Bicknell`s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli)
... Bicknell's Thrush, the species has vanished from a number of headlands and islands along the Nova Scotian coast, as well as a few other historically known breeding areas. In the U.S., intensive distribution surveys have detected changes in the southern limit of the species' range, where it can no lo ...
... Bicknell's Thrush, the species has vanished from a number of headlands and islands along the Nova Scotian coast, as well as a few other historically known breeding areas. In the U.S., intensive distribution surveys have detected changes in the southern limit of the species' range, where it can no lo ...
Large Forest Owl - Lake Macquarie City Council
... Habitat – Primarily open forest and woodland with a sparse understorey or ground cover, or the ecotone between closed forest and open forest or woodland.* Nest & Roost Sites – Nest sites are within hollows and tend to consist of one or two large, old growth, nest trees with an additional 2 to 6 larg ...
... Habitat – Primarily open forest and woodland with a sparse understorey or ground cover, or the ecotone between closed forest and open forest or woodland.* Nest & Roost Sites – Nest sites are within hollows and tend to consist of one or two large, old growth, nest trees with an additional 2 to 6 larg ...
The adaptive value of habitat preferences from a multi-scale
... multi-scale habitat preferences. In birds, decisions related to the selection of the breeding site are usually determined by the availability of critical resources, such as food (Crampton & Sedinger, 2011; Barea, 2012) and refuge from predators (Forstmeier & Weiss, 2004; Forsman et al., 2013), which ...
... multi-scale habitat preferences. In birds, decisions related to the selection of the breeding site are usually determined by the availability of critical resources, such as food (Crampton & Sedinger, 2011; Barea, 2012) and refuge from predators (Forstmeier & Weiss, 2004; Forsman et al., 2013), which ...
this - Griffin Groups
... and coniferous forests as well as mixed forests. In some regions, mainly in the eastern and southeastern portion of its breeding range, it appears to prefer regenerating forests which have undergone some disturbance (wind storm, fire or patch-cut) which create openings in the canopy. Habitat that is ...
... and coniferous forests as well as mixed forests. In some regions, mainly in the eastern and southeastern portion of its breeding range, it appears to prefer regenerating forests which have undergone some disturbance (wind storm, fire or patch-cut) which create openings in the canopy. Habitat that is ...
Storm's stork

The Storm's stork (Ciconia stormi) is a large, approximately 91 centimetres (36 in) long, stork with black and white plumages, red bill, orange bare facial skin, red legs and yellow orbital skin. Both sexes are similar. The young has duller plumage and bare skin.This little known species is found in undisturbed forest and freshwater habitats in Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Borneo and peninsular Malaysia. One of its strongholds are in southeast Sumatra, with remaining populations confined to Kalimantan and Brunei. While in peninsular Malaysia only one very small population and scattered individuals left. The world population of the Storm's stork is less than 500 individuals.The Storm's stork is a solitary bird. Its diet consists mainly of fish. The female usually lays two eggs in stick platform nest high in trees canopy.The Storm's stork was formerly considered as a subspecies of the woolly-necked stork.Due to ongoing habitat loss, very small population size, limited range and overhunting in some areas, the Storm's stork is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.