DNA fingerprinting in anthropological genetics: past, present, future
Germline acquisition of Cas9/RNA-mediated gene
Family genome browser: visualizing genomes with pedigree
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes for Mummy Berry
Identification and Analysis of Deleterious Human SNPs
Table 1 Primers and annealing temperature of genes
Systematic biases in DNA copy number originate - Eriba
SUPPLEMENTAL METHODS Library preparation and sequencing
Properties and rates of germline mutations in humans
Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing of Mitochondria from Ancient
Whole-Genome Characterization of Human and Simian
Variation in genome-wide mutation rates within and between human
University Requirements - Natural Sciences Advising
Understanding Atomic Interactions to Achieve Well-being
Towards a taxonomic coherence between average nucleotide
Toward understanding the evolution of vertebrate gene regulatory
Slide 1
The Role of Plant Genomics in Biotechnology
The importance of phase information for human genomics
- Wiley Online Library