Operator Theory and Dirac Notation
On the quantum no-signalling assisted zero-error
On the Investigation of Quantum Evolution of a
On the importance of parallelism for quantum computation and the
On issue Is Faster-Than-Light Travel or Communication Possible?
Ohmic vs Markovian heat bath — two-page
Observation of quasiparticles with one
Numerical analysis of transmission coefficient, LDOS, and DOS in
notes on Bohr and the hydrogen spectrum
Nonlocal “realistic” Leggett models can be considered refuted by the
Noise and Decoherence in Quantum Two-Level Systems
New Type of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
New Spin-Orbit-Induced Universality Class in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime
Nature template - PC Word 97
Mutually exclusive and exhaustive quantum states
Lectures 1-2
Lecture notes, part 2
Lecture notes in Solid State 3 Eytan Grosfeld Introduction to Localization
Lecture notes in Solid State 3 Eytan Grosfeld
Lecture 21 - Laser Diodes - 2 - Outline •