Spin Squeezing, Entanglement and Quantum Metrology
... spin squeezing might also involve states that are not minimal uncertainty states. One example is the “one axis twisting" scheme proposed in [1], which we use in the experiments described in the last chapter of this thesis. For these states, as for experimentally very important non-pure quantum state ...
... spin squeezing might also involve states that are not minimal uncertainty states. One example is the “one axis twisting" scheme proposed in [1], which we use in the experiments described in the last chapter of this thesis. For these states, as for experimentally very important non-pure quantum state ...
Quantum Orders and Symmetric Spin Liquids
... (AF) transition temperature TAF ∼ 250K, the superconducting transition temperature Tc ∼ 100K, and the spin pseudo-gap scale ∆ ∼ 40meV.[17–19] The insulating property is completely due to the strong correlations present in the high Tc materials. Thus the strong correlations are expect to play very im ...
... (AF) transition temperature TAF ∼ 250K, the superconducting transition temperature Tc ∼ 100K, and the spin pseudo-gap scale ∆ ∼ 40meV.[17–19] The insulating property is completely due to the strong correlations present in the high Tc materials. Thus the strong correlations are expect to play very im ...
New perspectives for Rashba spin–orbit coupling
... To discuss the physics induced by SO coupling in systems lacking inversion symmetry, let us consider the p‑linear Rashba SO coupling introduced previously. Equation 3 in Box 1 describes a Zeeman term that involves a magnetic field proportional to the electron momentum p. Consequently, when electro ...
... To discuss the physics induced by SO coupling in systems lacking inversion symmetry, let us consider the p‑linear Rashba SO coupling introduced previously. Equation 3 in Box 1 describes a Zeeman term that involves a magnetic field proportional to the electron momentum p. Consequently, when electro ...
The CKM Matrix and CP Violation
... • Because we are dealing with quarks, which are only observed as bound states, this is a fairly complicated subject. Here we will approach it in two steps: • i) Consider particle – anti-particle oscillations without CP violation •ii) Then discuss the effects of CP violation Many features in common ...
... • Because we are dealing with quarks, which are only observed as bound states, this is a fairly complicated subject. Here we will approach it in two steps: • i) Consider particle – anti-particle oscillations without CP violation •ii) Then discuss the effects of CP violation Many features in common ...
The development of the quantum-mechanical electron theory of metals
... the areas of applicability of the newly developed FermiDirac and Bose-Einstein quantum statistics? (See Fermi, 1926a, 1926b;. Dirac, 1926; Einstein, 1924, 1925; Bose, 1924). As he wrote on 22 November to Erwin Schrodinger, "Recently, I have also been occupied with gas degeneracy [Schrodinger, 1924]. ...
... the areas of applicability of the newly developed FermiDirac and Bose-Einstein quantum statistics? (See Fermi, 1926a, 1926b;. Dirac, 1926; Einstein, 1924, 1925; Bose, 1924). As he wrote on 22 November to Erwin Schrodinger, "Recently, I have also been occupied with gas degeneracy [Schrodinger, 1924]. ...
Interacting Anyons in a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice
... is defined by a set of quantum numbers. In contrast to that for fermions, i.e. particles with half-integer spin, there is the Pauli blockade, which means that for a given set of quantum numbers only one particle can occupy such a state. One of the crucial points of the spin-statistics theorem is its ...
... is defined by a set of quantum numbers. In contrast to that for fermions, i.e. particles with half-integer spin, there is the Pauli blockade, which means that for a given set of quantum numbers only one particle can occupy such a state. One of the crucial points of the spin-statistics theorem is its ...
Quantum Theory of Chiral Interactions in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
... between molecules. Such a formulation is required in cases where it is either necessary or desirable to include orientational correlations between interacting molecules. It was shown that for central-force interactions between atoms on different molecules, a nonzero effective chiral interaction betw ...
... between molecules. Such a formulation is required in cases where it is either necessary or desirable to include orientational correlations between interacting molecules. It was shown that for central-force interactions between atoms on different molecules, a nonzero effective chiral interaction betw ...