Rules and Regulations of the Department of Biology and Medical
Rules and Regulations of the Department of Biology and Medical
Revised SpongeBob Genetics Quiz
The Evolution of GABAA Receptor–Like Genes
The Development of Sex - The Permanente Journal
The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Teacher Materials - Scope, Sequence, and Coordination
Syndrome Review 1: Autosomal Trisomies and Sex Chromosome
What can our chromosomes tell us
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Submission on the ethics of genetic selection against
Student Notes
Structural and numerical changes of chromosome X in
Sry: the master switch in mammalian sex determination
Specialist Review Epigenetic variation: amount, causes, and
The Y-chromosomal and autosomal testis
The PEG13-DMR and brain-specific enhancers dictate imprinted
the origin of new genes: glimpses from the young