Poverty and climate change: assessing impacts in developing
Post-2012 Issues under the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol
Paleoclimatology- Window to the Future? David J. Nicosia Warning Coordination Meteorologist
Low-Carbon Development in Southeast Asia
Overlooked Issues in the Climate Change Debate Professor Roger A. Pielke Sr.
of H.G. Brauch (26 November 2007) - AFES
The Global Weather, Climate and Water Enterprise: Helping to build Resilient Communities
Urban Sustainability and Some of its Emerging New Critical Challenges
Case Study Presentation - Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and
60 years of average annual temperature rise
Adaptation to climate change: the attitude and behaviour of rice
global climate change - Lakeland Regional High School
Content Area: Science
PPT presentation - Upper San Pedro Partnership
IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
AAWG Conference Abstracts 2014
A New Global Climate Change Treaty – Can Humanity Deliver
Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Climate
Prince Edward Island and Climate Change