Microalgae Cultivation in Wastewater for Nutrient Removal
... poor quality that contains more amounts of pollutants and microbes. If wastewater is discharged into the nearby water bodies, it can cause serious environmental and health problems to human beings. Wastewater treatment is an important measure to reduce the pollutant and other contaminants present in ...
... poor quality that contains more amounts of pollutants and microbes. If wastewater is discharged into the nearby water bodies, it can cause serious environmental and health problems to human beings. Wastewater treatment is an important measure to reduce the pollutant and other contaminants present in ...
Analysis of Free Ammonia Inhibition of Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria
... was injected to the vessel, dissolved oxygen concentration remained constant and oxygen uptake rate did not increase. The absence of an increase in oxygen uptake with the addition of acetate indicates that the sludge has a very low heterotrophic activity or biomass. It can also be assumed that most ...
... was injected to the vessel, dissolved oxygen concentration remained constant and oxygen uptake rate did not increase. The absence of an increase in oxygen uptake with the addition of acetate indicates that the sludge has a very low heterotrophic activity or biomass. It can also be assumed that most ...
Phosphorus Removal Guide for Wastewater Operators
... For bio-P bugs (aka PAOs, phosphate accumulating organisms) to remove phosphorus, they must first take in VFAs. This has to occur in a zero oxygen environment, but not necessarily the same place that VFAs are formed. The wastewater needs to contain approximately 25 times as much BOD as phosphorus i ...
... For bio-P bugs (aka PAOs, phosphate accumulating organisms) to remove phosphorus, they must first take in VFAs. This has to occur in a zero oxygen environment, but not necessarily the same place that VFAs are formed. The wastewater needs to contain approximately 25 times as much BOD as phosphorus i ...
2.3 Anaerobic, aerobic and facultative ponds
... operations could be simplified by constructing ponds with widths that are manageable by agitators and excavators. As long-reach excavators have a maximum reach of around 18 m, adopting a maximum pond width of no more than 35 m would overcome some of the problems encountered when desludging is requir ...
... operations could be simplified by constructing ponds with widths that are manageable by agitators and excavators. As long-reach excavators have a maximum reach of around 18 m, adopting a maximum pond width of no more than 35 m would overcome some of the problems encountered when desludging is requir ...
Assignment MSWord - Technical Learning College
... I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that this CEU course is either approved or accepted in my State for CEU credit. I understand State laws and rules change on a frequent basis and I believe this course is currently accepted in my State for CEU or contact hour credit, if it is not, I ...
... I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that this CEU course is either approved or accepted in my State for CEU credit. I understand State laws and rules change on a frequent basis and I believe this course is currently accepted in my State for CEU or contact hour credit, if it is not, I ...
Recognition of protozoa and metazoa using
... species as two different classes and a second analysis containing 9 classes with the two species represented in a single class. The two values in the Epistylis column in Tables 2 and 3 are reported to the cases where the two Epistylis species were analyzed as a single class or two different classes, ...
... species as two different classes and a second analysis containing 9 classes with the two species represented in a single class. The two values in the Epistylis column in Tables 2 and 3 are reported to the cases where the two Epistylis species were analyzed as a single class or two different classes, ...
The Basics of Phosphorus Removal Prepared by Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
... Control of Eutrophication Phosphorus Essential Nutrient Not easily replaced in nature P removal is practical The Phosphorus Cycle ...
... Control of Eutrophication Phosphorus Essential Nutrient Not easily replaced in nature P removal is practical The Phosphorus Cycle ...
Nitrogen Removal Guide for Wastewater Operators
... existing conditions (e.g., clarifier blankets). The second is oxygen: which, as a general rule, we like to keep as low as possible – just enough to support complete ammonia removal. The third is alkalinity / pH. Every mg/L of ammonia converted to nitrate consumes 7.1 mg/L of alkalinity. The least e ...
... existing conditions (e.g., clarifier blankets). The second is oxygen: which, as a general rule, we like to keep as low as possible – just enough to support complete ammonia removal. The third is alkalinity / pH. Every mg/L of ammonia converted to nitrate consumes 7.1 mg/L of alkalinity. The least e ...
Biological Removal of Phosphorus from Wastewater and Recovery
... or may not occur. If there is provision of nitrification too with direct O2 supply NO3- is generated and ample electron acceptors are available that make it possible to other heterotrophic bacteria to oxidized electron donors, gain energy, and grow. The mixed liquor existing the aerobic basin is se ...
... or may not occur. If there is provision of nitrification too with direct O2 supply NO3- is generated and ample electron acceptors are available that make it possible to other heterotrophic bacteria to oxidized electron donors, gain energy, and grow. The mixed liquor existing the aerobic basin is se ...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Heavy metals pollution in
... in 2010 (DOE, 2010; DOE, 2011). These disposal and treatment facilities have been licensed by DOE. There are two companies responsible and authorized for the treatment and disposal of scheduled wastes; Kualiti Alam Sdn. Bhd and Trinekens (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. Besides that, two landfarm for on-site tre ...
... in 2010 (DOE, 2010; DOE, 2011). These disposal and treatment facilities have been licensed by DOE. There are two companies responsible and authorized for the treatment and disposal of scheduled wastes; Kualiti Alam Sdn. Bhd and Trinekens (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. Besides that, two landfarm for on-site tre ...
Lecture 7
... – Step1 (Hydrolysis): involves the hydrolysis of higher-molecularmass compounds into compounds suitable for use as a source of energy and carbon. – Step2 (Acidogenesis): conversion of compounds from step1 into lower-molecular-mass intermediate compounds. (nonmethanogenic bacteria) – Step3 (Methanoge ...
... – Step1 (Hydrolysis): involves the hydrolysis of higher-molecularmass compounds into compounds suitable for use as a source of energy and carbon. – Step2 (Acidogenesis): conversion of compounds from step1 into lower-molecular-mass intermediate compounds. (nonmethanogenic bacteria) – Step3 (Methanoge ...
What are Biosolids? What About Pathogens in Biosolids? What do
... sunlight, desiccation, and other microorganisms destroy pathogens that may be present in biosolids. As noted by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, there have been no reported outbreaks of infectious disease associated with exposure to properly treated and utilized bio ...
... sunlight, desiccation, and other microorganisms destroy pathogens that may be present in biosolids. As noted by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, there have been no reported outbreaks of infectious disease associated with exposure to properly treated and utilized bio ...
caustic magnesia in environmental applications
... H2SO4 besides its corrosive properties can also form a kind of colloidal film when in contact with the cold parts of the installation’s surface where new particles come to stick forming in this manner very hard and thick deposits. These deposits lower the efficiency of the heat-exchangers and reduce ...
... H2SO4 besides its corrosive properties can also form a kind of colloidal film when in contact with the cold parts of the installation’s surface where new particles come to stick forming in this manner very hard and thick deposits. These deposits lower the efficiency of the heat-exchangers and reduce ...
Biological Removal of - Scientific Research Publishing
... is found as thiocyanate nitrogen. The following main conclusions were drawn from the test operation: 1) It was found to be crucial that the solids retention time (SRT) was kept at a sufficiently high level. During the successful operation the SRT was in the range of 40 - 50 days; 2) It is desirable ...
... is found as thiocyanate nitrogen. The following main conclusions were drawn from the test operation: 1) It was found to be crucial that the solids retention time (SRT) was kept at a sufficiently high level. During the successful operation the SRT was in the range of 40 - 50 days; 2) It is desirable ...
Whitepaper Wastewater treatment in the dairy
... Wastewater purification in the milk processing industry for indirect and direct discharge Given the quantities of wastewater generated, as well as the fluctuations in load, (especially in relation to the pH value) treatment of the wastewater is necessary prior to either direct or indirect discharge. ...
... Wastewater purification in the milk processing industry for indirect and direct discharge Given the quantities of wastewater generated, as well as the fluctuations in load, (especially in relation to the pH value) treatment of the wastewater is necessary prior to either direct or indirect discharge. ...
phosphorus recycling - now! - P-REX
... Business models of companies utilizing P-streams from wastewater present different combinations of technologies with strategies for market access. The following examples reflect different recovery and recycling strategies in the European market. Five different cases are summarized in the Annex as Bu ...
... Business models of companies utilizing P-streams from wastewater present different combinations of technologies with strategies for market access. The following examples reflect different recovery and recycling strategies in the European market. Five different cases are summarized in the Annex as Bu ...
Biological wastewater treatment
... becoming clear that these bacteria are no more closely related to other bacteria (called eubacteria or true bacteria by these biologists) than they are to eucaryotic organisms such as animals and plants. The bacteria belonging to this new category look like typical bacteria and lack a nucleus and ot ...
... becoming clear that these bacteria are no more closely related to other bacteria (called eubacteria or true bacteria by these biologists) than they are to eucaryotic organisms such as animals and plants. The bacteria belonging to this new category look like typical bacteria and lack a nucleus and ot ...
comparison of chemical and biological phosphorus removal in
... Phosphorus has been found to be the main culprit in eutrophication of lakes and water ways which is a major international environmental problem. Two methods are currently being used around the world to remove phosphorus in wastewater: biological and chemical phosphorus removal. Presently, most plant ...
... Phosphorus has been found to be the main culprit in eutrophication of lakes and water ways which is a major international environmental problem. Two methods are currently being used around the world to remove phosphorus in wastewater: biological and chemical phosphorus removal. Presently, most plant ...
ReGenerator® Technologies
... and further optimised OPEX costs, primarily via reduced chemical consumption. The DEMON® process is a nitrification/ deammonification process in which ammonia and nitrite are simultaneously converted to nitrogen gas, without the need for organic carbon. The advantages of the DEMON® system over other ...
... and further optimised OPEX costs, primarily via reduced chemical consumption. The DEMON® process is a nitrification/ deammonification process in which ammonia and nitrite are simultaneously converted to nitrogen gas, without the need for organic carbon. The advantages of the DEMON® system over other ...
Geotube® Dewatering Technology
... treatment system is the septic tank system which always includes a septic tank, a distribution box and an absorption field or an equivalent process for effluent treatment. The main function of the septic tank is to remove large particles and grease, which would otherwise clog the effluent treatment ...
... treatment system is the septic tank system which always includes a septic tank, a distribution box and an absorption field or an equivalent process for effluent treatment. The main function of the septic tank is to remove large particles and grease, which would otherwise clog the effluent treatment ...
Aalborg Universitet Influent pathogenic bacteria may go straight into
... Culture-independent DNA sequencing methods may resolve that. ...
... Culture-independent DNA sequencing methods may resolve that. ...
“GEM” Mini Sewage Treatment Plant
... Time between de-sludging 5 to 10 years, depending on the amount of inorganic matter, such as sand, allowed into the sewer ahead of the plant. Environmental Management and Safety Considerations Although the “GEM” Mini Sewage Treatment Plant is intended to replace the septic tank / French drain entire ...
... Time between de-sludging 5 to 10 years, depending on the amount of inorganic matter, such as sand, allowed into the sewer ahead of the plant. Environmental Management and Safety Considerations Although the “GEM” Mini Sewage Treatment Plant is intended to replace the septic tank / French drain entire ...
Occurrence and removal of estrogens in Brazilian wastewater
... It is also important to determine the concentrations and fate of estrogenic compounds in Brazilian WWTPs since there are limited studies on these compounds in wastewater systems, receiving bodies (water and sediments) and drinking water (Jardim (Jardim et al., 2012; Montagner and Jardim, 2011; Morei ...
... It is also important to determine the concentrations and fate of estrogenic compounds in Brazilian WWTPs since there are limited studies on these compounds in wastewater systems, receiving bodies (water and sediments) and drinking water (Jardim (Jardim et al., 2012; Montagner and Jardim, 2011; Morei ...
Cannibal Solids Reduction Process
... tanks, solids are destroyed and the effective biological solids yield is significantly reduced. The result is that solids need be purged only periodically from the system at the convenience of the treatment facility. ...
... tanks, solids are destroyed and the effective biological solids yield is significantly reduced. The result is that solids need be purged only periodically from the system at the convenience of the treatment facility. ...
(icpr2016)1st * 2nd december 2016 e-isbn 987-967-0850-72-6
... degrade metaldehyde will be monitored. Microbes in AGS will be utilized to decrease the toxic effect of metaldehyde. The ability of AGS to survive with high-strength organic compound is expected could biodegrade metaldehyde in wastewater efficiently. In addition, AGS was used in numerous studies to ...
... degrade metaldehyde will be monitored. Microbes in AGS will be utilized to decrease the toxic effect of metaldehyde. The ability of AGS to survive with high-strength organic compound is expected could biodegrade metaldehyde in wastewater efficiently. In addition, AGS was used in numerous studies to ...
Sewage sludge

Sewage sludge refers to the residual, semi-solid material that is produced as a by-product during sewage treatment of industrial or municipal wastewater. The term septage is also referring to sludge from simple wastewater treatment but is connected to simple on-site sanitation systems such as septic tanks.When fresh sewage or wastewater enters a primary settling tank, approximately 50% of the suspended solid matter will settle out in an hour and a half. This collection of solids is known as raw sludge or primary solids and is said to be ""fresh"" before anaerobic processes become active. The sludge will become putrescent in a short time once anaerobic bacteria take over, and must be removed from the sedimentation tank before this happens.This is accomplished in one of two ways. In an Imhoff tank, fresh sludge is passed through a slot to the lower story or digestion chamber where it is decomposed by anaerobic bacteria, resulting in liquefaction and reduced volume of the sludge. After digesting for an extended period, the result is called ""digested"" sludge and may be disposed of by drying and then landfilling. More commonly with domestic sewage, the fresh sludge is continuously extracted from the tank mechanically and passed to separate sludge digestion tanks that operate at higher temperatures than the lower story of the Imhoff tank and, as a result, digest much more rapidly and efficiently.Biosolids is a term often used in conjunction with reuse of sewage sludge after sewage sludge treatment. Biosolids can be defined as organic wastewater solids that can be reused after stabilization processes such as anaerobic digestion and composting. Opponents of sewage sludge reuse reject this term as a public relations term.