Detection of Intraspecific.DNA Sequence Variation in the
Declaring a tuberculosis outbreak over with genomic epidemiology
Genomics and the future of conservation genetics
GCAT-SEEK - Lycoming College
Introduction to biophysics of receptors. Biophysics of
Marine Microbial Metagenomics: From Individual to the
Unstable Inheritance of 45S rRNA Genes in
type poliovirus - WHO Western Pacific Region
SomamiR: a database for somatic mutations impacting microRNA
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Using Aspergillus nidulans To Identify Antifungal Drug Resistance
Acfs: accurate circRNA identification and quantification from RNA
A genome-wide screen for noncoding elements important in primate
2015 Workshop Description
Assessing Alfalfa Stands - Midwest Forage Association
Article - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Application of single-cell RNA sequencing in optimizing a
A genomic and evolutionary approach reveals non-genetic drug resistance in malaria
A genome-wide survey of structural variation between