an Internet-Based Cohort of Pediatric IBD
An International Phase 3 Multicenter
An International Comparative Analysis of Blood
An Interesting Case of Cardiac Amyloidosis Initially Diagnosed as
An Interdisciplinary Program for the Management of Spasticity
An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals
An Interactional Structure of Medical Activities During Acute Visits
An Integrative Model of Pediatric Medical
An Integrative Guide to Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
An Integrative Approach to Inflammatory Bowel
An Integrative Approach to GERD
An Integrative Approach to Depression Handouts
An integrated, ontology-driven approach to constructing
An integrated model involving sleep units apnoea
An integrated model for disease state management (DSM) in
an integrated care pathway for C1 inhibitor deficiency
An Integrated Approach to Infectious Diseases
An Insight into Ebola Virus: WHO Update
An insertion mutation of the CHRNA4 gene in a
an innovative dosage form for quick release “orally disintegrating films”