Plant species traits are the predominant control on
Plant species traits and capacity for resource reduction predict yield
Plant Species Suitability For Restoration
Plant species richness increases the spatial stability of litter mass in
Plant species provide vital ecosystem functions for sustainable
Plant species loss decreases arthropod diversity and shifts trophic structure
Plant Species Effects on Diversity and Weed Invasion Resistance in
plant species diversity in natural and managed forests of the pacific
Plant Species Diversity in a Grassland Plant Community:
Plant Species Diversity and Management of Temperate Forage and
Plant species attributes and spacial patterns of regeneration in
Plant Speciation - Personal Web Pages
Plant secondary metabolites
Plant root symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: patterns of
Plant Responses to Multiple Environmental Factors
Plant responses to livestock grazing frequency in an Australian
Plant Responses to Global Environmental Change
plant responses to defoliation: a physiological, morphological and
Plant responses and Animal behaviour
Plant protectors - Sound Native Plants