Power Analysis as a Critique of Power Politics
... Bretton-Woods regime.1 Within this pool of writers were also many who, until then, were considered to be regular IR scholars, more or less influenced by Realism. One of the hypotheses I want to develop in the following chapters, is that there has been a rapprochement between those “Classical” IR wri ...
... Bretton-Woods regime.1 Within this pool of writers were also many who, until then, were considered to be regular IR scholars, more or less influenced by Realism. One of the hypotheses I want to develop in the following chapters, is that there has been a rapprochement between those “Classical” IR wri ...
... idea that ‘the concentration of power in America ought not to be considered excessive because one group always balanced the power of others’) and ‘the end of ideology’ (the idea that ‘grand passions over ideas were exhausted’ and henceforth ‘we would require technical expertise to solve our problems ...
... idea that ‘the concentration of power in America ought not to be considered excessive because one group always balanced the power of others’) and ‘the end of ideology’ (the idea that ‘grand passions over ideas were exhausted’ and henceforth ‘we would require technical expertise to solve our problems ...
... it is based on customary law and the sanctity of ancient traditions. It is based on the belief that a certain authority is to be respected because it has existed since time immemorial. In traditional authority, rulers enjoy personal authority by virtue of their inherited status. Their commands are i ...
... it is based on customary law and the sanctity of ancient traditions. It is based on the belief that a certain authority is to be respected because it has existed since time immemorial. In traditional authority, rulers enjoy personal authority by virtue of their inherited status. Their commands are i ...
Thesis Eleven - capacité d`affect
... word in order to begin a research. Problems concern and sometimes run all over experience. Before a problem, it is difficult to tell the cognitive from the moral, the cultural from the political. It is the problem that opens and leads the enquiry. This original problem should not be confused with th ...
... word in order to begin a research. Problems concern and sometimes run all over experience. Before a problem, it is difficult to tell the cognitive from the moral, the cultural from the political. It is the problem that opens and leads the enquiry. This original problem should not be confused with th ...
Authority, Power, Leadership: Sociological Understandings
... ideals of France. Nietzche’s Superman involved an appeal to charismatic authority. Charismatic authority can be malevolent (Caesarism, Hitler) as well as benevolent (Jesus). The followers of the charismatic leader do not think that they have a choice in obeying her command (“You have the words of et ...
... ideals of France. Nietzche’s Superman involved an appeal to charismatic authority. Charismatic authority can be malevolent (Caesarism, Hitler) as well as benevolent (Jesus). The followers of the charismatic leader do not think that they have a choice in obeying her command (“You have the words of et ...
Decentralisation and Political Power:
... obtaining compliance should not be regarded as forms of power. The possession and use of power should not be identified with the use of force. In Parsons' view, force must be seen as only one means among several modes of obtaining compliance. Force can be used in any stable political systems only as ...
... obtaining compliance should not be regarded as forms of power. The possession and use of power should not be identified with the use of force. In Parsons' view, force must be seen as only one means among several modes of obtaining compliance. Force can be used in any stable political systems only as ...
Introduction: Power is the Central Concept of the
... on the body of ‘suspects’ that would not be normatively appropriate in other countries. The policy trades off the different ways of thinking about and doing power in countries such as Poland and Egypt from the US. Theoretically, the same differentiation in practices also occurs. Some language games ...
... on the body of ‘suspects’ that would not be normatively appropriate in other countries. The policy trades off the different ways of thinking about and doing power in countries such as Poland and Egypt from the US. Theoretically, the same differentiation in practices also occurs. Some language games ...
Journal of Political Power Perspectives on power
... focuses on defining the concept of power, the semantics of power, and the logic of power relations. There has been very little attention paid to the question of how a theoretical analysis of power might relate to the practical reasoning of agents who exercise power. Where scholars do address questio ...
... focuses on defining the concept of power, the semantics of power, and the logic of power relations. There has been very little attention paid to the question of how a theoretical analysis of power might relate to the practical reasoning of agents who exercise power. Where scholars do address questio ...
Power: A `family resemblance` concept
... ‘conceptual tools’, whereby pragmatic criteria of usefulness, rather than essence, define better or worse usage. When moving language games, the relationship between signifier and referent changes, which leads to confusion, unless the family resemblance nature of power is understood. In the literatu ...
... ‘conceptual tools’, whereby pragmatic criteria of usefulness, rather than essence, define better or worse usage. When moving language games, the relationship between signifier and referent changes, which leads to confusion, unless the family resemblance nature of power is understood. In the literatu ...
1 Societies as organized power networks
... whole," and so it is not helpful to make a distinction between "social action" and "social structure." I overstated my point in the preceding paragraph for the sake of effect. I will not dispense altogether with these ways of looking at societies. Yet most sociological orthodoxies - such as systems ...
... whole," and so it is not helpful to make a distinction between "social action" and "social structure." I overstated my point in the preceding paragraph for the sake of effect. I will not dispense altogether with these ways of looking at societies. Yet most sociological orthodoxies - such as systems ...
Dominant Corporate Agents and the Power Elite
... linked to the notion of agency and to a ‘transformative capacity’ (Giddens 1976: 110) that explains the emergence of asymmetric social relations. Power may be exercised visibly, or may be an unexercised capacity that may yet have significant effects. In its most obvious, classic form, the episodic e ...
... linked to the notion of agency and to a ‘transformative capacity’ (Giddens 1976: 110) that explains the emergence of asymmetric social relations. Power may be exercised visibly, or may be an unexercised capacity that may yet have significant effects. In its most obvious, classic form, the episodic e ...
Power in Social Organization: A Sociological Review
... granted to an actor through direct procedures such as formal votes or informal agreements, but more commonly it is indirectly expressed as one joins an organization, remains a member of it, and supports the action of its leaders who claim legitimacy. Max Weber (1947: 324-325; 1993: 39-47) identified ...
... granted to an actor through direct procedures such as formal votes or informal agreements, but more commonly it is indirectly expressed as one joins an organization, remains a member of it, and supports the action of its leaders who claim legitimacy. Max Weber (1947: 324-325; 1993: 39-47) identified ...
D1.1 Chapter 9: `How does the analysis of Mann enrich the `
... Mann points to the diversity of goals humans have (and the resulting inability to build a theory on this). Power is a ‘generalized means’ (Parson as cited in Mann, 1986) for reaching these goals. People need to enter power relations with each other to push their goals but the different networks do n ...
... Mann points to the diversity of goals humans have (and the resulting inability to build a theory on this). Power is a ‘generalized means’ (Parson as cited in Mann, 1986) for reaching these goals. People need to enter power relations with each other to push their goals but the different networks do n ...
Two faces of „relational turn“ in the social sciences
... communicate it to others, we do not think and say, “Look at the perpetual flowing of the water”; we say, “Look how fast the river is flowing.” We say, “The wind is blowing,” as if the wind were actually a thing at rest which, at a given point in time, begins to move and blow. We speak as if a wind c ...
... communicate it to others, we do not think and say, “Look at the perpetual flowing of the water”; we say, “Look how fast the river is flowing.” We say, “The wind is blowing,” as if the wind were actually a thing at rest which, at a given point in time, begins to move and blow. We speak as if a wind c ...
Book Review: Symbolic Power, Politics and Intellectuals: The
... the political f ield, and eventually to state power. Examining the way these struggles are resolved, and understanding the multiplicity of ways these resolutions can be misunderstood, is key f or Bourdieu. In the later chapters of this excellent tome, Swartz f ocuses on the notion of ‘symbolic power ...
... the political f ield, and eventually to state power. Examining the way these struggles are resolved, and understanding the multiplicity of ways these resolutions can be misunderstood, is key f or Bourdieu. In the later chapters of this excellent tome, Swartz f ocuses on the notion of ‘symbolic power ...
Culture and Visual Forms of Power
... which has been previously insensible (Panagia 2009) within the complex forces that drive people to exercise power over spaces. We can say, in other words, that when attention is drawn to something that was previously neglected or incomprehensible metaphorically what was invisible becomes visible. An ...
... which has been previously insensible (Panagia 2009) within the complex forces that drive people to exercise power over spaces. We can say, in other words, that when attention is drawn to something that was previously neglected or incomprehensible metaphorically what was invisible becomes visible. An ...
Political Science 1 – US Government West Coast American Leadership Academy
... power, superpower, and hegemon, to its present empire status. American power is felt throughout the international community. Playing poker requires one to adopt what is commonly known as a “poker face”. Players will hide their true emotions, even faking their true intentions to catch other players o ...
... power, superpower, and hegemon, to its present empire status. American power is felt throughout the international community. Playing poker requires one to adopt what is commonly known as a “poker face”. Players will hide their true emotions, even faking their true intentions to catch other players o ...
Power and Politics Unit P1: Basic Concepts
... he / she holds. The employee, for example, would not be forced to recognize the authority of the employer outside of the workplace (although, as is the nature of our social relationships, both will be aware of their respective status differences in any such situation). Similarly, certain commands wo ...
... he / she holds. The employee, for example, would not be forced to recognize the authority of the employer outside of the workplace (although, as is the nature of our social relationships, both will be aware of their respective status differences in any such situation). Similarly, certain commands wo ...
Iowa State University: Conflict Theory
... central role in power distinction). Believed in Two other factors: ...
... central role in power distinction). Believed in Two other factors: ...
3-ring circus background
... church depends on the position of the particular church on the power pole.2 Some institutions, however, try to limit the extent to which power in one area spills over into another. One example is the limit on the amount corporations can contribute to political parties. In contrast to power-over othe ...
... church depends on the position of the particular church on the power pole.2 Some institutions, however, try to limit the extent to which power in one area spills over into another. One example is the limit on the amount corporations can contribute to political parties. In contrast to power-over othe ...