Hubble`s Classification of Galaxies (PDF version)
Hubble Types components while irregulars are dominated by young stars
HST Frontier Fields - HubbleSOURCE
How to kill a galaxy - University of Waterloo
How do we know?? = (apparent brightness) x distance Luminosity Apparent brightness:
How do stars orbit in our galaxy?
How different was the Universe at z=1?
Homing in on Black H..
Homework sheet 12 - Egyptian Language School
Homework #8 - Leslie Looney
Homework #1 Questions
Highligh in Physics 2005
High-z Universe – cont`d
Here there will be a copy of the class lecture notes
Here - ECASD
Here - Cornell Astronomy
Heirarchies and Scales
handout - Travels in Time
Habitability: Earth to Universe But could we recognize life?