URL - StealthSkater
... and ad hoc. 3. The vision about hierarchy of Planck constants heff=n× h and the connection heff= hgr= GMm/v0, where v0) forced to consider very seriously the
hypothesis that Kähler coupling strength has a spectrum of values in one-one correspondence
with p-a ...
... and ad hoc. 3. The vision about hierarchy of Planck constants heff=n× h and the connection heff= hgr= GMm/v0, where v0
Signatures of Majorana zero-modes in nanowires, quantum spin
... zero excitation energy), bound to a magnetic vortex or other defect. The name goes back to a concept introduced by the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana [1], of a charge-neutral fermionic particle that is identical to its anti-particle. Such Majorana fermions may or may not be realized as fundamenta ...
... zero excitation energy), bound to a magnetic vortex or other defect. The name goes back to a concept introduced by the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana [1], of a charge-neutral fermionic particle that is identical to its anti-particle. Such Majorana fermions may or may not be realized as fundamenta ...
Serkan Sahin (Master, JGU, 2015): Entanglement
... equation for large systems requires truncation schemes. We present a new truncation scheme for CUT using entanglement-based methods from TNs. We call this method entanglement-CUT (eCUT). Amongst other things, it allows the computation of expectation values of local observables. The basic idea of the ...
... equation for large systems requires truncation schemes. We present a new truncation scheme for CUT using entanglement-based methods from TNs. We call this method entanglement-CUT (eCUT). Amongst other things, it allows the computation of expectation values of local observables. The basic idea of the ...
... Group Field Theories: spacetime from quantum discreteness to an amergent continuum – p. 4/3 models, simplicial QG,... ...
... Group Field Theories: spacetime from quantum discreteness to an amergent continuum – p. 4/3 models, simplicial QG,... ...
Quantum gauge theory simulation with ultracold atoms
... description of the fundamental interactions of our physical world. In particular, gauge theories describe one of the most important class of systems which can be addressed with quantum simulators. The main objective of the thesis is to study the implementation of quantum simulators for gauge theorie ...
... description of the fundamental interactions of our physical world. In particular, gauge theories describe one of the most important class of systems which can be addressed with quantum simulators. The main objective of the thesis is to study the implementation of quantum simulators for gauge theorie ...
Ph.D. thesis - Chin Lab at the University of Chicago
... I would like to thank my adviser Prof. Cheng Chin for making my whole journey in ultracold atoms research possible. On March 26, 2006, Cheng welcomed me as a new group member to build up the cesium experiment together. I had little experimental experience then, and didn’t realize until much later ho ...
... I would like to thank my adviser Prof. Cheng Chin for making my whole journey in ultracold atoms research possible. On March 26, 2006, Cheng welcomed me as a new group member to build up the cesium experiment together. I had little experimental experience then, and didn’t realize until much later ho ...