John Connor
John Connor is a fictional character of the Terminator franchise. Created by writer and director James Cameron, the character is first referred to in the 1984 film The Terminator and first appears in its 1991 sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day initially by Michael Edwards (briefly as the older Connor) and then by teenage actor Edward Furlong throughout the remainder of the film; in addition, Linda Hamilton's real-life son Dalton Abbot played John as a toddler in a dream sequence. The character is subsequently portrayed by 23-year-old Nick Stahl in the 2003 film Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and by 19-year-old Thomas Dekker in the 2008 television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. English actor Christian Bale portrays 33-year-old Connor in the film series' fourth installment, Terminator Salvation, and Australian actor Jason Clarke portrays a 44-year-old Connor, who becomes the T-3000 and serves as the antagonist of the film series' fifth installment, Terminator Genisys.