YOUTH AND CONFLICT A Brief Review of Available Literature
... of passage between childhood and adulthood, or as “biological markers, in which youth is the period between puberty and parenthood” (Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation 2005: 3). In some cultures, male and female initiation rites mark the passage. But in others, females are only considered ...
... of passage between childhood and adulthood, or as “biological markers, in which youth is the period between puberty and parenthood” (Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation 2005: 3). In some cultures, male and female initiation rites mark the passage. But in others, females are only considered ...
General Strain Theory for LGBQ and SSB Youth: The Importance of
... It is also important to consider the experiences of youth reporting SSB; although compared with the wealth of studies of LGBQ youth, much less research has examined SSB youth. The research that does exist shows that when compared with youth who report only opposite-sex sexual experiences, SSB youth ...
... It is also important to consider the experiences of youth reporting SSB; although compared with the wealth of studies of LGBQ youth, much less research has examined SSB youth. The research that does exist shows that when compared with youth who report only opposite-sex sexual experiences, SSB youth ...
When Does Suicide Pose a Philosophical Problem
... There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest - whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories - comes a ...
... There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest - whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories - comes a ...
Teacher Stress
... stress can lead to misunderstandings - and even a lack of sympathy - when stress occurs in its more severe forms. So when statistics about stress are being discussed, it is important to get an idea not just of: ...
... stress can lead to misunderstandings - and even a lack of sympathy - when stress occurs in its more severe forms. So when statistics about stress are being discussed, it is important to get an idea not just of: ...
theories of attempted suicide
... twelve. For example, it is well documented that, in general, men complete suicide more than women, whereas women attempt suicide more than men. However, all this means from a methodological viewpoint is that sex must be controlled for in studies of attempted suicide that aim to increase our understa ...
... twelve. For example, it is well documented that, in general, men complete suicide more than women, whereas women attempt suicide more than men. However, all this means from a methodological viewpoint is that sex must be controlled for in studies of attempted suicide that aim to increase our understa ...
No Place for People Like You
... Nizar has been living in Lebanon for six months, since learning that his family had hired gangsters to kill him. He lives in constant fear, is afraid to get a job, and spends his time hiding at home. Before fleeing to Lebanon, his family had locked him in a small room in the basement with no light, ...
... Nizar has been living in Lebanon for six months, since learning that his family had hired gangsters to kill him. He lives in constant fear, is afraid to get a job, and spends his time hiding at home. Before fleeing to Lebanon, his family had locked him in a small room in the basement with no light, ...
First Responder - Centre for Suicide Prevention
... process the traumatic events, recover to a certain degree, and successfully move on with their lives. Resiliency can be a powerful human characteristic. Many others are not so fortunate and, thus, will deal with their traumatic experiences in any way possible. Trauma has been defined as “A horrific ...
... process the traumatic events, recover to a certain degree, and successfully move on with their lives. Resiliency can be a powerful human characteristic. Many others are not so fortunate and, thus, will deal with their traumatic experiences in any way possible. Trauma has been defined as “A horrific ...
LGBTQA Climate Survey, Fall 2014
... Areas that measure aspects of climate for LGBTQA students were also included in the survey. Overwhelmingly, respondents in both the random and snowball samples were more likely to report hearing students, as compared to faculty and staff, make disparaging comments about or to others because of the ...
... Areas that measure aspects of climate for LGBTQA students were also included in the survey. Overwhelmingly, respondents in both the random and snowball samples were more likely to report hearing students, as compared to faculty and staff, make disparaging comments about or to others because of the ...
Proceedings of 31st International Business Research Conference
... and leaders appear to ignore behaviors of individuals that jeopardize the welfare of the organization, employees and members of society. Current and future organizational leaders have a moral and legal obligation to ensure employees work in a respectful and safe environment. When individuals rely on ...
... and leaders appear to ignore behaviors of individuals that jeopardize the welfare of the organization, employees and members of society. Current and future organizational leaders have a moral and legal obligation to ensure employees work in a respectful and safe environment. When individuals rely on ...
Knowledge of Adolescent Development
... young people. For example, many parents believe all risk-taking is bad and will lead to undesirable, dangerous or deadly outcomes. Parents who hold this belief may discourage or try to prevent their youth from taking any risks. However, numerous studies distinguish between negative risk-taking (e.g. ...
... young people. For example, many parents believe all risk-taking is bad and will lead to undesirable, dangerous or deadly outcomes. Parents who hold this belief may discourage or try to prevent their youth from taking any risks. However, numerous studies distinguish between negative risk-taking (e.g. ...
GAY MEN IN FRATERNITIES 1 The purpose of this
... Homophobia is institutionalized in many all-male environments, including not only fraternities but also athletic teams and the military. It is common for members of these groups to feel that the presence of a gay member will jeopardize the group’s success. Though little research exists specifically ...
... Homophobia is institutionalized in many all-male environments, including not only fraternities but also athletic teams and the military. It is common for members of these groups to feel that the presence of a gay member will jeopardize the group’s success. Though little research exists specifically ...
PSYC 112 Lecture Notes on School, Work, Media [Main sources of
... media we use, and (b) individual characteristics of a person will partly affect how someone responds to media information. Our text identifies 5 uses of media by adolescents: entertainment, identity formation, high sensation, coping, and youth culture identification. It is interesting that all uses ...
... media we use, and (b) individual characteristics of a person will partly affect how someone responds to media information. Our text identifies 5 uses of media by adolescents: entertainment, identity formation, high sensation, coping, and youth culture identification. It is interesting that all uses ...
An Overview of LGBT Veteran Health
... • Minority Stress Theory can explain elevated rates of most health conditions elevated in LGBT people (e.g., depression, substance abuse, drinking, heart disease, cancer, etc.) - also explains difficulty accessing healthcare. - LGB people who lived in states with same-sex marriage are healthier than ...
... • Minority Stress Theory can explain elevated rates of most health conditions elevated in LGBT people (e.g., depression, substance abuse, drinking, heart disease, cancer, etc.) - also explains difficulty accessing healthcare. - LGB people who lived in states with same-sex marriage are healthier than ...
The Politics of Social Reform
... is not wholly and entirely within any one of us; one must therefore find some external signs which make it apparent. Furthermore, it did not arise from nothing: it is itself the result of external causes which must be known.’ Rules of Sociological Method, 38. ...
... is not wholly and entirely within any one of us; one must therefore find some external signs which make it apparent. Furthermore, it did not arise from nothing: it is itself the result of external causes which must be known.’ Rules of Sociological Method, 38. ...
Substance Abuse - UCI Campus Organizations
... Acknowledgments to UCSD Counseling and Psychological Services for their contributions and collaboration in this presentation ...
... Acknowledgments to UCSD Counseling and Psychological Services for their contributions and collaboration in this presentation ...
Letter - Mental Health Liaison Group
... support of the legislation you will soon introduce, the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act Reauthorization of 2011. This legislation renews the commitment to critically important youth and college suicide prevention programs administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, ...
... support of the legislation you will soon introduce, the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act Reauthorization of 2011. This legislation renews the commitment to critically important youth and college suicide prevention programs administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, ...
Chapter 12/13
... Identity is influenced by prevailing environment, including social learning and gender roles Gender roles and discrimination influence cognitive structures and behavior patterns Differences between gender due in part to women primarily raising children (Chodorow) Children bombarded with mess ...
... Identity is influenced by prevailing environment, including social learning and gender roles Gender roles and discrimination influence cognitive structures and behavior patterns Differences between gender due in part to women primarily raising children (Chodorow) Children bombarded with mess ...
1 st place part 1 - College of the Canyons
... • In the United States, “over a million youth (5%)” experience homelessness annually (Rosario et al 2012). • Studies have found that LGB youth compose 15–36% of homeless youth, although they compose only 1.3–3.8% of the general youth population (Rosario et al 2012). • The average percentage of home ...
... • In the United States, “over a million youth (5%)” experience homelessness annually (Rosario et al 2012). • Studies have found that LGB youth compose 15–36% of homeless youth, although they compose only 1.3–3.8% of the general youth population (Rosario et al 2012). • The average percentage of home ...
Safe Space Training
... Evaluating Yourself: As an ally, it is important for you to understand your own feelings about LGBT people that resulted from growing up and living in a heterosexist and homophobic society. Ask yourself the following: 1) When did you first become aware of sexual orientations other than heterosexual ...
... Evaluating Yourself: As an ally, it is important for you to understand your own feelings about LGBT people that resulted from growing up and living in a heterosexist and homophobic society. Ask yourself the following: 1) When did you first become aware of sexual orientations other than heterosexual ...
LGBT - Pennine GP Training
... Not an homogeneous group They are among the social groups most likely to experience discrimination Homophobic bullying is a persistent problem in UK schools ...
... Not an homogeneous group They are among the social groups most likely to experience discrimination Homophobic bullying is a persistent problem in UK schools ...