The use of uterotonic drugs during caesarean section
... Use of Uterotonic Agents at Caesarean Delivery INTRODUCTION Clinicians performing obstetric anaesthesia require a good understanding of the drugs used by obstetricians and the effects that these drugs have on the parturient and the fetus. Uterotonic agents are mainly used post delivery and during c ...
... Use of Uterotonic Agents at Caesarean Delivery INTRODUCTION Clinicians performing obstetric anaesthesia require a good understanding of the drugs used by obstetricians and the effects that these drugs have on the parturient and the fetus. Uterotonic agents are mainly used post delivery and during c ...
Clinical outcomes and costs: a comparison between spinal anaesthesia and... general anaesthesia for emergency caesarean sections at a regional hospital... University of Pretoria
... I would also like to thank the management, colleagues and members of staff of Hlathikhulu hospital for all the assistance and patience shown during the data collection phase of the study. Special mention should be made of the staff of the maternity ward, pharmacy department, Bio-medical department, ...
... I would also like to thank the management, colleagues and members of staff of Hlathikhulu hospital for all the assistance and patience shown during the data collection phase of the study. Special mention should be made of the staff of the maternity ward, pharmacy department, Bio-medical department, ...
Cesarean Delivery
... include elective repeat cesarean delivery, dystocia or failure to progress, malpresentation, and fetal heart rate tracings that suggest fetal distress. Post–cesarean delivery complications include pain, endomyometritis, wound separation/ infection, urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal problems, ...
... include elective repeat cesarean delivery, dystocia or failure to progress, malpresentation, and fetal heart rate tracings that suggest fetal distress. Post–cesarean delivery complications include pain, endomyometritis, wound separation/ infection, urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal problems, ...
Comparing Harms of Vaginal and Cesarean Birth: Maternity
... “Surgery and Patient Choice” “The ethical evaluation is clouded by the limitations of data regarding relative short- and long-term risks and benefits of cesarean versus vaginal delivery.” “If the physician believes that [elective] cesarean delivery promotes the overall health and welfare of the woma ...
... “Surgery and Patient Choice” “The ethical evaluation is clouded by the limitations of data regarding relative short- and long-term risks and benefits of cesarean versus vaginal delivery.” “If the physician believes that [elective] cesarean delivery promotes the overall health and welfare of the woma ...
CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Resuscitation for the Pregnant Woman
... adequate left uterine displacement), then perimortem caesarean delivery (PMCD) is required in order to improve the chance of ROSC and survival. Delivery should be performed as soon as possible if ROSC has not occurred within four minutes of the start of the cardiac arrest. Teams should continue CPR ...
... adequate left uterine displacement), then perimortem caesarean delivery (PMCD) is required in order to improve the chance of ROSC and survival. Delivery should be performed as soon as possible if ROSC has not occurred within four minutes of the start of the cardiac arrest. Teams should continue CPR ...
incidence, risk factors and neonatal outcomes of placenta
... sections even without medical indication on maternal request (Tuzovic, 2003; Räisänen, 2014). Women in developing countries have higher chances of third or fourth caesarean sections due to high birth orders and there is a positive correlation between the number of caesarean sections and the incidenc ...
... sections even without medical indication on maternal request (Tuzovic, 2003; Räisänen, 2014). Women in developing countries have higher chances of third or fourth caesarean sections due to high birth orders and there is a positive correlation between the number of caesarean sections and the incidenc ...
Vaginal leiomyoma in pregnancy presenting
... route. A Foley catheter was placed to avoid injury to the urethra during the operation. Surgical excision was performed vaginally without difficulty. After making a 2-cm incision on anterior vaginal wall, the mass was removed completely (Fig c). The vagina was repaired by the two-layer closure proce ...
... route. A Foley catheter was placed to avoid injury to the urethra during the operation. Surgical excision was performed vaginally without difficulty. After making a 2-cm incision on anterior vaginal wall, the mass was removed completely (Fig c). The vagina was repaired by the two-layer closure proce ...
The Hayman technique: a simple method to treat postpartum
... the surface in between the two lateral sutures appeared to be in need of further compression, then side-to-side ties were inserted in between the first sutures. If only two sutures were needed, a three-throw technique was used to tie the knots to avoid the sutures sliding off the side of the uterus. ...
... the surface in between the two lateral sutures appeared to be in need of further compression, then side-to-side ties were inserted in between the first sutures. If only two sutures were needed, a three-throw technique was used to tie the knots to avoid the sutures sliding off the side of the uterus. ...
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS)
... Regional anaesthesia has become more popular in caesarean deliveries because most of the parturients prefer being awake during childbirth. In addition it is safer method than General anaesthesia1. Small amounts of local anaesthetics (LA) administered make placental transfer and foetal uptake of drug ...
... Regional anaesthesia has become more popular in caesarean deliveries because most of the parturients prefer being awake during childbirth. In addition it is safer method than General anaesthesia1. Small amounts of local anaesthetics (LA) administered make placental transfer and foetal uptake of drug ...
2003 and 2004 Annual Report - College of Physicians and
... In 2003, the perinatal mortality rate was 9.2 per 1,000 births (>499 grams to 7 days). In 2004, the perinatal mortality rate was 9.8 per 1,000 births. The three-year average was 8.9 per 1,000 births. First Nations women were 1.8 times more likely in 2003 to have a baby die in the perinatal perio ...
... In 2003, the perinatal mortality rate was 9.2 per 1,000 births (>499 grams to 7 days). In 2004, the perinatal mortality rate was 9.8 per 1,000 births. The three-year average was 8.9 per 1,000 births. First Nations women were 1.8 times more likely in 2003 to have a baby die in the perinatal perio ...
Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section in an Achondroplastic Dwarf
... preference to remain awake, we opted for regional anaesthesia ...
... preference to remain awake, we opted for regional anaesthesia ...
Dr. Sadeghi
... Caesarean section is associated : risks of post-operative adhesion incision hernias wound infections Server blood loss Increasing the anesthesia risk ...
... Caesarean section is associated : risks of post-operative adhesion incision hernias wound infections Server blood loss Increasing the anesthesia risk ...
Report - TheJournal.ie
... About the Draft Report This document is a shorter version of the Draft Report on Symphysiotomy in Ireland 1944 to 1984. (Symphysiotomy is pronounced sim-fizzy-ot-o-me). The draft report is the first stage of a two-stage process. This first stage sets out the history of the practice of symphysiotomy ...
... About the Draft Report This document is a shorter version of the Draft Report on Symphysiotomy in Ireland 1944 to 1984. (Symphysiotomy is pronounced sim-fizzy-ot-o-me). The draft report is the first stage of a two-stage process. This first stage sets out the history of the practice of symphysiotomy ...
Retrospective Evaluation of Anaesthetic Techniques
... planned for revealing the reasons for C/S by the Mother and Child Care and Family Planning Centre under the Turkish Ministry of Health. It is believed that some factors including malpractice fear of physicians, inability to use painless birth (with EA) commonly, incompetent midwives for following an ...
... planned for revealing the reasons for C/S by the Mother and Child Care and Family Planning Centre under the Turkish Ministry of Health. It is believed that some factors including malpractice fear of physicians, inability to use painless birth (with EA) commonly, incompetent midwives for following an ...
Delayed bleeding after prophylactic bilateral internal iliac artery
... Morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) can be divided into placenta accrete, placenta increta and placenta percreta. It is associated with high parity, multifetal gestation, advanced maternal age, assisted reproductive technologies, placenta previa, and more importantly a history of caesarean section or u ...
... Morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) can be divided into placenta accrete, placenta increta and placenta percreta. It is associated with high parity, multifetal gestation, advanced maternal age, assisted reproductive technologies, placenta previa, and more importantly a history of caesarean section or u ...
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
... Peripartum hysterectomy is an indispensible part of every Obstetrician’s armamentarium. In no other gynaecological or obstetrical surgery is the surgeon in as much a dilemma as when deciding to resort to an emergency hysterectomy. On one hand, it is the last resort to save a woman’s life and on the ...
... Peripartum hysterectomy is an indispensible part of every Obstetrician’s armamentarium. In no other gynaecological or obstetrical surgery is the surgeon in as much a dilemma as when deciding to resort to an emergency hysterectomy. On one hand, it is the last resort to save a woman’s life and on the ...
Managing Symptomatic Severe Disc Prolapse in Pregnancy with
... concerns about the possibility of a longer procedure with an increase in blood loss [9]. In severe cases where conservative measures have failed to control the symptoms, women can be operated safely in the first and second trimester and then continuing with the pregnancy until term [5]. However in t ...
... concerns about the possibility of a longer procedure with an increase in blood loss [9]. In severe cases where conservative measures have failed to control the symptoms, women can be operated safely in the first and second trimester and then continuing with the pregnancy until term [5]. However in t ...
The Caesarean Section And The Pregnant Woman`s Right To
... ofmaternity services. Its main recommendations were that maternity services should be women-centred, accessible, effective and efficient. Central to the main thrust of the recommendations were patients' choice and patients' autonomy. Women could choose not only their place ofconfinement but also the ...
... ofmaternity services. Its main recommendations were that maternity services should be women-centred, accessible, effective and efficient. Central to the main thrust of the recommendations were patients' choice and patients' autonomy. Women could choose not only their place ofconfinement but also the ...
Operative Obstetrics. Laceration of birth Canal
... Conditions in which the forces of labor increase the risk to the mother include central placenta previa, previous classic cesarean section, previous myomectomy transecting the uterine wall, previous uterine reconstruction, and previous repair of a vaginal fistula. In such circumstances, normal labor ...
... Conditions in which the forces of labor increase the risk to the mother include central placenta previa, previous classic cesarean section, previous myomectomy transecting the uterine wall, previous uterine reconstruction, and previous repair of a vaginal fistula. In such circumstances, normal labor ...
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
... and rewarding moments in medicine( Moir D D). With the increasing incidence of Caesarean section[1], the anaesthesiologist has to take a decision about the type of anaesthetic technique to be employed which guarantees the safety of both the mother and fetus. In caesarean section under spinal anaesth ...
... and rewarding moments in medicine( Moir D D). With the increasing incidence of Caesarean section[1], the anaesthesiologist has to take a decision about the type of anaesthetic technique to be employed which guarantees the safety of both the mother and fetus. In caesarean section under spinal anaesth ...
Effect of a period of exercise during pregnancy on certain delivery
... muscles, but due to the special condition of the subjects, these exercises were not strengthening and did not affect the strength of abdominal muscles. Regarding the effect of exercise on the duration of the second stage of labor, the reason for the inconsistency of the present finding and some stud ...
... muscles, but due to the special condition of the subjects, these exercises were not strengthening and did not affect the strength of abdominal muscles. Regarding the effect of exercise on the duration of the second stage of labor, the reason for the inconsistency of the present finding and some stud ...
Obstetric procedures
... should be done within the next 30 min. Some examples are; abruption, cord prolapse, scar rupture, scalp blood pH < 7.20 and prolonged FHR deceleration < 80 beats/min. ...
... should be done within the next 30 min. Some examples are; abruption, cord prolapse, scar rupture, scalp blood pH < 7.20 and prolonged FHR deceleration < 80 beats/min. ...
Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section (VBAC)
... Can I labour after two previous caesarean sections? • Yes so long as this pregnancy is normal and there are no other reasons why you should have a caesarean section. • This will be discussed with your by your consultant. • The chance of the scar pulling apart increases to 1:150. • The risk o ...
... Can I labour after two previous caesarean sections? • Yes so long as this pregnancy is normal and there are no other reasons why you should have a caesarean section. • This will be discussed with your by your consultant. • The chance of the scar pulling apart increases to 1:150. • The risk o ...
BI-state conference on Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section VBAC
... Risk in later pregnancies of problems with the placenta Death, which is very rare I understand that (Your Hospital) hospital has anesthesia staff, a doctor for the baby and operating room services available 24 hours a day. The risk of a tear in the uterus and how far along labor has gone will be ...
... Risk in later pregnancies of problems with the placenta Death, which is very rare I understand that (Your Hospital) hospital has anesthesia staff, a doctor for the baby and operating room services available 24 hours a day. The risk of a tear in the uterus and how far along labor has gone will be ...
Caesarean section

A Caesarian section (often C-section, also other spellings) is a surgical procedure in which one or more incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more babies. A Caesarean section is often performed when a vaginal delivery would put the baby's or mother's life or health at risk. Some are also performed upon request without a medical reason to do so. The World Health Organization recommends that they should only be done based on medical need.C-sections result in a small overall increase in bad outcomes in low risk pregnancies. The bad outcomes that occur with C-section differ from those that occur with vaginal delivery. Established guidelines recommend that caesarean sections not be used before 39 weeks without a medical indication to perform the surgery.In many countries, caesarean section procedures are used more frequently than is necessary, and consequently governments and health organizations promote programs to reduce the use of caesarean section in favor of using vaginal delivery. The international healthcare community has considered the rate of 10% and 15% to be ideal for caesarean sections since 1985. The countries which report overuse of this procedure are not finding ways to decrease use of the procedure as much as they would like. The first modern Caesarean section was performed by German gynecologist Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer in 1881.