Conjunctions as Heads
... Just as with the preposition examples above, these constructions have a specialized meaning: the conjunction has not, or only marginally so, retained its meaning as an element for creating a collection. It is therefore not clear whether these examples are relevant to the question of obligatoriness. ...
... Just as with the preposition examples above, these constructions have a specialized meaning: the conjunction has not, or only marginally so, retained its meaning as an element for creating a collection. It is therefore not clear whether these examples are relevant to the question of obligatoriness. ...
The pronominal clitic of quantified noun phrases in Slovenian
... (12) *Janez je pomagal pet prijateljev GEN PL. 'Janez helped five friends.' In the discussion that follows, we extend the FP analysis to Slovenian NPs with indefinite numeral quantifiers such as veliko 'a lot', mnogo 'many'/ 'much', malo '(a) little' / '(a) few', nekaj 'some'. 7 Building on our anal ...
... (12) *Janez je pomagal pet prijateljev GEN PL. 'Janez helped five friends.' In the discussion that follows, we extend the FP analysis to Slovenian NPs with indefinite numeral quantifiers such as veliko 'a lot', mnogo 'many'/ 'much', malo '(a) little' / '(a) few', nekaj 'some'. 7 Building on our anal ...
Icelandic Case-marked PRO and the licensing of
... Given Chomsky's (1986a, p. 193 ft.) approach to case realization, one might wish to argue that case must not be realized in the subject position of PRO infinitives, lexicalization of that position thus being prohibited. However, this analysis only raises another question, namely, why the Dstructure ...
... Given Chomsky's (1986a, p. 193 ft.) approach to case realization, one might wish to argue that case must not be realized in the subject position of PRO infinitives, lexicalization of that position thus being prohibited. However, this analysis only raises another question, namely, why the Dstructure ...
Case Typology and Case Theory* 1. Overview of the Issues 2
... accusative is assigned to objects). There is, however, a problem with this kind of analysis of nominative (and absolutive). Nominative has certain properties that distinguish it from other Cases, properties which are described by referring to nominative/absolutive as the unmarked Case (Dixon 1994). ...
... accusative is assigned to objects). There is, however, a problem with this kind of analysis of nominative (and absolutive). Nominative has certain properties that distinguish it from other Cases, properties which are described by referring to nominative/absolutive as the unmarked Case (Dixon 1994). ...
Perception and Causative Structures in English and European
... Nunes 1995), the paper proposes that in active structures, the infinitival head and the embedded subject can both agree with the matrix light verb and so “share” the accusative Case it licenses. In passive structures, on the other hand, the intervening φ-features of the participial head block the ag ...
... Nunes 1995), the paper proposes that in active structures, the infinitival head and the embedded subject can both agree with the matrix light verb and so “share” the accusative Case it licenses. In passive structures, on the other hand, the intervening φ-features of the participial head block the ag ...
Norbert Hornstein, Ana Maria Martins and Jairo Nunes This
... head, which does not have this feature, and cannot by itself empower the participial head with Case-valuation properties.7 Given that the embedded subject in the constructions under discussion has its Case valued by an external probe, the infinitival T should not have a person feature either. Once p ...
... head, which does not have this feature, and cannot by itself empower the participial head with Case-valuation properties.7 Given that the embedded subject in the constructions under discussion has its Case valued by an external probe, the infinitival T should not have a person feature either. Once p ...
Case and Agreement in Polish Predicates
... Here I ignore case agreement between attributive APs and the noun they modify, as well as semantic case assignment. ...
... Here I ignore case agreement between attributive APs and the noun they modify, as well as semantic case assignment. ...
1 Introduction 2 Indirect objects in Greek
... complements of locatives must either be in the periphrastic dative or doubled by a clitic; and some verbs disallow periphrastic dative, allowing NP complements to appear only if they are doubled. What is the proper analysis of these alternations? Jaeggli (1986) analyzes ethical datives and clitics o ...
... complements of locatives must either be in the periphrastic dative or doubled by a clitic; and some verbs disallow periphrastic dative, allowing NP complements to appear only if they are doubled. What is the proper analysis of these alternations? Jaeggli (1986) analyzes ethical datives and clitics o ...
Dative Clitics and Case Licensing in Standard and Macedonian Greek
... complements of locatives must either be in the periphrastic dative or doubled by a clitic; and some verbs disallow periphrastic dative, allowing NP complements to appear only if they are doubled. What is the proper analysis of these alternations? Jaeggli (1986) analyzes ethical datives and clitics o ...
... complements of locatives must either be in the periphrastic dative or doubled by a clitic; and some verbs disallow periphrastic dative, allowing NP complements to appear only if they are doubled. What is the proper analysis of these alternations? Jaeggli (1986) analyzes ethical datives and clitics o ...
Accusative Case-Assignment in Double Object Constructions in
... check its case features. First, the verb moves to AgrOP, then to Agro IOP and finally to v. In addition, the verb, following that manner, has multiple accusative case-assignment that is assigned to two different NPs , one is the indirect object whereas, the other is the direct object. To overcome th ...
... check its case features. First, the verb moves to AgrOP, then to Agro IOP and finally to v. In addition, the verb, following that manner, has multiple accusative case-assignment that is assigned to two different NPs , one is the indirect object whereas, the other is the direct object. To overcome th ...
... generally accepted that case is assigned in sentences like (1-3) by structural case assignment. I[+agr] assigns nominative case to its specifier; V assigns accusative and dative case to the sisters of V and V', respectively. Particular V sand Ps can also assign idiosyncratic cases to their complemen ...
... generally accepted that case is assigned in sentences like (1-3) by structural case assignment. I[+agr] assigns nominative case to its specifier; V assigns accusative and dative case to the sisters of V and V', respectively. Particular V sand Ps can also assign idiosyncratic cases to their complemen ...
The Case for Case - UC Berkeley Linguistics
... phenomena which generative grammarians would insist definitely are of syntactic importance. He claims, for example, that the traditional studies confuse difference of referents with differences of case uses. Thus, to de Groot (, p. ) the traditional three senses of statua Myronis (the statue p ...
... phenomena which generative grammarians would insist definitely are of syntactic importance. He claims, for example, that the traditional studies confuse difference of referents with differences of case uses. Thus, to de Groot (, p. ) the traditional three senses of statua Myronis (the statue p ...
Walenty: Towards a comprehensive valence dictionary of Polish
... Specification of nominal arguments includes information about their case. However, this is insufficient in Polish to uniquely determine grammatical subjects and objects: the former do not have to be nominal at all, but – depending on the verb – may sometimes be clausal or infinitival, the latter do ...
... Specification of nominal arguments includes information about their case. However, this is insufficient in Polish to uniquely determine grammatical subjects and objects: the former do not have to be nominal at all, but – depending on the verb – may sometimes be clausal or infinitival, the latter do ...
HSK Grammatical relations Primus
... that every sentence has a (possibly non-overt) subject. Motivations for dissociating the nominative-feature from the EPP-feature are nominative arguments in little vP, as in the there-construction in (5b) above, and in VP, as in the psych-verb construction in (6b) above. In these constructions, nomi ...
... that every sentence has a (possibly non-overt) subject. Motivations for dissociating the nominative-feature from the EPP-feature are nominative arguments in little vP, as in the there-construction in (5b) above, and in VP, as in the psych-verb construction in (6b) above. In these constructions, nomi ...
1 Non-nominative subjects in Hindi/Urdu VP
... similarities in Hindi/Urdu between ergative and other postpositional cases, and more importantly, their differences. The central difference is the distinction between a structural case (ergative) and lexical cases (dative and other cases selected by lexical cases), which in turn will follow in my an ...
... similarities in Hindi/Urdu between ergative and other postpositional cases, and more importantly, their differences. The central difference is the distinction between a structural case (ergative) and lexical cases (dative and other cases selected by lexical cases), which in turn will follow in my an ...
Eccentric Agreement and Multiple Case-Checking
... Among the exciting issues raised by the study of ergative systems is the extent to which they pose a challenge to claims made about universal grammar which are based on the study of nonergative languages. In this paper, we investigate a particularly puzzling construction—the spurious antipassive (he ...
... Among the exciting issues raised by the study of ergative systems is the extent to which they pose a challenge to claims made about universal grammar which are based on the study of nonergative languages. In this paper, we investigate a particularly puzzling construction—the spurious antipassive (he ...
full text pdf
... Case is a system of marking dependent nouns for the type of relationship they bear to their heads. Traditionally, the term refers to inflectional marking and, typically, case marks the relationship of a noun to a verb at clause level, or of noun to preposition, postposition or another noun at phrase ...
... Case is a system of marking dependent nouns for the type of relationship they bear to their heads. Traditionally, the term refers to inflectional marking and, typically, case marks the relationship of a noun to a verb at clause level, or of noun to preposition, postposition or another noun at phrase ...
PART I: Toba Batak Phrase Structure
... PM = person marker It is claimed that the deep and surface structures for active and passive clauses are precisely the same, so that despite different interpretations their constituent structure remains identical in both modes. In particular, there is no absorption of the so-called “external” theta ...
... PM = person marker It is claimed that the deep and surface structures for active and passive clauses are precisely the same, so that despite different interpretations their constituent structure remains identical in both modes. In particular, there is no absorption of the so-called “external” theta ...
Case, 20 Years Later* Yen-hui Audrey Li
... Nonetheless, such languages also have grammatical relations like subjects and objects, which typically appear in fixed positions. Structural relations are no less relevant in such languages. Not surprisingly, the theory of abstract Case, which governs the distribution of NPs (arguments) in relation ...
... Nonetheless, such languages also have grammatical relations like subjects and objects, which typically appear in fixed positions. Structural relations are no less relevant in such languages. Not surprisingly, the theory of abstract Case, which governs the distribution of NPs (arguments) in relation ...
Week 6a
... to handle problems like this. If V has a specifier feature that is not checked off before its last projection (VP), the requirement is “passed up the tree” to the next head (I), and becomes a requirement of I. Using this, we could say that if V has an Agent specifier feature, it can be passed up to ...
... to handle problems like this. If V has a specifier feature that is not checked off before its last projection (VP), the requirement is “passed up the tree” to the next head (I), and becomes a requirement of I. Using this, we could say that if V has an Agent specifier feature, it can be passed up to ...
Case Matching in Bavarian Relative Clauses: A
... I give-it the child (dat) who (nom) that with the cat plays ’I give it to the child who plays with the cat.’ ...
... I give-it the child (dat) who (nom) that with the cat plays ’I give it to the child who plays with the cat.’ ...
Unmarked Case
... treated as lacking a value for the CASE feature on the grounds of the use of nominative forms for left-dislocated constituents and nonagreeing predicate modifiers in Icelandic, as well as the lack of quirky nominative. However, approaches of this kind are the exception in generative work. While lack ...
... treated as lacking a value for the CASE feature on the grounds of the use of nominative forms for left-dislocated constituents and nonagreeing predicate modifiers in Icelandic, as well as the lack of quirky nominative. However, approaches of this kind are the exception in generative work. While lack ...
6 - Rutgers Optimality Archive
... on a case hierarchy. I will show below that the case hierarchies at work here are language particular hierarchies of surface case forms. The conception of case, as normally used in the literature, has two dimensions: the traditional usage of this notion refers to language particular systems of morph ...
... on a case hierarchy. I will show below that the case hierarchies at work here are language particular hierarchies of surface case forms. The conception of case, as normally used in the literature, has two dimensions: the traditional usage of this notion refers to language particular systems of morph ...
Deriving Behavior Specifications from Textual Use Cases
... lists of operations of conceptual objects and system sequence diagrams from (textual) use cases. In a sentence following the SVDPI pattern (premise 2), subject is the entity performing the action and the verb describes the action. Further, the direct object of the sentence describes the data being p ...
... lists of operations of conceptual objects and system sequence diagrams from (textual) use cases. In a sentence following the SVDPI pattern (premise 2), subject is the entity performing the action and the verb describes the action. Further, the direct object of the sentence describes the data being p ...
... be in the same clause. q-role assignment takes place at DS, after which movement rules (like head-movement from last time) apply. We can solve both problems at once by supposing that Mary moves from the embedded subject position at DS to the main clause subject position at SS. – DS: — is likely [Mar ...
... be in the same clause. q-role assignment takes place at DS, after which movement rules (like head-movement from last time) apply. We can solve both problems at once by supposing that Mary moves from the embedded subject position at DS to the main clause subject position at SS. – DS: — is likely [Mar ...