Experiment 6
Experiment 5U: Kinetic Friction
Experiment 5: Newton`s Second Law
Experiment 5 The Simple Pendulum Reading:
Experiment 5 - Atwood`s Machine
Experiment 4 The Simple Pendulum Reading:
Experiment 4 Normal and Frictional Forces
Experiment 3: Newton`s 2nd Law
Experiment 2 Energy Transformations
experiment 2 - UniMAP Portal
Experiment 2
Experiment 13 The Motion of a Beach Ball in the Air
Experiment 13 Elastic Potential Energy of a Stretched
EXPERIMENT 11: Pulleys
Experiment 10 – The Work-Kinetic Energy
Experiment 1-F Ballistic Pendulum and Projectile Motion
EXPERIMENT 1- Measurements and Accuracy
Experiment 1 - 6. Motion of spring pendulum
Experiment #2: Newton`s Second Law–Constant Force
EXPERIMENT # 3: Analog Simulation of a First