preliminary submission
RTF format
The Sentencing Reform Movement - Morrison Institute for Public Policy
The operation and experience of Multi
THE JOUR AL OF - The Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
What is a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)
Vol 5, Issue 2 - National Association of Sentencing Commissions
sentencing amendment (criminal conviction levy) bill 2015
SB 125 Written Testimony Daniel Diorio and Alison Lawrence
Social Learning Theory-
University Curriculum Committee
Title 17-A - Maine Legislature
transitional justice for tōjō`s japan: the united states role
The Law Review Sheet
Press Release
Summoning the Superheroes: Harnessing Science and Passion to
Social Media Policy Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania
The Debt Penalty
Second Chance Act
DWI and the B-Card - Minnesota House of Representatives
Drug-Free Workplace - Oklahoma State University