The love-darts of land snails: integrating physiology, morphology
... have spines on their penes that damage the female tract (Crudgington and SivaJothy, 2000; Hotzy and Arnqvist, 2009). A comparative analysis by Rönn et al. (2007) revealed that females belonging to species in which males have more elaborate penial spines had a thicker connective tissue layer in the v ...
... have spines on their penes that damage the female tract (Crudgington and SivaJothy, 2000; Hotzy and Arnqvist, 2009). A comparative analysis by Rönn et al. (2007) revealed that females belonging to species in which males have more elaborate penial spines had a thicker connective tissue layer in the v ...
What is the appropriate timescale for measuring
... completely fail to assess the kind of reproductive cost (risk, etc., due to additional foraging) that has been the primary focus of studies on income-breeding species such as most birds. Any comparison of such costs between a bird and a snake ± exactly the kind of comparison that is an aim of life-h ...
... completely fail to assess the kind of reproductive cost (risk, etc., due to additional foraging) that has been the primary focus of studies on income-breeding species such as most birds. Any comparison of such costs between a bird and a snake ± exactly the kind of comparison that is an aim of life-h ...
Reproductive versus ecological advantages to larger body size in
... factors (ecological selection) or changes in reproductive output (sexual or fecundity selection). Published studies on sexual dimorphism in reptiles have generally focussed on sexual-selective forces on males, under the implicit assumption that the intensity of fecundity selection in females (and he ...
... factors (ecological selection) or changes in reproductive output (sexual or fecundity selection). Published studies on sexual dimorphism in reptiles have generally focussed on sexual-selective forces on males, under the implicit assumption that the intensity of fecundity selection in females (and he ...
Long-Tailed Weasel - Vermont Fish and Wildlife
... slim body, long neck and short legs. It is very agile and fast when on the move, slinking along in an up and down fashion. The tail is brown with a black tip. The long-tailed weasel's coat changes color with the seasons. It is dark brown to red in the summer with lighter underparts and dark feet. In ...
... slim body, long neck and short legs. It is very agile and fast when on the move, slinking along in an up and down fashion. The tail is brown with a black tip. The long-tailed weasel's coat changes color with the seasons. It is dark brown to red in the summer with lighter underparts and dark feet. In ...
Color and Communication in Habronattus Jumping Spiders: Tests of
... Differences between males and females can evolve through a variety of mechanisms, including sexual and ecological selection. Because coloration is evolutionarily labile, sexually dichromatic species are good models for understanding the evolution of sex differences. While many jumping spiders exhibi ...
... Differences between males and females can evolve through a variety of mechanisms, including sexual and ecological selection. Because coloration is evolutionarily labile, sexually dichromatic species are good models for understanding the evolution of sex differences. While many jumping spiders exhibi ...
Trait selection in flowering plants: how does sexual selection
... selection is selection that arises from differences in mating success (number of mates that bear or sire progeny over some standardized time interval).” The first part of this definition seems straightforward. However, the parenthetical part can be problematic for those who study organisms with exte ...
... selection is selection that arises from differences in mating success (number of mates that bear or sire progeny over some standardized time interval).” The first part of this definition seems straightforward. However, the parenthetical part can be problematic for those who study organisms with exte ...
Sexual Size Dimorphism, Diet, and Reproduction in the Mexican
... than females (Table 1, Fig. 2C; F1,291 = 10.37, P = 0.001; HL [mm] = 0.31 (SVL) + 1.82 [mm] for males and HL [mm] = 0.35 (SVL) + 0.79 [mm] for females). We found an isometric relationship between SVL and TaL as well as between SVL and HL (Fig. 3). The distribution of HL for females deviated from nor ...
... than females (Table 1, Fig. 2C; F1,291 = 10.37, P = 0.001; HL [mm] = 0.31 (SVL) + 1.82 [mm] for males and HL [mm] = 0.35 (SVL) + 0.79 [mm] for females). We found an isometric relationship between SVL and TaL as well as between SVL and HL (Fig. 3). The distribution of HL for females deviated from nor ...
... to body length ratio in males with horns longer than 16 mm. 2. Larval nutrition explains morph determination in A. dichotoma. However, unlike other species, variation in larval nutrition was the result of a seasonal time constraint that limits the time available for feeding prior to the onset of win ...
... to body length ratio in males with horns longer than 16 mm. 2. Larval nutrition explains morph determination in A. dichotoma. However, unlike other species, variation in larval nutrition was the result of a seasonal time constraint that limits the time available for feeding prior to the onset of win ...
Growth, Survival, and Reproduction in a Northern Illinois Population
... individuals were captive born and, therefore, of known age. For these snakes, age estimation was not necessary, but provided an indication of the match between estimated and true age. Some known age individuals (1995, 1996, and 1999 cohorts) were maintained in captivity between 36 and 52 weeks befor ...
... individuals were captive born and, therefore, of known age. For these snakes, age estimation was not necessary, but provided an indication of the match between estimated and true age. Some known age individuals (1995, 1996, and 1999 cohorts) were maintained in captivity between 36 and 52 weeks befor ...
Reproductive Ecology of the Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) in Northwestern Florida
... Innovation Pond, 1.4 ha) were suburban ponds surrounded by mowed grass, trees and shnibs, with relatively sparse emergent aquatic vegetation. The fourth locality, Megginnis Arm, is an 8 ha portion of Lake Jackson (1620 ha) characterized hy abundant emergent and floating aquatic vegetation and thick ...
... Innovation Pond, 1.4 ha) were suburban ponds surrounded by mowed grass, trees and shnibs, with relatively sparse emergent aquatic vegetation. The fourth locality, Megginnis Arm, is an 8 ha portion of Lake Jackson (1620 ha) characterized hy abundant emergent and floating aquatic vegetation and thick ...
Ch 51 Animal Behavior student notes-wiki
... Some animals are largely solitary and join with a member of the opposite sex only for ____________________________________________; others pair, bond and cooperate in the raising of offspring. Still others form a society in which members are organized in a ...
... Some animals are largely solitary and join with a member of the opposite sex only for ____________________________________________; others pair, bond and cooperate in the raising of offspring. Still others form a society in which members are organized in a ...
Behavior of the Giant Panda
... infant. If the cub is separated from its mother, then any attempt to reintroduce them at a later time will prove difficult, as the mother may then be even more unwilling to accept the child. Secondly, mother-reared cubs are more likely to exhibit adequate social behaviors as an adult. This increases ...
... infant. If the cub is separated from its mother, then any attempt to reintroduce them at a later time will prove difficult, as the mother may then be even more unwilling to accept the child. Secondly, mother-reared cubs are more likely to exhibit adequate social behaviors as an adult. This increases ...
Assortative mating among animals of captive and wild origin
... removed from the wild to establish captive breeding programmes, usually with the aim of providing individuals to supplement or re-establish wild populations after the key threats have been mitigated [1–3]. Such conservation approaches are employed, or proposed increasingly, as part of recovery plans ...
... removed from the wild to establish captive breeding programmes, usually with the aim of providing individuals to supplement or re-establish wild populations after the key threats have been mitigated [1–3]. Such conservation approaches are employed, or proposed increasingly, as part of recovery plans ...
Southwestern Naturalist
... Our results show that the number of centhan 1,000 individuals/ha, as in the case of Anolis limiji-onsin Panama (1,171 individuals/ha; sused adults oscillates from month to month. Sexton, 1967). However, the most common This is probably an artifact related to the visual densities fluctuate from 10 to ...
... Our results show that the number of centhan 1,000 individuals/ha, as in the case of Anolis limiji-onsin Panama (1,171 individuals/ha; sused adults oscillates from month to month. Sexton, 1967). However, the most common This is probably an artifact related to the visual densities fluctuate from 10 to ...
The mating system of the brown bear Ursus arctos
... selection, which in turn is determined by male-male competition and female mate choice (Shuster & Wade 2003, Shuster 2009). Over 90% of mammalian species are polygynous, and the energetic investments in gametes and rearing offspring are typically larger for females than for males, especially in the ...
... selection, which in turn is determined by male-male competition and female mate choice (Shuster & Wade 2003, Shuster 2009). Over 90% of mammalian species are polygynous, and the energetic investments in gametes and rearing offspring are typically larger for females than for males, especially in the ...
Sexual Selection
... Males and females have disparate goals Males attempt to fertilize as many ova as possible; they are constrained mainly by the number of available females Females attempt to maintain choice over which male fertilizes their ova This leads to sexual conflict and coevolution of reproductive traits ...
... Males and females have disparate goals Males attempt to fertilize as many ova as possible; they are constrained mainly by the number of available females Females attempt to maintain choice over which male fertilizes their ova This leads to sexual conflict and coevolution of reproductive traits ...
A View of Life
... Territoriality is protecting an area against other individuals. – Red Deer Stags (males) compete for groups of hinds (females). Hinds only mate with one stag. Harem Master must be large and powerful to fight off challengers. Less body fat, thus may be more likely to starve in bad times, and ha ...
... Territoriality is protecting an area against other individuals. – Red Deer Stags (males) compete for groups of hinds (females). Hinds only mate with one stag. Harem Master must be large and powerful to fight off challengers. Less body fat, thus may be more likely to starve in bad times, and ha ...
Full text in pdf format
... Study species. Coconut crabs were captured on Hatoma Island, southwest of Okinawa, Japan (24° 28’ N, 123° 49’ E). The size of functional maturity in females is estimated at 24.5 mm thoracic length (TL) (Sato & Yoseda 2008), and all males larger than 25 mm TL are physiologically mature (Sato et al. 2 ...
... Study species. Coconut crabs were captured on Hatoma Island, southwest of Okinawa, Japan (24° 28’ N, 123° 49’ E). The size of functional maturity in females is estimated at 24.5 mm thoracic length (TL) (Sato & Yoseda 2008), and all males larger than 25 mm TL are physiologically mature (Sato et al. 2 ...
Crab-eating Raccoon
... nocturnal and although they are colour blind they have good night vision. Its tactile senses set this species apart from other carnivores. Procyon cancrivorus are terrestrial but can climb well. Male raccoons are usually solitary but other males within their feeding territory may be tolerated. They ...
... nocturnal and although they are colour blind they have good night vision. Its tactile senses set this species apart from other carnivores. Procyon cancrivorus are terrestrial but can climb well. Male raccoons are usually solitary but other males within their feeding territory may be tolerated. They ...
what determines sex roles in mate searching?
... densities reduce female search costs by allowing them to escape quickly from potential predators (deRivera et al. 2003). Arguments linking reduced search costs with female mate searching have also been suggested for moths (Greenfield 1981). Here, the adaptive reasoning is based on the contention tha ...
... densities reduce female search costs by allowing them to escape quickly from potential predators (deRivera et al. 2003). Arguments linking reduced search costs with female mate searching have also been suggested for moths (Greenfield 1981). Here, the adaptive reasoning is based on the contention tha ...
here - Athens-Clarke County, GA
... Diet: Various plants, insects, and small animals including rodents and other lizards Lifespan: Up to 10 years in captivity Reproduction: These lizards are thought to reach sexual maturity after 1 or 2 years. Breeding occurs in the spring following a courtship ritual, and males will behave aggressive ...
... Diet: Various plants, insects, and small animals including rodents and other lizards Lifespan: Up to 10 years in captivity Reproduction: These lizards are thought to reach sexual maturity after 1 or 2 years. Breeding occurs in the spring following a courtship ritual, and males will behave aggressive ...
Exercise #1 - UBC Zoology
... reproduction in most animals. Given the limited amount of energy available for this purpose, every species is confronted with the question of how best to partition that energy. For example, the two extremes in energy partitioning are seen by comparing mating smelt and humans. In the case of the fish ...
... reproduction in most animals. Given the limited amount of energy available for this purpose, every species is confronted with the question of how best to partition that energy. For example, the two extremes in energy partitioning are seen by comparing mating smelt and humans. In the case of the fish ...
... pattern. When a male sights a potential mate it will fly closer, often behind or above the female. Once closer, the male will release special chemicals, called pheromones, while it flutters its wings a bit more than usual. The male may also do a special "courtship dance" to attract the female. These ...
... pattern. When a male sights a potential mate it will fly closer, often behind or above the female. Once closer, the male will release special chemicals, called pheromones, while it flutters its wings a bit more than usual. The male may also do a special "courtship dance" to attract the female. These ...