A probabilistic disease-gene finder for personal
A phylogeny-based sampling strategy and power calculator informs genome-wide associations
A Novel Method for Identifying Length Variations of Short Tandem
A neural network designed to solve the N-Queens Problem
A Monarchy Deposed: The Demise of the Monarch Butterfly Daniel
A Method for the Identification of Variants in Alzheimer`s Disease
A method for the identification of variants in Alzheimer`s disease
A High-Throughput Strategy for Dissecting
A High-Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Map for
A Hidden Markov Model Approach for Simultaneously
A Glimpse of the Future What are soft x-rays anyway?
a genus-wide study of nuclear ribosomal DNA in Asclepias
A genomic and evolutionary approach reveals non-genetic drug resistance in malaria
A genome-wide survey of structural variation between
A genome-wide screen for noncoding elements important in primate
A Genome Sequence Resource for the Aye-Aye
A Frameshift Mutation in KIT is Associated with White
A field ornithologist`s guide to genomics: Practical
A draft genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death
A Comprehensive Resequence Analysis of the KLK15–KLK3–KLK2 Locus on Chromosome 19q13.33
A CNGB1 Frameshift Mutation in Papillon and Phale`ne Dogs