Quantum Spins and Quantum Links: The D
... D-theory has several interesting features that go beyond Wilson’s non-perturbative lattice formulation of quantum field theory. For example, due to the use of discrete variables, the theory can be completely fermionized. All bosonic fields can be written as pairs of fermionic constituents, which we ...
... D-theory has several interesting features that go beyond Wilson’s non-perturbative lattice formulation of quantum field theory. For example, due to the use of discrete variables, the theory can be completely fermionized. All bosonic fields can be written as pairs of fermionic constituents, which we ...
Probability distributions in classical and quantum
... As we mentioned above, the rectangular and circular billiards are well-treated in textbooks, however we think that this is not the case with the elliptic geometry. Due to the renewed attention in 2D systems, the purpose of our work is to present a study of the classical and quantum elliptic billiard ...
... As we mentioned above, the rectangular and circular billiards are well-treated in textbooks, however we think that this is not the case with the elliptic geometry. Due to the renewed attention in 2D systems, the purpose of our work is to present a study of the classical and quantum elliptic billiard ...
Get PDF - OSA Publishing
... theory in both models is confirmed by several comparisons. In the quantum rotor case, we use a spin wave approximation in the limit of weak interaction and a first order perturbation theory in the limit of weak tunneling. For the Bose-Hubbard model we compare against results obtained applying the qu ...
... theory in both models is confirmed by several comparisons. In the quantum rotor case, we use a spin wave approximation in the limit of weak interaction and a first order perturbation theory in the limit of weak tunneling. For the Bose-Hubbard model we compare against results obtained applying the qu ...
Lecture 2 - Harvard Condensed Matter Theory group
... Example: Mott state with nA atoms in sublattice A and nB atoms in sublattice B ...
... Example: Mott state with nA atoms in sublattice A and nB atoms in sublattice B ...
Coupled Quantum– Atomistic and Quantum–Continuum Mechanics
... energy surface; QC, quasi-continuum; QM, quantum mechanics. ...
... energy surface; QC, quasi-continuum; QM, quantum mechanics. ...
PDF ∗ , 88K - UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry
... Some tasks performed by solid-state electronic devices can also be carried out by single organic molecules. This was Aviram and Ratner’s1 avant-garde claim in 1974 when they described the first single molecule electronic devicesthe molecular rectifier. Recently, synthetic and analytic methods have p ...
... Some tasks performed by solid-state electronic devices can also be carried out by single organic molecules. This was Aviram and Ratner’s1 avant-garde claim in 1974 when they described the first single molecule electronic devicesthe molecular rectifier. Recently, synthetic and analytic methods have p ...
Philosophy of Mind and the Problem of Free Will
... “….This [conclusion] is important for contemporary research. The standard lines of research…make no appeal to quantum mechanics. If Hypothesis 2 is true these cannot succeed, at least not for volitional consciousness.” (p.75) He goes on: “If quantum indeterminism amounts to randomness then quantum ...
... “….This [conclusion] is important for contemporary research. The standard lines of research…make no appeal to quantum mechanics. If Hypothesis 2 is true these cannot succeed, at least not for volitional consciousness.” (p.75) He goes on: “If quantum indeterminism amounts to randomness then quantum ...
Necessary and Sufficient Quantum Information Characterization of
... state is a resource in a quantum information task that we dub subchannel discrimination, in a practically relevant scenario where measurements can only be performed locally. Subchannel discrimination is the identification of which branch of a quantum evolution a quantum system undergoes (see Fig. 1) ...
... state is a resource in a quantum information task that we dub subchannel discrimination, in a practically relevant scenario where measurements can only be performed locally. Subchannel discrimination is the identification of which branch of a quantum evolution a quantum system undergoes (see Fig. 1) ...
The additivity problem in quantum information theory
... The problems of data transmission and storage by quantum information carriers received increasing attention during past decade, owing to the burst of activity in the field of quantum information and computation [42], [22]. At present we are witnessing emergence of theoretical and experimental founda ...
... The problems of data transmission and storage by quantum information carriers received increasing attention during past decade, owing to the burst of activity in the field of quantum information and computation [42], [22]. At present we are witnessing emergence of theoretical and experimental founda ...
Quantum teleportation
Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. Because it depends on classical communication, which can proceed no faster than the speed of light, it cannot be used for faster-than-light transport or communication of classical bits. It also cannot be used to make copies of a system, as this violates the no-cloning theorem. While it has proven possible to teleport one or more qubits of information between two (entangled) atoms, this has not yet been achieved between molecules or anything larger.Although the name is inspired by the teleportation commonly used in fiction, there is no relationship outside the name, because quantum teleportation concerns only the transfer of information. Quantum teleportation is not a form of transportation, but of communication; it provides a way of transporting a qubit from one location to another, without having to move a physical particle along with it.The seminal paper first expounding the idea was published by C. H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Crépeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres and W. K. Wootters in 1993. Since then, quantum teleportation was first realized with single photons and later demonstrated with various material systems such as atoms, ions, electrons and superconducting circuits. The record distance for quantum teleportation is 143 km (89 mi).