conceptualizing continuity and change
... of path dependence. In particular, I demonstrate that the QWERTY model does not accommodate the possibility of fundamental change over time because the arrangement of letters on the keyboard is resistant to incremental alteration. The story of the QWERTY typewriter demonstrates how an inflexible sta ...
... of path dependence. In particular, I demonstrate that the QWERTY model does not accommodate the possibility of fundamental change over time because the arrangement of letters on the keyboard is resistant to incremental alteration. The story of the QWERTY typewriter demonstrates how an inflexible sta ...
The right to freedom of expression versus media censorship
... Tai (2006) argues that one of the two premises of the Chinese government’s enthusiastic embrace of the Internet is that the government believes that with proper technologies at hands, it can create a cyber environment with filtered information which are chosen to as fit to see. Besides the laws and ...
... Tai (2006) argues that one of the two premises of the Chinese government’s enthusiastic embrace of the Internet is that the government believes that with proper technologies at hands, it can create a cyber environment with filtered information which are chosen to as fit to see. Besides the laws and ...
Deep Packet Inspection
... economic responsibilities of the ISPs towards the end-users or the content providers. An empirical analysis of the underlying technology and its changes and trends has been largely missing4. Ten years ago, Joel Reidenberg (1998) and Lawrence Lessig (1999) already made convincingly clear that the tec ...
... economic responsibilities of the ISPs towards the end-users or the content providers. An empirical analysis of the underlying technology and its changes and trends has been largely missing4. Ten years ago, Joel Reidenberg (1998) and Lawrence Lessig (1999) already made convincingly clear that the tec ...
Social Implications of the Internet
... institutionalization. Second, the Internet is unique because it integrates both different modalities of communication (reciprocal interaction, broadcasting, individual referencesearching, group discussion, person/machine interaction) and different kinds of content (text, video, visual images, audio) ...
... institutionalization. Second, the Internet is unique because it integrates both different modalities of communication (reciprocal interaction, broadcasting, individual referencesearching, group discussion, person/machine interaction) and different kinds of content (text, video, visual images, audio) ...
Consumer Adoption Intentions Toward the Internet in China
... and conflicting interpretations about an objective or issue (Daft, Lengel, and ...
... and conflicting interpretations about an objective or issue (Daft, Lengel, and ...
... Other research has focused on public settings that provide Internet access for pesons unable to reach the Internet at home or work. A national survey of public libraries reported that urban libraries are almost three times as likely as rural libraries to offer high-speed Internet connections; and th ...
... Other research has focused on public settings that provide Internet access for pesons unable to reach the Internet at home or work. A national survey of public libraries reported that urban libraries are almost three times as likely as rural libraries to offer high-speed Internet connections; and th ...
1 Social studies of domestic information and communication
... Personal welfare outcomes The third approach to social impact stretches beyond the activity itself to emphasize how changes in people’s behavior, as a result of using new ICTs, have consequences for their more general well-being. Researchers consider the impact on personal welfare in many spheres, i ...
... Personal welfare outcomes The third approach to social impact stretches beyond the activity itself to emphasize how changes in people’s behavior, as a result of using new ICTs, have consequences for their more general well-being. Researchers consider the impact on personal welfare in many spheres, i ...
Chapter 11
... Understand issues related to the presentation of self online. Articulate the dark and bright sides of CMC. Discuss the pervasiveness and importance of social networking. ...
... Understand issues related to the presentation of self online. Articulate the dark and bright sides of CMC. Discuss the pervasiveness and importance of social networking. ...
The EDRi papers A guide for policy-makers How the internet works
... just on origin and destination details. Network engineers soon realised that it would be easier to detect attacks if the network equipment started looking a bit deeper into the packets. In theory it is easy – the headers in packet are not “separated” in any other way than logical definition of bound ...
... just on origin and destination details. Network engineers soon realised that it would be easier to detect attacks if the network equipment started looking a bit deeper into the packets. In theory it is easy – the headers in packet are not “separated” in any other way than logical definition of bound ...
Guidelines for acceptable Use of the Network and the Internet at
... Access to the Internet is given to students who agree to these guidelines and act in a considerate and responsible manner. Parent or caregiver permission is required for students who are accessing the internet at school. Acceptable Use Research to support education or teacher approved personal kno ...
... Access to the Internet is given to students who agree to these guidelines and act in a considerate and responsible manner. Parent or caregiver permission is required for students who are accessing the internet at school. Acceptable Use Research to support education or teacher approved personal kno ...