di ...
... programs often require substantial research programs on behavior, reproductive biology, nutrition, genetics, or disease. Research on closely related species is also often helpful. Poor reproduction in captivity is often due to behavioral problems caused by inadequate husbandry techniques. Because di ...
Large North American game animals not commonly found in Texas
... Habitat and Distribution • Grey Wolves can be found in North America, Europe and Asia in greatly reduced numbers than in past years • Wolves can adapt to almost any territory as long as there is enough land to hunt • They seem to prefer timber covered areas as it provides more prey for them ...
... Habitat and Distribution • Grey Wolves can be found in North America, Europe and Asia in greatly reduced numbers than in past years • Wolves can adapt to almost any territory as long as there is enough land to hunt • They seem to prefer timber covered areas as it provides more prey for them ...
Endangered_Project_Paxton - Etiwanda E
... The coat of the red wolf is tawny-cinnamon mixed with gray and black, and is darkest on the back. Red wolves have a head and body length of 3.25 4' and a weight of 40 - 90 lb. ...
... The coat of the red wolf is tawny-cinnamon mixed with gray and black, and is darkest on the back. Red wolves have a head and body length of 3.25 4' and a weight of 40 - 90 lb. ...
Wolf reintroduction
Wolf reintroduction involves the reestablishment of a population of gray wolves and red wolves in areas where they have been extirpated. Wolf reintroduction is only considered where large tracts of suitable wilderness still exist and where certain prey species are abundant enough to support a predetermined wolf population.