Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical
... quantum physics. Quantum computing can be seen as a special intermediate case between digital and real analog computing. Importantly, there is a threshold theorem for error correction, as opposed to the pure analog case. Alternatively, quantum computing can be viewed as generalized probabilistic com ...
... quantum physics. Quantum computing can be seen as a special intermediate case between digital and real analog computing. Importantly, there is a threshold theorem for error correction, as opposed to the pure analog case. Alternatively, quantum computing can be viewed as generalized probabilistic com ...
Interaction between Atomic Ensembles and Optical
... harmonic oscillators (a cavity mode and a weakly driven atom) gives the same mode structure as the quantum-mechanical treatment. It can then be advantageous to use the classical theory—within its limits of applicability—to describe, and develop an intuition for, more complex problems involving atomi ...
... harmonic oscillators (a cavity mode and a weakly driven atom) gives the same mode structure as the quantum-mechanical treatment. It can then be advantageous to use the classical theory—within its limits of applicability—to describe, and develop an intuition for, more complex problems involving atomi ...
Deviation from Universality in Collisions of Ultracold 6Li2 Molecules
... experiments that can explain the discrepancy. The atomic densities and temperatures in both experiments are comparable. In addition to the results presented above, where molecule lifetimes were measured at a constant magnetic field, we have reproduced the magnetic field sweep during the hold time us ...
... experiments that can explain the discrepancy. The atomic densities and temperatures in both experiments are comparable. In addition to the results presented above, where molecule lifetimes were measured at a constant magnetic field, we have reproduced the magnetic field sweep during the hold time us ...
Macroscopic Local Realism: How Do We Define It and Is It
... quantum mechanics is incomplete. This new version of the EPR argument gives us strong motivation for examining the validity of ``macroscopic local realism.'' The application of the premises of locality and realism has never been shown to fail in experiments intrinsically macroscopic. ``Macroscopic l ...
... quantum mechanics is incomplete. This new version of the EPR argument gives us strong motivation for examining the validity of ``macroscopic local realism.'' The application of the premises of locality and realism has never been shown to fail in experiments intrinsically macroscopic. ``Macroscopic l ...
Spin Squeezing, Macrorealism and the Heisenberg uncertainty
... preexisting properties of a system and can be in principle obtained with an arbitrarily small perturbation of the input state [21, 175]. Even more strikingly, as noted first by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in their seminal paper [52], quantum mechanics predicts effects that are in explicit tension w ...
... preexisting properties of a system and can be in principle obtained with an arbitrarily small perturbation of the input state [21, 175]. Even more strikingly, as noted first by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in their seminal paper [52], quantum mechanics predicts effects that are in explicit tension w ...
... III. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; that is, the mutual forces of two bodies acting upon each other are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. In the dynamical analysis of a system of particles using Newton’s laws, we can interpret the word “body” to mean a particle, ...
geometric phases in quantum theory
... Imagine a vector which marks a direction and put it on a 2-sphere, for example on the north pole and pointing in the direction of a certain meridian. Then you move the object keeping it always parallel to its initial direction down the meridian until you reach the equator and then move it parallel a ...
... Imagine a vector which marks a direction and put it on a 2-sphere, for example on the north pole and pointing in the direction of a certain meridian. Then you move the object keeping it always parallel to its initial direction down the meridian until you reach the equator and then move it parallel a ...
8.5 Collisions 8 Momentum
... 8.4 Conservation of Momentum The force or impulse that changes momentum must be exerted on the object by something outside the object. • Molecular forces within a basketball have no effect on the momentum of the basketball. • A push against the dashboard from inside does not affect the momentum of a ...
... 8.4 Conservation of Momentum The force or impulse that changes momentum must be exerted on the object by something outside the object. • Molecular forces within a basketball have no effect on the momentum of the basketball. • A push against the dashboard from inside does not affect the momentum of a ...
Quantum Physics of Nature QuPoN 2015 Book of Abstracts
... An atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment Although it was discovered and demonstrated after the experimental evidence of Bell's inequalities violations, the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect is a conceptually simpler manifestation of two particle interference effects, impossible to describe in classical terms. Three ...
... An atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment Although it was discovered and demonstrated after the experimental evidence of Bell's inequalities violations, the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect is a conceptually simpler manifestation of two particle interference effects, impossible to describe in classical terms. Three ...
Electronic structure of quantum dots
... can stabilize itself by spontaneously breaking its internal symmetry. For atomic nuclei, for example, such a spatial deformation of the mean field was confirmed by an analysis of rotational spectra (see Bohr and Mottelson, 1975, and the review by Alder et al., 1956). More recently, similar effects w ...
... can stabilize itself by spontaneously breaking its internal symmetry. For atomic nuclei, for example, such a spatial deformation of the mean field was confirmed by an analysis of rotational spectra (see Bohr and Mottelson, 1975, and the review by Alder et al., 1956). More recently, similar effects w ...
A relevant two qubit Bell inequality inequivalent to the CHSH
... Since the general problem is so hard, we calculated the Bell inequalities for various small numbers of measurements and outcomes. Surprisingly, we have found that for small numbers of measurements and outcomes there are very few inequivalent Bell inequalities. For the case (mA = 2, mB = 2, nA = 2, n ...
... Since the general problem is so hard, we calculated the Bell inequalities for various small numbers of measurements and outcomes. Surprisingly, we have found that for small numbers of measurements and outcomes there are very few inequivalent Bell inequalities. For the case (mA = 2, mB = 2, nA = 2, n ...