Essential Identity: the Beginnings of an
... However, the transformations, as suggested in the performance, were not successful. One way to see it is that the couple did not manage to survive because the change required exceeded their capacities. Although the man tried to act like a Catholic, he could not defeat his fear of lizards, and other ...
... However, the transformations, as suggested in the performance, were not successful. One way to see it is that the couple did not manage to survive because the change required exceeded their capacities. Although the man tried to act like a Catholic, he could not defeat his fear of lizards, and other ...
Divine Origin of Gender
... affected by that which happens to the body; whereas, with men, the body has more pronouncedly the character of an instrument which serves them in their work and is accompanied by a certain detachment.11 It is interesting that she would have arrived at such a conclusion using motherhood as the primar ...
... affected by that which happens to the body; whereas, with men, the body has more pronouncedly the character of an instrument which serves them in their work and is accompanied by a certain detachment.11 It is interesting that she would have arrived at such a conclusion using motherhood as the primar ...
What`s Wrong With the New Biological Essentialism?
... HPC kinds have two components. First, the members of an HPC kind share a cluster of co-occurring similarities. No similarity is necessary for membership in an HPC kind, but such properties must be stable enough to allow for successful induction. Generally, the aim of HPC Theory is to capture groups ...
... HPC kinds have two components. First, the members of an HPC kind share a cluster of co-occurring similarities. No similarity is necessary for membership in an HPC kind, but such properties must be stable enough to allow for successful induction. Generally, the aim of HPC Theory is to capture groups ...
Essentialism and Anti-Essentialism in Feminist Philosophy
... Following this recognition of the cultural character of bodies, a growing number of theorists in the 1990s rejected the previously popular essentialism/constructionism antithesis. They argued that constructionism remains unduly close to essentialism, since it accepts the existence of natural bodily ...
... Following this recognition of the cultural character of bodies, a growing number of theorists in the 1990s rejected the previously popular essentialism/constructionism antithesis. They argued that constructionism remains unduly close to essentialism, since it accepts the existence of natural bodily ...
... What can be thought is only the thought that it is. For you will not find thought without what is, in relation to which it is uttered; for there is not, or shall be, anything else besides what is, since Fate fettered it to be entire and immovable. Wherefore all these are names which mortals laid dow ...
... What can be thought is only the thought that it is. For you will not find thought without what is, in relation to which it is uttered; for there is not, or shall be, anything else besides what is, since Fate fettered it to be entire and immovable. Wherefore all these are names which mortals laid dow ...