Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and
... Readers of our earlier book also asked us to analyze recent extensions and developments of neoclassical economics (around such topics as market imperfections, information economics, new theories of equilibrium, behavioral economics, etc.). We treat these new developments in neoclassical economics in ...
... Readers of our earlier book also asked us to analyze recent extensions and developments of neoclassical economics (around such topics as market imperfections, information economics, new theories of equilibrium, behavioral economics, etc.). We treat these new developments in neoclassical economics in ...
The spontaneous generation of excess and its capitalist capture
... and productive whole that is the social formation. Thereby exploitation is revealed as a concrete actualization of the virtual process that Deleuze calls capture, an actualization specific to the historical socius that is capitalism. More importantly, exploitation or capitalist capture is revealed ...
... and productive whole that is the social formation. Thereby exploitation is revealed as a concrete actualization of the virtual process that Deleuze calls capture, an actualization specific to the historical socius that is capitalism. More importantly, exploitation or capitalist capture is revealed ...
An essay on the labor theory of value
... ory of value with a view toward reaching a conclusion as to why it was generally discarded among Western economists ...
... ory of value with a view toward reaching a conclusion as to why it was generally discarded among Western economists ...
Value Theory, the Transformation Problem and Crisis Theory
... of profit to equalize is sharpened further in the transition from classical political economy to the economics of Marx as developed in Volume I of “Capital.” Unlike the classical economists, Marx distinguished between constant capital—fixed capital and raw and auxiliary materials, on one side, and v ...
... of profit to equalize is sharpened further in the transition from classical political economy to the economics of Marx as developed in Volume I of “Capital.” Unlike the classical economists, Marx distinguished between constant capital—fixed capital and raw and auxiliary materials, on one side, and v ...
university of maiduguri - Unimaid, Centre for Distance Learning
... of ensuring the stable and prolonged social progress. They are of the belief that the crisis in capitalism is the crisis of “modern man” or modern science, the spiritual crisis of the age or the crisis of technological civilisation. This view is opposite to the Marxist view that the crisis is linked ...
... of ensuring the stable and prolonged social progress. They are of the belief that the crisis in capitalism is the crisis of “modern man” or modern science, the spiritual crisis of the age or the crisis of technological civilisation. This view is opposite to the Marxist view that the crisis is linked ...
Basics of Marxist Economics, by Roger McCain of Drexel University
... reproduction of the tribe or band. In these circumstances they practiced "primitive communism." This was necessary for survival: if each person did not produce according to her or his ability, and share with others according to their need, the group would not survive as a group, and no individual ...
... reproduction of the tribe or band. In these circumstances they practiced "primitive communism." This was necessary for survival: if each person did not produce according to her or his ability, and share with others according to their need, the group would not survive as a group, and no individual ...
Keynes and Marx - Post-Keynesian Economics Study Group
... capitalists as a whole must be willing to reduce their liquidity position. However, considering hoards and capitalists’ propensity to throw them into circulation cannot represent a fully satisfactory solution in the case of expanded reproduction. If the quantity of money (gold) is given, dishoarding ...
... capitalists as a whole must be willing to reduce their liquidity position. However, considering hoards and capitalists’ propensity to throw them into circulation cannot represent a fully satisfactory solution in the case of expanded reproduction. If the quantity of money (gold) is given, dishoarding ...
The Golden Age of Steam - the Solent Electronic Archive
... the real world, and one not (necessarily) determined by changes in the volume of money, and should be taken into consideration by a model that purports to explain the operation of a monetary economy. Fourthly, money can be hoarded (and re-introduced from hoards) and, agents can choose randomly to ab ...
... the real world, and one not (necessarily) determined by changes in the volume of money, and should be taken into consideration by a model that purports to explain the operation of a monetary economy. Fourthly, money can be hoarded (and re-introduced from hoards) and, agents can choose randomly to ab ...
Money, Interest, and Capital Accumulation in Karl Marx`s
... therefore, stay in the camp of “real analysis”: the long run trends of accumulation as well as economic crises are derived from the development of income shares or from the capitalist introduction of technical progress. Therefore, Marxian debates on crisis theories have focused on underconsumption, ...
... therefore, stay in the camp of “real analysis”: the long run trends of accumulation as well as economic crises are derived from the development of income shares or from the capitalist introduction of technical progress. Therefore, Marxian debates on crisis theories have focused on underconsumption, ...
Marx`s anti-quantity theory of money: A critical evaluation Pichit
... However, in order to issue notes which exceed “the need of trade”, the bank has to lower the interest rate which will induce borrowing to pay previous debts (which cost a higher interest rate) with no change in capital turnover, capitalist spending and commodity prices. That is to say, the lower int ...
... However, in order to issue notes which exceed “the need of trade”, the bank has to lower the interest rate which will induce borrowing to pay previous debts (which cost a higher interest rate) with no change in capital turnover, capitalist spending and commodity prices. That is to say, the lower int ...
marx`s economic theory and contemporary capitalism
... the length of the working day in order to increase surplus labor, or will resist attempts of workers to reduce the length of the working day. Thus a conflict over the length of the working day is inevitable in capitalism. This conclusion is obviously supported by the empirical evidence of actual con ...
... the length of the working day in order to increase surplus labor, or will resist attempts of workers to reduce the length of the working day. Thus a conflict over the length of the working day is inevitable in capitalism. This conclusion is obviously supported by the empirical evidence of actual con ...
12. Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, Say No More
... conceal it: thus, when a producer desires to exchange his product for money, he may be considered as already asking for the merchandise which he proposes to buy with this money. It is thus that the producers, though they have all of them the air of demanding money for their goods, do in reality dema ...
... conceal it: thus, when a producer desires to exchange his product for money, he may be considered as already asking for the merchandise which he proposes to buy with this money. It is thus that the producers, though they have all of them the air of demanding money for their goods, do in reality dema ...
Fall 2015 Syllabus - Henry George School of Social Science
... neoclassical and Keynesian/Post Keynesian ones, and to the relevant empirical evidence. Given the publication date, copies of the book will be available at the end of the semester. The second (Spring) semester, Advanced Political Economy I, will develop a classical approach to macroeconomics. It wil ...
... neoclassical and Keynesian/Post Keynesian ones, and to the relevant empirical evidence. Given the publication date, copies of the book will be available at the end of the semester. The second (Spring) semester, Advanced Political Economy I, will develop a classical approach to macroeconomics. It wil ...
Science, Hegemony and Action
... things right (Althusser, 1996: chap. 7). In his Introduction to the French edition of Capital, he made two important observations that focus his anti-humanist stance succinctly (Althusser, 1971). First, he argued that the philosophical idea of alienation of the Marx of the Paris-Manuscripts of 1844 ...
... things right (Althusser, 1996: chap. 7). In his Introduction to the French edition of Capital, he made two important observations that focus his anti-humanist stance succinctly (Althusser, 1971). First, he argued that the philosophical idea of alienation of the Marx of the Paris-Manuscripts of 1844 ...
Brief Points for Discussion of Ricardo`s Chapter 20, 21, and 26
... person. ... While the profits of stock are high, men will have a motive to accumulate [thus, investment] ... Productions are always bought by productions, or by services; money is only the medium by which the exchange is effected [in this, we might recall Adam Smith’s “A man must be perfectly crazy ...
... person. ... While the profits of stock are high, men will have a motive to accumulate [thus, investment] ... Productions are always bought by productions, or by services; money is only the medium by which the exchange is effected [in this, we might recall Adam Smith’s “A man must be perfectly crazy ...
reply-to-harvey - Michael Roberts Blog
... long-standing scepticism about the general relevance of the law”. Well, that may be comforting to DH but it does not bear up with the facts. Poor old Freddy Engels has really come in for it by our modern Marxist MEGA scholars who apparently know better what Marx meant than his close comrade in arms ...
... long-standing scepticism about the general relevance of the law”. Well, that may be comforting to DH but it does not bear up with the facts. Poor old Freddy Engels has really come in for it by our modern Marxist MEGA scholars who apparently know better what Marx meant than his close comrade in arms ...
Thinking About Capitalism
... led to the division of the world into colonial empires and an imperialist world war. Attempts to revive the competitive capitalist market after the war soon failed and set the stage for the Great Depression. Rather, throughout the imperialist era (1870-1914) and beyond it, capital progressively lost ...
... led to the division of the world into colonial empires and an imperialist world war. Attempts to revive the competitive capitalist market after the war soon failed and set the stage for the Great Depression. Rather, throughout the imperialist era (1870-1914) and beyond it, capital progressively lost ...
Marxian Political Economy: Legacy and Renewal
... The thesis here is that the basic principles of Marx’s analysis of the history of human societies and the main concepts and mechanisms introduced in Capital remain the fundamental tools in our understanding of capitalism. Since the 19th century to the present, capitalism is, however, in constant tra ...
... The thesis here is that the basic principles of Marx’s analysis of the history of human societies and the main concepts and mechanisms introduced in Capital remain the fundamental tools in our understanding of capitalism. Since the 19th century to the present, capitalism is, however, in constant tra ...
Marxism, Crisis Theory and the Crisis of the Early 21st Century
... to the Internet, email and Blackberries; the cheapening of the elements of constant capital; wages forced below their value; relative overpopulation of the reserve army which globalization has surely promoted; as well as changes in the cost of raw materials, expansion into new markets, and so on. Me ...
... to the Internet, email and Blackberries; the cheapening of the elements of constant capital; wages forced below their value; relative overpopulation of the reserve army which globalization has surely promoted; as well as changes in the cost of raw materials, expansion into new markets, and so on. Me ...
Crisis and `law of motion` in economics: a critique of positivist Marxism
... concepts were integral to the emancipatory political economy of Karl Marx. They have been lost, I will argue, to mainstream political economy and also to Marxism, which is, with great irony, cast as the originator of the opposed notion of mechanical or fatalistic determination. This is the result ...
... concepts were integral to the emancipatory political economy of Karl Marx. They have been lost, I will argue, to mainstream political economy and also to Marxism, which is, with great irony, cast as the originator of the opposed notion of mechanical or fatalistic determination. This is the result ...
Capitalism. Socialism. Communism.
... All nations move from capitalism, to socialism, and then to communism ...
... All nations move from capitalism, to socialism, and then to communism ...
Lecture 3 - The Economics Network
... • Perhaps there is, though -- the labor cost of producing a conventional standard of living of labor. • In any case: the “technological unemployment” we see here could be offset by an increase in the labor standard of living, but that is against the interest of capitalists, who will be doing their b ...
... • Perhaps there is, though -- the labor cost of producing a conventional standard of living of labor. • In any case: the “technological unemployment” we see here could be offset by an increase in the labor standard of living, but that is against the interest of capitalists, who will be doing their b ...
Economics for Democratic Socialism Drexel University Spring Quarter 2009
... • Perhaps there is, though -- the labor cost of producing a conventional standard of living of labor. • In any case: the “technological unemployment” we see here could be offset by an increase in the labor standard of living, but that is against the interest of capitalists, who will be doing their b ...
... • Perhaps there is, though -- the labor cost of producing a conventional standard of living of labor. • In any case: the “technological unemployment” we see here could be offset by an increase in the labor standard of living, but that is against the interest of capitalists, who will be doing their b ...
... stages: primitive communism, slave society, feudalism and capitalism. He predicts that capitalism would be replaced by socialism, which again will ultimately dissolve into the stage of communism. Marxian process of evolution of human society is being elaborated in various writings of both Karl Marx ...
... stages: primitive communism, slave society, feudalism and capitalism. He predicts that capitalism would be replaced by socialism, which again will ultimately dissolve into the stage of communism. Marxian process of evolution of human society is being elaborated in various writings of both Karl Marx ...
ECO 105: Political Economy & Social Thought Professor: Howard Botwinick
... trade” have become the dominant economic models throughout the globe since the 1980s, have opportunities for the majority of the world’s working people increased, or diminished? Are the conservative policies of the World Trade Organization and the IMF the only rational path to social and economic de ...
... trade” have become the dominant economic models throughout the globe since the 1980s, have opportunities for the majority of the world’s working people increased, or diminished? Are the conservative policies of the World Trade Organization and the IMF the only rational path to social and economic de ...