... threefold, i.e. Brahma the creator, Visnu, the preserver and Siva, the Destroyer. These legends which bestow the honour of being the first to Visnu assert that the world was produced from him and it exists in him and he is the cause of its continuance and cessation. Brahma himself is also stated to ...
... threefold, i.e. Brahma the creator, Visnu, the preserver and Siva, the Destroyer. These legends which bestow the honour of being the first to Visnu assert that the world was produced from him and it exists in him and he is the cause of its continuance and cessation. Brahma himself is also stated to ...
Vaishnavism - Arsha Bodha Center
... The Smârta sampradâya (Advaita or Monism); Not all are Vaishnavas, but many are • Vaishnav Acharyas integrated philosophy of Shankaracharya in to one unified explanation and some of them even opposed it as being incomplete and provided full explanation within the frame work of Vedas ...
... The Smârta sampradâya (Advaita or Monism); Not all are Vaishnavas, but many are • Vaishnav Acharyas integrated philosophy of Shankaracharya in to one unified explanation and some of them even opposed it as being incomplete and provided full explanation within the frame work of Vedas ...
Vaishnavism - Lakshmi Narayan Mandir, Lenasia
... manifestations of the Supreme Being or as powerful entities who are permeated by Him. The distinctive religious belief of Vaishnavism is its emphasis on God as a personal being; i.e., someone you can know and have a relationship with. Vaishnavas often identify six qualities of God: all knowledge, al ...
... manifestations of the Supreme Being or as powerful entities who are permeated by Him. The distinctive religious belief of Vaishnavism is its emphasis on God as a personal being; i.e., someone you can know and have a relationship with. Vaishnavas often identify six qualities of God: all knowledge, al ...
Radha Krishna
Radha Krishna (IAST rādhā-kṛṣṇa, Sanskrit राधा कृष्ण) are collectively known within Hinduism as the combination of both the feminine as well as the masculine aspects of God. Krishna is often referred as svayam bhagavan in Gaudiya Vaishnavism theology and Radha is Krishna's supreme beloved. With Krishna, Radha is acknowledged as the Supreme Goddess, for it is said that she controls Krishna with Her love. It is believed that Krishna enchants the world, but Radha ""enchants even Him. Therefore She is the supreme goddess of all. Radha Krishna"".While there are much earlier references to the worship of this form of God, it is since Jayadeva Goswami wrote a famous poem Gita Govinda in the twelfth century of the Common Era, that the topic of the spiritual love affair between the divine Krishna and his devotee Radha, became a theme celebrated throughout India. It is believed that Krishna has left the circle of the rasa dance to search for Radha. The Chaitanya school believes that the name and identity of Radha are both revealed and concealed in the verse describing this incident in Bhagavata Purana. It is also believed that Radha is not just one cowherd maiden, but is the origin of all the gopis, or divine personalities that participate in the rasa dance.