information technology problems in the context of logic of science
... transformation from the productive power into a direct productive force. The total "universalism" of science does not transform into the polytechnic education and the polytechnic way of social activities, if the polytechizm is a comprehensive study of labor activity. The consequences of such "not ac ...
... transformation from the productive power into a direct productive force. The total "universalism" of science does not transform into the polytechnic education and the polytechnic way of social activities, if the polytechizm is a comprehensive study of labor activity. The consequences of such "not ac ...
Socializing Naturalized Philosophy of Science
... parallels with the historical orientation in the philosophy of science. Advocates of the latter argue that rational reconstructivist accounts of science were mistaken because these accounts did not fit with historical data. Historically oriented philosophers present case studies in the history of sc ...
... parallels with the historical orientation in the philosophy of science. Advocates of the latter argue that rational reconstructivist accounts of science were mistaken because these accounts did not fit with historical data. Historically oriented philosophers present case studies in the history of sc ...
The Creation-Centred Christ Story
... Another strand of Christianity is very positive towards creation by celebrating our affinity with nature. Thomas Aquinas exalted creation as a manifestation of God’s abundant goodness. He affirmed the gift of creation when he wrote, ‘the whole universe participates in the divine goodness and represe ...
... Another strand of Christianity is very positive towards creation by celebrating our affinity with nature. Thomas Aquinas exalted creation as a manifestation of God’s abundant goodness. He affirmed the gift of creation when he wrote, ‘the whole universe participates in the divine goodness and represe ...
[Book Review of] Theologies of the Body: Human and Christian, by
... God, centered in Jesus Christ, both God and man, a kingdom God has planned and invited us to enter. "Entering into this Trinitarian Community, created persons will find that there will unfold for them an unending abyss of new wonders. Yet the history of the world will also remain forever preserved i ...
... God, centered in Jesus Christ, both God and man, a kingdom God has planned and invited us to enter. "Entering into this Trinitarian Community, created persons will find that there will unfold for them an unending abyss of new wonders. Yet the history of the world will also remain forever preserved i ...
Science, Faith and a Distinctly Christian Humanism
... life, as well as in the worthiness of attention to the conditions and quality of human life. But wait, isn’t humanism bad? Yes, in the particular modern, secular form that has emptied humanism of its original Christian content. This “secular” humanism is bad, however, not merely because it has tragi ...
... life, as well as in the worthiness of attention to the conditions and quality of human life. But wait, isn’t humanism bad? Yes, in the particular modern, secular form that has emptied humanism of its original Christian content. This “secular” humanism is bad, however, not merely because it has tragi ...
Science and Enlightenment
... greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. The world had scarcely become known as round and complete in itself when it was asked to waive the tremendous privilege of being the center of the universe. Never, perhaps, was a greater demand made on mankind - for by this admissio ...
... greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. The world had scarcely become known as round and complete in itself when it was asked to waive the tremendous privilege of being the center of the universe. Never, perhaps, was a greater demand made on mankind - for by this admissio ...
Διαφάνεια 1
... dilemmas and moral problems that may emerge before, during or after the scientific activity, in order to harmonize sciences and social ethics without hindering the production of certain and objective knowledge. ...
... dilemmas and moral problems that may emerge before, during or after the scientific activity, in order to harmonize sciences and social ethics without hindering the production of certain and objective knowledge. ...