Effects of vicariant barriers, habitat stability, population isolation and
Effects of Pleistocene environmental changes on the
Effects of natural phenomena and human activity on the
Effects of invasive alien kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) on
Effects of interspecific competition, predation, and their interaction
Effects of habitat area, isolation, and landscape diversity
Effects of habitat and substrate complexity on
Effects of Forest Fire Protection on Plant Diversity in a Tropical
Effects of Cattle Grazing on the Food Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan
Effects of bottom trawling on the benthic assemblages in the south
Effects of a nuclear power plant thermal discharge on habitat
Effective Population Size, Gene Flow, and Species Status in a
Effect of soil drying on growth, biomass allocation and leaf gas
Effect of salinity on growth of juvenile Yarra pygmy perch
Effect of Allegheny Mound Ant - Annals of the Entomological Society
effect cause a famous actor`s movies are no longer popular a
EEA activities. Europe Overseas
EE 010 601 Power Generation and Distribution
EDITORIAL Asian Agamid lizards - The Journal of Asian Biodiversity
Groups of living things interact within ecosystems.